I watched Trumps speech. As an orthodox Jew, I admit his words were difficult and painful to hear. But... he is right. Trump should have 100% of the Jewish vote, and the fact that he has only 40% is a true chillul Hashem.

It shows that a significant portion of our people have abandoned the religion of Judiasm for the religion of Liberalism.

It's inexcusable.

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The most recent figure I read was he has 25% of the Jewish vote.

And I really don't care whether it's 2 years or 10, the point is that the UN will throw Israel to the wolves the second that the USA stops protecting Israel, and we know full well that the Socialists represented by Harris hate Israel when they don't have to pretend otherwise.

I mean, there are sitting Congressional Representatives in the Democratic Party that openly celebrated the Hamas attack on Oct 7, and Jews are going to vote for that, and continue acting like the one tiny protest in Charlottesville is not just more important, but VASTLY more important.

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And remember- the "fine people on both sides" comment re: Charlottesville has been debunked ad nauseam (even by Snopes), since Trump stated clearly in the very next sentence that he was not talking about neo-Nazis, who he unequivocally condemned. As anyone with an ounce of integrity admits he was referring only to local residents who objected to the destruction of Confederate statues: an ongoing project of cultural vandals that should be resisted by all decent people.

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I sadly remember learning that with the Romans outside the walls of Jerusalem there was a three way civil war inside the walls with the “Zealots ” burning all the food reserves. One only need to read “The Revolt” by Menacham Begin to understand Jew against Jew hasn’t been left in the distant past. So today we fight in America amongst ourselves and to our own detriment. While there is much to not like about President Trump the man there is much to appreciate in his policies, here at home and abroad including Israel and the Middle East. For all the Jews who say it can’t happen here or it will be different this time I would remind them of October 8 2023 and what happened on college campuses even before Israel took the war started by Hamas and Iran back to the perpetrators.

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I am Jewish also Abraham. You know quite well that we face bigotry from the right wing evangelicals as well as some misinformed liberals.

I am Jewish. I will be proudly voting for Vice President Harris.

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FYI, some of those "right wing evangelicals" you denigrate (without proof) donated to Franklin Graham's Samaritan Ministry that just delivered more than 20 emergency vans to Israel's Mogen David Hadam (replacing the van Hamas destroyed) and named two of these vehicles in honor of two of the people killed as a result of Hamas's terrorism - one for the American murdered recently .

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Some people are so stuck in partisanship they refuse to see what's in front of their face.

I live in a conservative area half an hour from a college town where most of my Jewish community lives. The other moms have spent the last year sharing stories of leftist anti-semitism at the college, at work, at their kids' schools, but if I share anything about Republican support for Jews and Israel, I get "Charlottesville" and "They only support Israel because of their apocalyptic death-cult beliefs".

I guess no matter how many times people notice their Star of David and scream "Free Palestine" at them, they still prefer that to Christians where I live and work seeing my Star of David necklace and telling me they're praying for Israel. I'm baffled.

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I don't belong to either faith, but there seems to be plenty of bigotry and fear by Jews to hate on Christians, and that clouds their vision at Israel's peril. Trump unequivocally has done more to support Israel. I have to wonder if they are thinking with their head. And I daresay if there is anti-semitic sentiment among evangelicals, it darn sure doesn't help when the jewish vote supports the party that is openly hostile to Christians. Maybe they would find more open arms, if they found common ground with Christians. I certainly hear tons of support for hamas, hezbollah, and anti-Israel, anti-semitic chants from those supporting the left. How can they not see that coast to coast?

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What bigotry do you face from Evangelicals? Total BS.

I am Jewish too and I support Donald Trump.

You are what Stalin would call a “useful idiot”.

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Thank you for using my five-letter word!

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I'm a woman and there are plenty of misogynists on the right, but none I know of trying to vaporize my constitutional protections and rights. Bringing up the hostility from bigots while there was rape, murder and torture meted out to over a thousand civilian children, women and men is bizarre.

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There is plenty of bigotry to go around, brother. My point remains the same though. I know it's basically colorwar and we each have to stick to our respective teams, who can do no wrong of course. But... I hope I can honestly say that if my team were to conflict in any way with my Jewish values, I would abandon it like a hot potato. If conservatives, for argument sake, would ban shechita, milah, yarnulkas, yeshiva education, or Israel for that matter, i would be the first to abandon them and President Trump. My Judiasm comes first.

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Another DNC/Putin bot.

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Five letter word. Try thinking outside your political indoctrination.

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As a Christian I will never vote for a pater familias that allows his daughter to reject her lord and savior simply because Jews throw better Hamptons parties!

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Not even God Himself imposes His will on another, with the coercion you suggest.

Let God enforce His own laws, lest we trample upon another's freedom-of-conscience ... let us only get involved when the behavior of one, poses a clear/present/significant interference to the unalienable rights of another.

