Oct 17Liked by Roger Simon

Great article (as usual), Roger. And Sinwar was on the last leg to escape from Gaza into Egypt displaying his cowardice character, leaving his fellow terrorists to carry on their demonic Jihad against Israel. He had in his clothing lots of cash and false identification documents. He probably was eventually headed to American Universities as their guest of the century.

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Oct 17Liked by Roger Simon

Having dealt with UN organizations during my years of working in Africa, I can unequivocally state that entity needs to be disbanded immediately. It is not only the most corrupt organization in the world, but actually works to create chaos in the world versus its original charter to maintain peace. The fact that the US and its allies fund the vast majority of UN activities and gets zero return is proof enough to get the hell out.

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Oh good grief! How can it be? No, in all truth, we should not be surprised. UN peacekeepers are routinely criticized for rape, theft, and other things that are warcrimes. The UN Is a place without a soul. Kick them out of NY? Well there's a thought that we're better off keeping them close so we know what evil they're up to. But in balance, I'm good and ready to see them leave NY.

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The U N needs to find another sugar daddy and move out of our country. It has gone way past its usefulness for good people. Think how much we’ll save in tax dollars spent on this agency not to mention how many criminals will be moved to other countries. No more diplomatic immunity for the criminal persons tied to the UN. 🙌🏻❤️🇺🇸❤️

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Maybe now the death can stop in the south. Next is making the north safe and reducing the threat from that evil country to the West three countries over.

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Without doubt our huge contributions to the UN should be cut (preferably eliminated, but I think that unlikely to occur).

The UN acts inimitably to our interests and obviously to our ally, Israel. It is a creaky artifact based on the original progressive's--Woodrow Wilson--idea of how to create a more peaceful world. Predictably such enterprises deny the essence of human nature.

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The UN has warts, but is the Only international Parliament /Congress.

Imagine a world with None!

This despite it seeming to have as much power to control world rulers as Congress does to control Presidents.

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Lorne I couldn't disagree with you more and I ws a big fan of the UN as a boy. In fact, it was personnel because my father was one of the first doctors involved with WHO and I spent a lot of time accompanying him to the Secretariat Building when I was 7 or 8. I thought it was the coolest thing in the world . It went sour pretty fast--and not just because countries like Iran were dominating the Human Rights Council. It was a global center of corruption. Look just the Oil-for-Food Program during the Iraq War for starters. There's a lot more than that but that might be beginning. I could go on. Maybe take a look ash the UN Watch site.

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Check out the votes and actions of the UN. UN Peacekeeping forces famously ineffective. The desire to appear to support the 3rd world acts, in reality against their citizens interests. Hard pass.

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Again - Excellent!!!

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Evict the current crop of Star Wars Bar Scene creatures and turn it into a veterans residence. UN ambulances have long been weapons carriers. Stop the charade--the UN was a Soviet gambit from the start. Wilson and the League of Nations? Farcical Kabuki.

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17 hrs ago·edited 17 hrs ago

It would be very difficult to find a call to action I agree with more.

Shut it down.

The UN is mostly evil and has been from day one.

So was the League of Nations.

Both nefarious shadow-empires emerged from one source, which is even more evil.

Woodrow Wilson was immortalized in Davos for his allegiance to that evil over and above any pretense of loyalty to the USA.

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The Jewish people always come up winners! Is that because they are God's chose people? I believe so and our prayers for them doesn't hurt! They are, for sure, the smartest people on earth!

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“Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

John 8:32

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