17 hrs agoLiked by Roger Simon

Thank you, Roger, for recognizing the error of your ways in criticizing Brett Baier before his interview. Your criticism had me worried, and I thought about it several times during the interview, wondering if you were seeing the same interview I was.

Clearly you were.

Harris will still get at least 45% of the vote, proving once again the prescience of P.T. Barnum's comment about suckers being born every minute. And a large part of that 45% will march in the streets (without the pink hats this time) and shriek and tell the NYTimes this is the end of civilization as we know it and the Constitution will be shredded. That's what they'll say, and they'll be wrong.

But Trump will have his hands full. I am hopeful he will clean out the top level of the Executive Branch completely and quickly, instead of leaving people like Vindman in the NSC. I am also hopeful he will stop telling us how badly he's been treated and set about the real job of preventing war in the ME, in Ukraine, and in the western Pacific.

I am hopeful he will name a new director of the FBI with the mandate of reining that bureau in. I hope too that a new Attorney General will drop all the charges against him and that Trump will put that in the rearview mirror -- not talk about retribution. I hope that a new Secretary of Defense can clean out all the virtue signaling in the DOD and get our military back to defending our borders. I hope that a new Secretary of State can convince our allies to establish priorities other than fighting climate change for the next decade. And I sincerely hope that a new Homeland Security chief can make our borders real again, not just a revolving door for everyone everywhere who wants to take advantage of an overly generous Uncle Sam.

All of that might be too much to hope for, but in anticipation of a new Trump administration, I am going to start out with that on my "hope for" list.

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Yes, Brett was tough but fair. If Kamala can’t handle that, how can she handle the real world, which is tough and unfair.

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15 hrs agoLiked by Roger Simon

Obama’s grand plan to serve a third and fourth term meant he could only have an idiot for a sock puppet but this plan has backfired on him.

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I like your conclusion Roger: hold on tight and "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths," from Solomon's proverb chapter 3, verse 5 and 6.

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Praise the Lord, and pass the ammunition.

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Amen. One could hope that those that have made politics their religion will reconsider, rather than throwing a tantrum if the results aren't as they prefer

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17 hrs ago·edited 17 hrs ago

If only the democrats had put someone with knowledge, with honesty, with a proven record on their primary……you know….someone like Trump!!! Tulsi was there and a proven winner as she beat harris in the primaries. The fault, my friends, is not in the stars but in the regime’s “leadership”. TDS is a real mental illness, and it is found in every nook and cranny where democrats are found. We who are free of any such derangement MUST get out to vote and help put our country back on the right and just track. And I agree with your comments about Brett Bair. I was more than pleasantly surprised by his steadfastness to get an answer from harris. However the 20 minutes he actually had-not the 30 Harris’s team agreed to—he was able to show us her aggressive, nasty, lying side.

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And every nook and cranny where GOPe are found.

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My "hope" is the same as Flier's comments but I have concerns that the lawfare will never end and cripple Trump's attempt at governing and reconciling the 48% that did not vote him. TDS is real and Halperin's warning needs to be taken seriously.

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Lawfare can work both ways. Musk is the King of fighting back in the courts.

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I agree. If I were ever in a debacle like Trump is, I would want him on my side!

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I, too, was very skeptical of Brett Baier. Seemed to me, he leaned on the "other side." While I did not watch this interview, I have seen the comments, and quarterbacking of those that did, and it certainly does not sound good for her chances. But I also know never to underestimate the lengths that democrats will go to, to hold onto power. The only thing I can say, is: "praise God for His mercy, and wisdom that He shows us every day."

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I will play devil's advocate here. Some of her answers if distilled to soundbites and edited to pair with Baier's question will sound plausible. Also, because confirmation bias is so terribly strong (I succumb to it myself) people will selectively hear what they want to hear.

That being said, I agree, she's horrible. One thing that came out in the interview that hasn't been said is that Kamala Harris is totally annoying. If the rare undecided/independent voter took that from the interview, it will register in the voting booth

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The voice...like fingernails on a chalkboard

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That's why it is very important that Trump win in a landslide.