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Allows? Plus, you think she converted for the parties? You should look into this a bit more. Esther is more jewish than Jared is these days, (in my opinion, but only G-d can judge.) If you are feeling particularly resentful, some Tovia Singer can make you feel better about it.

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My "Jewish" neighbors proudly display their Harris sign which has replaced their Black Lives Matter sign in the front yard. Nice people but I don't think they ever darken the door of the nearby synagogue as many of my liberal "Christian" friends rarely darken the door of a church. The judeo-christian values mean little to them explaining their support for politicians that promote ideas counter to their religion, or are blatantly hostile to religion.

Our education system has trained very weak minded people to blindly follow the status quo without thought. The Black Lives Matter movement is better termed Only Black LIves Matter. That mentality of favoring one race over another often causes poorly represented minorities to get tossed under the bus. My Asian wife and daughter can attest to this. Of course my neighbors blindly posted the BLM sign with no thought.

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Feeling virtuous is an endorphin hit, requiring only the effort of sticking a sign in the dirt.

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Oy! Cranky Frankie is such a platke-macher 😉.

P.S. I still have a dial telephone (unconnected) on my desk. I hear a lot of “what’s that?”.

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Why would you call that person a bigot?. I think he is entirely accurate.

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Poe’s Law in action.

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What is more bigoted, than supporting the treatment of your neighbors as "infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals"* by a societal elite composed of mere humans, because they claim to Know Better™?

Such is the "tolerance" of the Progressive Left ... who may support specific causes, but consistently revert to Progressive first - (insert cause here) second.

(* as C. S. Lewis once described the view of them by moral busybodies.)

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5 letters which can be interpreted in so many ways. Like idiot.

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To continue my comment, you are a bigoted Christian man who thinks he knows better than we, the most educated predominantly subculture of Americans who are predominantly white and politically astute.

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Politically astute? Please refrain from idiotic chauvinism. Thank you.

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Looks as though Norman is using "sarc".

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I'm considered an educated, politically astute, CHRISTian college professor who supports Israel 100% and I'm not predominantly anything. But I agree with everything Chris said.

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I you write “my Jewish neighbors” you are obviously a bigoted Christian man who thinks he knows better.

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And mixed black grandchildren. I must be a super bigot!

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and your opinion doesn't mean jack.

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I’m a registered, non Jewish Democrat and like many American Jews, was on political auto pilot for many years. Voting was a simple dichotomy to me between the good guys (Dems), and bad guys (Republicans). My greatest political hero was FDR because of his progressive New Deal policies. As a Union member in the UAW for many years I always voted for “pro labor” Democrats rather than reactionary anti union Republicans. In reality many elections were a choice between tweedle dee or tweedle dum. Alabama Governor George McGovern said: “There’s not a dimes worth of difference between them”. In 2016 I voted for Hillary but in 2020 I voted for Trump and will vote for him again in 2024. What turned me around was his policies. Defeating Isis, good tax reform law, control of borders, peaceful foreign policy, especially in Middle East with Abraham Accords, an unbelievable achievement. What turned me against the Democrats was the Russian hoax and the weaponizaion of government to undermine Trump’s administration by the elitist “deep state. Main stream media played a big part in the McCartyite smearing of Trump and his supporters but the more they used obvious lies and concealed facts the easier it was to understand what was actually happening. Once you cut through the bullshit there’s no turning back.

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Correction: The Alabama Governor was George Wallace not George McGovern

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Wait, you believe there is peace in the Middle East?? WTF??? Did you also support Bush/Cheney for bringing peace to the ME??? 😂

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The problem with Bush/Cheney, is that their nation wasn't willing to insist upon the establishment of sustained rights-respecting governance in Iraq and Afghanistan as a condition of our departure ... the way we did with Germany and Japan in the 1940's.

So instead, they tried the cargo-cult approach of "nation-building" as they looked fervently for the exits.

Problem is, without freedom - and the governance that respects and protects it - the only sure peace in this earth, is in this earth - six feet under. Graves are quite peaceful.

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“Peace” in the Middle East is a relative state. The Abraham Accords was infinitely preferable to the October 7th massacre and subsequent war

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The Abraham Accords are the result of economic leverage, wisely exercised ... the same wise process that brought down the Berlin Wall. Both confronted the enemies of peace with resource limitations that forestalled kinetic conflict.

And the wise leaders that facilitated both are viewed as evil by Nice People™ who Know Better™ to this day ... as they continue to flex their hubris as they try to talk expansionist tyrants out of the next 9/11 or 10/7 while adding to tyranny's resources.

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Spot on concise response. .

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A few Jewish progressives have commented on Roger Simon's post and suggested that the "right-wing" or "right-wing evangelicals" are responsible for the anti-Israel/anti-Semitic sentiment that is prevalent today. They note that they are "proud" supporters of Kamala Harris and the Democrats in general.

