My female perspective--and it is quite simple: A girl becomes a woman when she unequivocally stands up for herself; she becomes a mother when she unequivocally stands up for her child; and likewise, the head of a country becomes a great leader when he proudly and unequivocally stands up for his people.

Our highest purpose is living a truthful and loving life. Anyone who gets in the way of that is our enemy.

Sometimes we can just walk away. But when we can't--Bibi is right. Enough is enough.

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Very nicely said BBS. A man must always be a man even when he is a boy.

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Austin was kept out of the loop because Obama's winged monkeys are the Ayatollah's moles. See Kerry Stopped Worrying and Loved the Iran Bomb.

Netanyahu is the example of a national leader in time of crisis. America has had Washington and Lincoln. England had Churchill and Thatcher.

The current nest of snakes on the Potomac demands Israel commit suicide. Trump masterfully designed and built a road to peace--which did not go near the Swamp of the Two-State Solution.

The U.S. killed its 35th president for a decade's land war in Asia--despite MacArthur's warning. His instinct was to finish Mao; just as Patton's was to finish Stalin.

Three towers, two wars, two decades and the US left the field to the barbarians and the ChiCom foe--and now the Dem VP nominee is its cheerleader, while its appointed presidential candidate is Israel's enemy--as well as that of this Republic.

Treason seems to prosper in California, but when New York's top mayor objects, he is targeted for lawfare. America is awakening to the omnidirectional war--not "The Tomorrow War", but today's. Benjamin Netanyahu, Javier Milei, and Donald Trump: despised by the Evil Empire now masquerading as the moderate defender of democracy.

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Everyone loves to hate Netanyahu but he is the only leader who has been able to guide the Jewish State between the Scylla that is the antisemitic world represented by the UN and the Charybdis that is Israel’s so called allies. If only we in America had such leadership. Am Yisrael Chai!

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Scylla and Charybdis: Great metaphors!

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Scylla and Charybdis! I love it!!

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Great article Roger. Once again you put things in perspective for the average Joe to understand and I don’t mean Biden.

Yalla Yalla Nasralla is now with Allah!

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If Trump wins and imitates Mileil, he will go down as one of the greatest Presidents ever.

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Mr. Roger Simon.....you are a breath of fresh air in this darkened world which has been created by incompetency of the current leadership in so many of the countries of the world----especially in this once proud land where insanity and propagandizing (remember the political correctness mantra which so indoctrinated our failing commonsense mentality?) has beaten so many into an insanity where we are confusing our youngsters about what sex they are........which represents some of the depth to which a civilization can be demonized and placed on the path to its own suicidal self-destruction. That coupled with the current "wokeness" philosophy which would destroy meritocracy for the purpose of fictitious "equality"-----resulting in stagnation of "progress." In addition, we have lost the survival mentality of yesteryear. We have lost the brave vision and action of the pioneers who literally carved this wonderful Nation out of the wilderness with sacrifice, pain, and suffering----all because of the vision of freedom-----that which so many have longed for throughout the millennia.

What we have today is leadership which is weak, lusting for power and control, driven by greed, and worst of all, secularized.....having abandoned morality and having lost that once valued commodity in leadership-----INTEGRITY! .....which is God-based in those who love their Creator and their fellow man.......as opposed to those who would enslave the worlds masses for their own self-aggrandizement, driven by LYING and abandonment of cherishing TRUTH.

Bibi understands the survival instinct and what it means for his country......and the pitiful cries for a ceasefire will do nothing but allow the continued breeding of the myriad number of repeated conflicts that have plagued the Israelis since 1948. One wonders about the depth of learning disorder that occupies the minds of mankind leadership. There is very little learning from past disasters it seems...but then, history does seem to repeat itself for that very reason. There is much to be learned from his leadership.....and they are to be congratulated in their completeness and ingenuity in protecting their citizens.......and our duplicitous squeamishness is pathetically misdirected and not representative of having chosen the right side in the eternal battle of good against evil....in my very humble opinion.

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For a man whose cognomen is “night fog”, your observations are “clear as day”!