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You're a solid human Mr.Simon. Apology accepted on behalf of Brett😁.

I am more hopeful that Trump will win and that he will have a congress to work with. If he does, I believe that with his knowledge gained and a solid team of experienced qualified people on his side, Trump will start making good things happen fast! Pray God this is the case!

I believe so strongly that I did not fill my oil tank for winter, believing that prices will begin their fall in January😂🤞🏻🙏👍🏻

Keep yp the great writing Mr. Simon!

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It's probably too late to replace her now. They should have pushed Biden out before the primaries, but they didn't.

There is one thing I have noticed over the years, and I think it is a serious part of Harris' problem: when a state, city or area gets too dominated by one party, it weakens their politicians. Having solid competition when running for office tends to produce more capable candidates in the long run. Someone who has had a seat in Congress, or a mayor's job, in a securely Democrat area decides to run for Senate or governor, where they have to convince people all over the state to vote for them--and they flop. Colin All- red running against Cruz may be an example of this; his debate with Cruz this week did not go well for him. And California Democrats may struggle running for national office. Newsom supposedly has a yen to run for president; I doubt if it will go well for him, either. Biden only won because the TDS allowed him to get away with cheating in a few states.

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Great piece, Roger. In other words, part of the country will be mentally ill … for the duration, so to speak.

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Enjoyed your viewpoint as always Roger, however, and I am sorry to admit once again, that it has not changed my fatalistic philosophy at this point in our history. (Same applies to the Jets and Giants this season!!) I will continue to request for divine intervention on my daily retiree walks for our country, our military the Jets, Giants and Mets!! (Sorry Yankee fans, my dad would roll over in his grave as he was a diehard Met fan!) At least I try to inject some humor into this political debacle we are now facing. God bless America, our military and our Veterans.

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Jim, I sense you are accepting of this: There is one true God. He in His infinite wisdom (which us humans don’t always understand) is in control. My hope is the same as yours, that He will ultimately prevail.

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The Jets are becoming the Indians (Guardians) of the NFL.

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Amen Flier!

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Re Halperin's belief in a mental health crisis in reaction to a Trump win, after 2020 the other "half" of the populace experienced a new understanding of our government and Democrats in power. For me it was a combination of red pilling and mourning the death of my illusions. We have had 4 years to prepare to face our opponent's reactions. I think mental health, in this instance, is something of a misnomer. This is significantly spiritual turmoil.

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Desperate people do desperate things.

Will Biden remain President until January 20, or will he be pushed aside again for someone else more palatable to Obama to be installed?

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If he is pushed aside, the Veep will become President for the rest of the term.

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And how much chaos do you think the Obamaistas can sow in ten weeks?

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Sometimes I'm not sure if you're joking, Roger. Of course she won't withdraw. (a) The Fox interview was a minor blip and (b) the VP's base was pleased with her performance in their perceived Lion's Den of Faux News. Which was more like the den of a tamed pussy, Bret Baier.

The written questions were good, though he lowered his eyes to read them too often. His response to her interruptions and filibuster was not. Stopping to say "yes, ma'am" just didn't cut it. He should have lifted his lapel microphone closer to his mouth (her voice was coming in louder and stronger than his) and told her that he wanted answers to his questions, or she could just get up and leave if she had no intention of answering them. "Answer the questions or take a walk!"

Baier and Fox's paid sycophants who kept telling Bret what a great job he'd done were all a disgrace. You could tell by Baier's apologetic post-interview tone that he knew he'd lost control. "Why are you avoiding a direct answers to the questions?" would have helped, but a barrage of factual rebuttals (like those offered by Laura Ingraham and Sean Hannity later that night on Fox) would have been better.

I'm not too worried about this election at this point, but to broaden our appeal shouldn't we lose the Hosanna singing from our side? Not very persuasive in an increasingly secular world. Separation of church and state is the only issue package the other side wins.

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