I'll pose a simple set of questions for each of them. How many "right-wing evangelicals" did you observe shouting anti-Semitic epithets and outright threats targeting Jewish students at dozens (hundreds?) of universities a few months ago. How many "right-wing" GOP members belong to Antifa—one of the most violent anti-Israel, left wing domestic terror groups? How many "right-wing" GOP members did you notice supporting the free-Palestine rioters or Antifa? And how many GOP congresspeople are wearing keffiyehs in public and arguing that "from the river to the sea" is not eliminationist rhetoric.

It is the Left that is the dominant anti-Israel, anti-Semitic ideology in today's world. They align with Islamists because both have strong authoritarian tendencies. They get support from leftist academics, the vast majority of the media, and more than a few prominent Democrats. Kamala Harris will be one of them, and to deny that is fantasy thinking.

So sure, go ahead a vote for Harris, but being "proud" to do so indicates that you have abandoned reasoned judgement and entered a world where fantasy reigns.

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Not fantasy, servitude. A political slave. Like Egypt...

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Like Roger Simon I am elderly, Jewish, and a former Democrat. I think that the allegiance of American Jews to the Dems is wrong, but not meshuggah. It has its reasons, two of which seem to me most important: 1) Liberal Jews think they are compassionate, and that the Dems are the compassionate party. Changing their minds would require convincing them that the Dems are not really compassionate. There are ways to do this, but appealing to Jewish communal self-interest is hardly the best way. 2) The second reason is that ideologically the Democratic Party stands for unlimited expert management, and most Jewish Americans, by education and profession, are experts of some kind. In other words, regardless of Democrat policies, Democrat •rule• represents rule by a class to which they belong and whose values they share, and in this sense they see it as in accord with their interests. (It could be said that Reason 2 is actually the same is Reason 1, except stated in sociological rather than ethical terms.) Personally, I am for Trump, bigly.

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Interesting comment, Mr. Heiden. I admit one could easily see my use of meshuggah (crazy) as a form of hyperbole. On the other hand, reliance on experts, as you mention, has increasingly in recent years been shown to be totally crazy in many spheres from healthcare (!) to the environment. I could even accuse myself here. As the author of 14 books, 7 feature films and countless (literally) articles for every sort of publication I could be called an "expert on writing." to which, in the immortal words of Samuel Goldwyn, I say "include me out". Or, in Comrade Beria's terms, "Show me an expert and I'll show you a liar (or a fool--employ your own adjective here)." All I'm saying to your excellent comment is that reliance on "experts" could be construed as nuts.

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Thanks for your reply Roger (if I may). Expertise has its place and we all rely upon it frequently. But the experts who are really capable understand the limitations of expertise in individual cases, not to mention universal application. The problem, I think, is not with expertise per se, but with the ideology of “expert supremacy”, which I admit is difficult to separate even conceptually from the academic system of expert-production. While the idea that the whole of society can be effectively managed by experts is deeply flawed, I can’t say I’m aware that the reasons have been the topic of much public discussion much less academic research (credit to Thomas Sowell here). Anyway the point of my comment was basically that the way to “red-pill” our Jewish brothers and sisters is not to appeal to self-interest or demean them as crazy, but to show them that the actual effect of Democrat policies is the concentration of power in the hands of a selfish elite, in which they are included.

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I agree. What I was doing at the outset of the article was to affirm that I basically concur with Trump. I did this because I started with some admittedly small criticism. You overall point about how to move people is accurate, although how this actually happens remains one of life's great mysteries--at least to me.

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An ex is a has been. A pert is a tiny fart.

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As Mr. Simon observed, interesting comment. Basically what you are describing is the elitism that has rapidly increased in our current society. Nothing new about this, of course, and the Jewish people have always had these "elites" in banking, medicine, legal system, science and technology. They have always been huge supporters of any country to which they were dispersed. Unfortunately, they have also always been targeted by (demonic) hate groups. They should be reminded, that despite all their contributions to Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, et al, they were persecuted first and mercilessly. So why continue to support a political party (America's Democrat-communists) who are going down the same road? Simply because they have not been adequately informed!

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Point number (2) hints at an interesting political question: to what degree might Trump’s anti-expert political traction with working class voters be replicated by a future political party - most likely the GOP - with educated, professional, managerial class Jews and non-Jews for that matter? The dismal and very public failures of our expert classes in recent years will not be easily forgotten by most voters, whatever their party affiliation. When Trump is no longer the flawed, semi-coherent and rather strange advocate for an anti-statist politics, what might we see? Something probably more Vivek than Nikki, more Gabbard than Gavin. No one knows, but Trump has probably opened a new chapter in American political life.