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Not many people know the full translation of the name. My hat goes off to you and your erudition. Thank you for agreeing with my commentary.

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"Why is that? I hope it’s not because they are a Jewish nation."

It is PRECISELY because of that. As does everything else, there is a spiritual background to this attitude. Satan hates the Jews, and he's trying to make God out to be a liar by attempting to thwart God's promises to the Jews in the future. Therefore, any person who is demonically influenced ALSO hates the Jews and does everything in their power against them. Anti-semitism, especially anti-zionism, is the boilerplate sign of satanic influence in the life of a person.

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What an incredible well written piece. The time is now to put this to an end. God forbid the election go's the wrong way we ( as in America ) may need to go to Israel for help if it does.

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If it is so obvious to us that the Obama Biden Harris Team is only a fair weather friend of Israel,

why do American Jews continue voting Democrat!

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They are not unlike other Democrats. They vote blue no matter who. What we need is a thorough trouncing at the polls for the D party. This would include a huge defeat in the House and Senate so that party can recalibrate. This is within reach. In WI, it was noted that 100K hunters don't vote. I am betting a solid majority of them would vote for the party seeking to retain their 1st and 2nd amendment rights. They need to show up. As do the 40% plurality that doesn't vote. If they join us we will have a supermajority and no seat is safe. Vote for the R and send the D party home to reconsider.

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Excellently written again, Roger! Less sleep seems to serve you well. The nanosecond pivoting of the Biden and Obama Administrations gives the appearance of "leading," while often really "leading from behind."

Two quick Israeli notes:

1. One of my all time favorite movies is "The Raid on Entebbe," 1977. Israeli documented response to hi-jacked Air France flight, with a 100-plus Jewish passengers, by Palestinian terrorists and flown to Uganda, pending release of Palestinian prisoners.. The meticulous rescue plan, brilliantly executed, and starring many of Hollywood's best, is amazing and breathtaking.

2. Apocryphal anecdote about defining Israeli "chutzpah." "Six Day's War." Israeli jet pilot lands unexpectedly on a U.S. aircraft carrier in the Eastern Med. Angry U.S. Navy officers rush up to the Israeli pilot descending the cockpit. "This is an American aircraft carrier!" To which the pilot responded, "Oh, I thought it was one of ours!"

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I wish I could believe that killing the leadership of Hezbollah and Hamas would bring about the end of anti-Israeli militancy. Perhaps it will for a while, but a violent sentiment will still exist in the Iranian leadership and among people who call themselves Palestinian that they have been wronged, cheated of their birthright, and have lost their patrimony.

Having lived a long time in French-speaking Africa, where I heard the word "patrimony" a lot, I have come to appreciate the sense of national pride and unjust loss it is meant to convey. The so-called Palestinians have succeeded in conveying this idea, this resentment, to American college students, to people who attend UN meetings, and to journalists world-wide. How else to explain young American Jews carrying Palestinian flags across college campuses (campi?), UNGA attendees walking out before even hearing what Netanyahu was going to say in the world's "greatest deliberative body", or AP employees riding through the breached wall with Hamas murderers on October 7?

But to return to my initial question -- will decapitating Hamas and Hezbollah end the wars on three sides of Israel? I fear not. And Biden's constant bleat about cease-fires and peace only encourages Israel's enemies to hang on a little longer, and Iran to ship more weapons to them. Let's tell the truth here: Biden wants a cease-fire not to save lives in the Levant, but to be able to crow that he -- Scranton Joe -- solved an international problem the world could not. A cease-fire is not a solution, it is a band-aid. But Joe doesn't care. He'll be gone soon (if he is not already) and then it will be someone else's problem.

American diplomacy has become openly transactional -- "I'll trade you freedom to export petroleum if you'll stop stop developing nuclear precursor materials" -- but that's where we are today, and it is not working. In large part because the people on the other side of the negotiating table know we will not enforce our side of the transaction. In part, I think, because Biden is afraid he'll appear to be siding with the Israelis, and they are accepted by the intellectual elite as being morally wrong. What a dishonest, ironic twist that is! OTOH, how dishonest it is to concede the term "elite" to those arrogant crybabies!

