To tickle your Ashkenazi funny bone:

What is Jewish History? — “They tried to kill us, we survived, let’s eat.”

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When I run into Anti-Semites, I like to point out that for around 3500 years people have been trying to Kill The Jews. And with a notable Lack of success. I also point out that Maybe They have..Outside Help.

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Those people generally believe history began two minutes prior to their births. With no hindsight there is no foresight.

And sad to say, they have, from time to time, successfully Killed the Jew (see Bogdan Khmelnitski, Yahya Sinwar, inter alia).

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10 hrs ago·edited 10 hrs agoLiked by Sheryl Longin

What's the difference between Trump and a reformed Jew? Trump has Jewish grandchildren. People like Coleman are JINOs

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5 hrs agoLiked by Sheryl Longin

Love this!!

The Colemans of this world are Democrats first, and Jews only when convenient. The party is their religion. They are the Yevsetskaya ‘Jews’ of the US - and will be dealt with the same way their traitorous Communist predecessors were.

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You’ve hit the nail on the head, MM. The list of Yevsektsiyas in this country, as well as Israel, is a long one.

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Do you have a list of the member states that voted for, against and in abstensions? I was the founder of TN Against Common Core so I am very familiar with the demon David Colemen. We also tried to fight his rewrite of AP US History but obviously to no avail.

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The only fault I find, your bombast isn't broad enough. Not only the UN but also the EU and sadly the US.

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First, the UN isn't just a joke but a corrupted failure that needs to be disbanded, or at best reconstituted without the current security council structure.

Second, those who write history are injecting their views from a biased perspective creating taken as true fiction.

Third, novel idea for a comedy sitcom that should have pushed all the right buttons in Hollywood but probably scared them more.

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Hollywood has had no sense of humor for a long time. Hope an independent studio will give your script a try - if done properly, "The Peacemaker" would surely be a hit! I LOVE the character descriptions...

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On its best day, the UN is a joke…

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"This time, as is often the case, it’s Israel that finds itself the target of the bloated grifting bullies, I mean diplomats."

No you were right the 1st time. bloated grifting bullies

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The United Nations is a rouse for misguided and bad actors pretending to do good things.

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In the Resolution link I found the list of the vote. THANKS

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The United States should withdraw from any United Nations funding or support of any kind. The organization is the most corrupt in the world, even more than the WHO. And, they provide NO VALUE at all. It may have been a good idea after WWII, but not anymore.

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The "United Nations" is nothing but a cabal of Satanically deluded & worthless embusques (*),

without any socially or politically redeeming value. Like a part of the old definition of something

which is considered to be "obscene". The UN is a cesspool of every human depravity.

(*) Embusqué

Someone who avoids military conscription or service by obtaining a government job. A shirker.

Embusquer, a person who lays in ambush waiting to attack.

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"How did we end up with student protestors on campuses all over the nation defending rape, torture and murder? I’m looking at you, David Coleman."

Hegel, Wokeness, and the Dialectical Faith of Leftism


May 28, 2021 The New Discourses Podcast with James Lindsay

The New Discourses Podcast with James Lindsay, Episode 37

Is Critical Race Theory Marxist, as many insist, or is it not? What is the relationship between Marxism, neo-Marxism (Critical Theory), and Wokeness? All three criticize one another, and yet all three have a great deal obviously in common. Is there some common underlying thread between these clearly similar yet obviously different worldviews? The answer is yes, and by tracing back to one of the most influential speculative idealist philosophers of the early 19th century, namely George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, we can gain a great deal of insight into how these decidedly leftist movements—the Marxist Old Left, the neo-Marxist New Left, and the intersectional Woke Left—share at least one deeper philosophical architecture in common. From Hegel, the Left since his time has, wittingly and not, adopted several of the pillars of Hegelian philosophy, these including his statism, historicism, and, much more importantly, his dialectical approach and metaphysical worldview. In this episode of the New Discourses Podcast, James Lindsay takes a long, deep dive into the ways that Hegel's philosophy is at the root of the entire "Dialectical Left" since, naming the dialectic the "operating system" of all activist Leftism since the early 1800s.


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