Roger, I have been a regular reader of your posts since you began them. I have yet to find a point of disagreement with you. I cannot fathom the lunacy of the thinking behind our administrations relentless cajoling of Netanyahu for a cease fire. This is either clueless incompetence or complicity. I have read, and agree, that layered incompetence is intent. As a Chrisitan, I stand with Israel and all Jews in their fight against the forces of evil arrayed against them. I try not to forget which side God is on when I begin to despair. I hope it finds a wide readership and I will do my best to share.



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". . .clueless incompetence or complicity." The word 'and' fits nicely in place of 'or'.

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14 hrs agoLiked by Roger Simon

What a terrific article…scary but so filled with truth!

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Bibi, the leader everyone loves to hate has been able to guide the Jewish State between Scylla and Charybdis and is now giving the feckless Western leaders an example of what leadership looks like! Remember, it’s the lead dog that has teeth marks on its behind.

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". . .it’s the lead dog that has teeth marks on its behind." We sure know where NOT to look for teeth marks -- Biden's butt.

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Netanyahu has been steadfast--and despised by Clinton who sent Carville to defeat him; by Obama who has embraced Iran. And now the Obama third term Blinken and rat's nest of unregistered Iran agents. Hundreds of millions in oil dollars for the Ayatollah, with only a rude rebuff of Israel--it's as plain as the Grand Mufti of Martha's Vineyard allied with the dictator in Tehran. Trump is coming with a rising of resistors from their engineered isolation. The Wicked Witch of San Francisco bared her fangs at Jesus--after President Hollow Man "had a come to Jesus talk" with Israel's prime minister. The betrayal by Jimmy Carter will end its arc come November. There will be no place for the Ayatollah to hide. Here endeth this modest acknowledgement of your perfect pitch prophecy.

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I pray you are right.

And that should Trump win, that he strips the security clearances of so many of these folks that have worked against our own, and the world's interests. It is unbelievable that the Biden admin has (not sure it is even had, yet, despite what has been found by the FBI) Iranian operatives (Kagan I believe is one) in positions of seniority.

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Excellent article. I can't think of any Western leader who possesses anywhere near the courage and character of Netanyahu.

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Thanks for another great article, and hope to be able to see this documentary. The fact is there is a concerted effort by the globalists to wreak havoc upon the entire west through the use of useful idiots like the LGBTQ community - how do you rally for a group that would execute you in a heartbeat if given the chance. Open borders, racial hatred, and economic chaos (interesting how there are so many food catastrophes over the past couple of years) have divided countries and destroyed the social fabric thereof. Lincoln was in fact correct, no country will ever destroy the US, but the country could be torn apart by internal divides. I trust the American voters will finally wake up to the threat and vote GOP in November. Clearly, the Dems are tired of playing the long game and believe this is their time to takeover - let’s hope they are wrong.

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My Jewish friends in my town will be voting for Kamala.....suicide or masochists. I can't decide which

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The truth, at last! Thank you so much, Roger!

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I continue to read every word you write with much appreciation and anticipation (you have any thoughts scribbled on napkins you can share). The world needs Bono and it needs Trump. Trump campaign continually asks if we and the country are better off now than four years ago. A good question for which we know the answer. But should not we also ask, is the world better off now than four years ago?

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Great post, Roger.

Anecdotally, I have an American Israeli sis in law who has lived in Israel for going on 50 years. She hates BB like the left hates Trump. Even now when (I think) he's shown extraordinary leadership. She said for the first time ever, she doesn't like living in Israel anymore. I think a lot of it has to do with the fact she and her family are not religious and 100% resent the involvement of the religious in the government. I have to compare and contrast this attitude to Naomi Ragen, another Israeli American. She writes an almost daily blog of the war, is religious, and believes G-d is on their side and that Israel will prevail. Let's hope so!

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Roger, how can I help promote awareness of the film?

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I just saw that Israel’s plan of attack on Iran was leaked from a US agency.

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Loathsome though it may be, Tehran is not the head of the snake. That is to be found in London, Paris, Berlin and DC. Iran wants to be a Great Power again but has a long way to go. The real power and threat to Western Civilization lies in those other places.

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Well, Roger, you succeeded in getting my blood up. Hopefully, BB never listens to anything which issues forth from the mouth of the babbling hair-sniffer.

At least the nuke facilities if not the oil fields should be the FIRST targets in retribution for the Iranian missile attack. The latter is what funds the former so taking out both would be the perfect coup d'etat. If that didn't get Khomeini ousted, I'm not certain what would.

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Spellcheck got, I definitely didn’t mean Bono, of course I meant Bibi.

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Rick, you win Substack prize for most hilarious typo.

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Kamla Harris=Commander in Chief! If this happens ALL of us have a better chance of seeing God than hoping for inspiration, motivation, persuasion and encouragement.... the basics for sound leadership in my opinion.

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