To return (again) to the original point -- our leadership (another dishonest term) wants a peace to enhance their own legacy, and they propose to use our strength to guarantee that trade. But we lost credibility as a guarantor a long time ago: perhaps after Korea, surely after Viet Nam, and with most finality, after Afghanistan. And if you cannot guarantee that our strength will back up our side of the negotiated deal, you don't have anything to offer. That's where we are now. We don't have the will to use our strength, and the people across the table from us are not making an offer they mean to keep. So for Biden and Blinken to offer our good offices in support of a cease fire or peace is phony. They don't have the goods any more. And the people who encircle Israel will always have their injured pride to excuse all manner of violence.

And Joe Biden's legacy will remain where it always was. He's a petty, feckless, failed politician.

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It's even more simple than that. Biden is a moron.

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Like Obama, Biden-Harris apparently believe they can buy Iranian friendship and peaceful cooperation. Just give them taxpayer money so they’ll behave and leave the “Great Satan” alone and just go after the “Little Satan” and Israeli Jews. History tells us it won’t stop there. Bibi understands It’s either kill or be killed

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You pointed out the UN speech by the Argentinian president, Javier Milei …..we are in dire need of more world leaders such as Milei. Resolute.

Why are we letting this left Marxist ideology take hold and permeate the world ?

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So am going to be odd man (woman) out. I will cry no tears (crocodile or not) for this guy & personally am sick & tired of the whole Middle East, but tell me exactly what is stopping you all? Israel probably has a better arsenal & forces than the US right now. Is it the money you won’t get from a country that can’t even pay its own bills? Are you waiting for “daddy”” to give you a pat on the back? Snowballs chance in hell of that happening. Seriously, tell the US to pound sand, shut up & go for it. DEFEND yourself already! Nothing will change anymore than it has in my 74 years We got rid of the Kaiser, we got rid of Hitler, we got rid of Mussolini, we got rid of Stalin & Mao, we got rid of Ho Chi Minh, we got rid of Castro, we got rid of Saddam & Kaddafi & guess what - nothing changed. Go. Go “win” the war already!

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Sheila, seems to me you have already gotten your wish. As noted, Gallant didn't bother to tell "daddy" wether the ridiculous Austin or any other they were going to take out Nasrallah, nor did they inform the Biden administration of the pages maneuver until seconds before it was over. The Israelis are undoubtedly more fed up with things than you are and are acting accordingly. Big changes are happening by the minute. Bye bye Houthis right now. Iran next. Here's a prediction for you, before you give up on the Middle East. Within three years Saudi Arabia will be one of the most advanced countries in the world with the oppression of women gone. Who would you prefer, whatever dullard is the PM of the UK this week or Mohammed Bin Salman? Take a look at this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QUcMO2TOG0Q

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Tremendous, all-encompassing piece, Mr. Simon.

Relative to it was a great piece in the New York Post yesterday. They interviewed Kenneth Stethem about Hassan Nasrallah’s departure from planet Earth. Kenneth is the brother of Robert Stethem, a United States Navy enlisted man, who was horribly beaten, shot in the head, and thrown onto the airport tarmac in Beirut in 1985 by Nasrallah’s murderous Hezbollah thugs.

Said Stethem: “Terrorism has grown into the danger it is because we never formulated an effective policy against it.”


“If you don’t take care of something when it’s a small problem, it grows into a big problem and grows chronic and then it can grow terminal.”

He went on to quote Albert Einstein: “The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.”

To quote you later in your piece: “But Israel is not allowed to (defend itself). They must have ceasefires. They must not be allowed to finish the job against totalitarians the way the US once did. Why is that?  I hope it’s not because they are a Jewish nation.” Is that an example of rhetorical affirmation?

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Another great read with clear messages. The current administration wants these tyrants in place as they need them to effect their world order plans. And yes, the US can certainly learn a lot from the Israelis, but they will not because this admin hates them. JMO

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