Democrats are trying to gaslight the American people into thinking that Trump doesn't have a track record as president from which we can evaluate his probable performance if re-elected. Therefore, their efforts to redefine him as an imminent dictator shouldn't be effective outside of their own sheeple. It's a asinine strategy, but one which might work on an electorate with a room-temperature, aggregate political I.Q.

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Firstly, you are overestimating the requirement of IQ to understand that Trump’s witticisms are merely part of his persona and are nothing more than exaggerations and, as you say “funny” quips. But they do open him up to the opponents use of sound bites to attack him. With 90%+ of media being controlled by his opposition, the dialog is controlled and supported. The influence, hell the governance of Obama is obvious as he did not pack up and leave DC after his terms (I believe that is a first for modern day if not all prior presidents) and Biden basically replicated his former administration - yes, the same incompetent buffoons. You can bet that whatever the Dems are accusing Trump of is exactly what they are doing.

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Trump will never learn to be verbally continent. I believe the word for this is logorrhea, but R.L. Simon (or Cheryl) are the better judges.

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Part of Trump’s attraction is his bravado and lack of decorum in many situations. He will never change his language as it is part of his core and ego. His follows interpret what he says, his detractors spin what he says.

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As difficult as it is to understand, Obama appears to want to destroy the USA. I guess being President is the best location to accomplish that, and he got his wish. It was just his bad luck that America is such a large and strong economy that he could not accomplish his goal in one term. But he did manage to cause us to split into smaller tribal groups, and set one group against another. Now it is his hope to be succeeded by Biden and Harris -- two people with such little intellectual heft that he could still pull their strings with no resistance from them. It's a fiendish plot, and it is working. Does anyone still believe he is a light-bringer?

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The light-bringer is also known as the Light-Bearer, Lucifer.

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Why should he? I work with business executives who make Trump look humble and they are great people; recognizing and discarding hyperbole is a must around such folks.

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I don’t disagree with you or Clyde Hayes. You understand metaphors and hyperbole; words that are used for bigger mental pictures. I‘m just saying his choice, at times, should be more anodyne to the listening public who look at the world through the dominate culture. He’s dealing with people who believe Bruce Jenner’s name is…whatever.


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Another spot on observation RS. It is unfortunate that the majority of the citizens that need to read and hear the truth either do not have access to it or, worst of all, have shut their eyes and ears to it. It is important though, that those who have words of truth continue to share them. Thanks for being one of those stalwarts.

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The role of alternative media is critical in combatting rampant propaganda from the Left (which owns all of MSM).

Also believe it is far easier to manipulate using voice and video than via text. Reading engages multiple sides of the cerebral cortex which improves comprehension.

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Most Americans don't want to think much about politics; they'll largely vote on their feelings, informed by what their (mostly disengaged) friends say. The primary cultural institutions in the country (the schools, artistic community, media) are Democrat-dominated, and they set the cultural tone in which our elections are conducted. It's only when Americans are hurting and looking to blame Washington DC (not undeservedly) that they pay attention to the issues and think a little harder about their vote. It may still have to get worse before it gets better (which is why the Dem strategy was to implement their agenda aggressively right away after the inaugurations of Mr. Soetero and Mr. Biden, then gradually back slightly away so the pain their policies created were somewhat diminished and the trends somewhat positive as the elections for the desired second term approached). The press reporting is all about how gas prices are better and the economic numbers look good (with no mention made of the fact that gas prices are still around 40% higher than under Trump, that the massive inflation of the first half of the Biden Administration has slowed to 30% or so more than under Trump, and that many of the economic numbers trumpeted by the press turned out to have been fiction, with the corrected figures given quietly and much later).

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2012 was the tipping point for America. Barry got a taste for power and decided he wanted its absolute form. The only way to accomplish that was through the deal he signed with Satan, or George Soros, as the case may be. From a half-white doper to king of the world, not bad for a little-known rabble rouser. Suffice it to say, if he had his way all women would wear hajibs and speak only when spoken to, which is why he married a man.

Selecting Kama kameleon must have been a hard sell for his handlers, but to accomplish the destruction of western society, no sacrifice is too great. Appointing Hillarious to sell out America was the ultimate insult to the country, as she and Billy have been at that for decades. All. In. The. Name. Of. Greed. God save us all.

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Spot on, as usual. Do you have an explanation for why the voting public can't seem to see when they are being duped?

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It's called being brainwashed.

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B.H. Obama, aka Barry Soetoro, is a citizen de jure, but not de facto.

While born in Hawaii, his early years were in Indonesia thence a private school in our 50th State being tutored, on the side, by Frank Marshall Davis an unrepentant communist and America hater (and a pornographer on the side, but that may be apocryphal). A golem was created and the die was cast by the age of 18. I gleam from the aforementioned the old adage, “a cat born in a stable doesn’t make it a horse”.

He truly hates Western Civilization and Israel, which are the twins of everything good and must be sustained else it is the end, my friends. What was fabian in nature seems to be accelerating. Witness France, Germany, Sweden, UK, and now our beautiful America. Am I insane or hyperbolic?

God, I hope so…

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Obama directing from an undisclosed location also provides him with something his ego would require - the blame for the destruction caused by Democrat policies goes to someone else. His notoriously thin skin wouldn’t tolerate the opprobrium that would be pointed at him, if he were the known architect.

The only thing in opposition to this scenario is that Dear Leader is also terribly lazy. Rousing oneself to destroy a nation is more work than he typically does.

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Kamala's joyride seems to have taken a wrong turn—she’s revving up for a dictatorship in a car built for, well, exactly that. Maybe someone should remind her that driving with 'Joy' doesn’t mean steering us all into a brick wall of irony.


The KdF-Wagon is no joke. The Nazis used the concept of JOY as a political tool, weaving it into their propaganda and social programs to control and manipulate the population. The idea was to create a sense of national unity and collective happiness that aligned with the Nazi ideology, fostering loyalty to the regime and masking the darker realities of their policies. The Volkswagen Beetle, originally known as the KdF-Wagen (Strength Through Joy Car), was a symbol of Nazi propaganda. The regime promised affordable cars to the masses, reinforcing the idea that everyone in Nazi Germany could enjoy the fruits of the regime's successes. While few cars were actually delivered to the public before the war, the promise of ownership contributed to the illusion of prosperity and happiness under Nazi rule.

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I find when Democrats accuse Republicans of doing something, they are actually engaged actively in pursuing that activity themselves

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Couldn’t agree more with you!! I have been saying all along that he is the puppeteer moving the strings of the democrats in the White House and the present “policies “ of the Democrats

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I had a private revelation on election night 2008…”History will record that the election of Barack Obama was the biggest mistake the American people ever made.”

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America is now a banana republic oligarchy. Obama, while influential, is just one of many among them. I tend to think that John Brennan is even more dangerous.

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Couldn't agree more ab out Brennan, RNO. He looks and acts ike a member of the Politburo circa 1958. But remember who appointed him to his key intelligence position in our country--one Barack H. Obama. He knew perfectly well what he was doing.

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As soon as newly sworn-in President Joe Biden announced his declaration against the former President Donald J. Trump in January2021, my resp0nse was, "Hello again, Obsms. You are back to accomplish what you didn't get to from January 2017-January 2021"!

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P.S.-Great article Roger, keep em' coming.

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Obama is a dictator and has always been. One with an overinflated ego to boot. If we let him, he will destroy this country. Kamala is just his puppet and will do whatever he says but he pulls the strings. They have hated Trump from the beginning. Simply because he was smart enough to figure them out.

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