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Chris Rufo had an essay in City Journal about how the nomination of Vance as VP signaled the arrival of a “counter-elite”. You might want to check it out. I share your hopes, and I agree that there are favorable signs. We’ll have to see.

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I did see that. I would recommend to you, and to other reading this far down in the thread, another article I found quite amazing this morning.... https://cafeamericainmag.com/credentialist-cretins/

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Terrific article. Thanks for the link. I'd never even seen the author's name before. I'll try to return the favor by recommending the two thinkers below. I realize you're likely already aware of them both, but if not...

> N.S. Lyons: wrote "The China Convergence" in August of 2023 -(https://theupheaval.substack.com/p/the-china-convergence)

> Martin Gurri: his book "The Revolt of the Public" permanently altered what I see when I consume what we used to call "the news."

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Wow. Matthew Gasda. I’ll remember that name. Thanks for the tip!

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In Vance’s book, Dreams from My Mamaw, he calls his own family violent drug addicted skanks in order to appeal to the Silicon Valley elite. Just like Obama threw his white grandmother under the bus to get into the good graces of the elite…Vance called his own mother a skank to win their favor.

Oh, and why do you think the Republican governor of Ohio imported Haitian workers?? Because Vance and the elite convinced the Ohio Chamber of Commerce that all the whites were skanky drug addicts!! If you do go trolling for trailer trash in Ohio make sure you wear a condom! 😉

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My father was born and raised in one of the counties adjacent to Vance's Breathitt County - and eventually, after a stint in the USAF, marrying my Midwestern mom, and bringing me and my brother into the world, moved us back to southwestern Ohio, not too far from Vance's Middletown.

There was significant "skanky" behavior in those areas - habits enabled in large part by the effects of LBJ's Great Society welfare state upon Appalachia, and now exacerbated by their loss of the War on Coal. Vance was rightly disgusted by that behavior.

BTW, those Haitians were put in Springfield by Federal action - the abuse of Temporary Protected Refugee status, that seems to last forever (see El Salvador, thirty years ago). That short-circuits the normal immigration process, that is there to supposedly inform newcomers both of what our society expects from them, and what they can expect from society.

That being said, it didn't help things that so many of my peers there thought they had it made by getting an assembly-line job - where they thought they could just do the minimum because the union and/or government would assure their job for a lifetime. They ignored the need to exhibit productivity that would support their wages/benefits in a competitive market, incentivizing employers to replace them - even by gaming the system.

There is a lack of integrity from all sides, here.

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Hey - get some help.

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Vance is the one that called his mother a drug addicted skank. I guess she’s cool with it because it’s more money for Oxy. 😉

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Bruce, that was very insightful. Best opinion I've read today.

I wish you could be on a platform, connect with other Jews, show you understand the reasons, and they are not completely crazy. But then also voice the true threats, and the reasons why you support an alternative.

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I’d give it a try. What platform can you suggest and how would I get on it?

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I would suggest Youtube or X, depending on what you felt you might have to say over time. I just haven't heard these arguments discussed enough.

I worry about the younger generations just not hearing from those that have seen different times, and have learned lessons that should be remembered, but seem wiped out by the layers of entertainment, media, and ideology on campus.

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Millions of our neighbors - Jew and Gentile - trust "experts" the way Flounder trusted his frat brothers in "Animal House".

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I believe #1 is the only thought bobbing around in the braincase of democrats. I've heard it too many times from the so-called empathic and compassionate dems, the same dems that are titillated by the assassination attempts, the same dems titillated by their leader attacking half the country.

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A good analysis of the situation, but it still baffles me that Jews so consistently vote Democratic. I understant the long tradition and the liberal tendencies, but anyone with an ounce of pragmatism in their bones should be able to see that Biden did not serve their interests and Harris will be more of the same, perhaps on steroids. Not that I believe she has any core values -- what I think is that Obama staffers are running the show and pulling the strings, and Obama and his people want Iran to replace Saudi Arabia as the leadidng power in the Middle East. That is the only conclusion I can reach. So tell me again why American Jews want to see a continuation of this policy?

I thought before Oct 7 we were maybe reaching a modus vivendi in the Middle East. Then Gaza happened. I find it hard to believe Israel will find peace with Hamas on one side and Hezbollah on the other, and Iran putting up the cash. So if we hope to see a change in that situation, I feel like Iran's suppport has to be stopped.

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There can be no modus vivendi with “Hamas on one side and Hezbollah on the other, and Iran putting up the cash”. Arrangements are agreed upon when both parties have the same goal.

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Roger writes: "What’s fascinating is that when you ask them what policies of the 45th president they dislike, you rarely get a concrete answer."

Boy, is that true.

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My husband was Jewish and, just before he passed away, he asked me to continue taking our 2 children to Synagogue. My son had his bar mitzvah at 13 and has embraced Judaism all of his life.

He has a girlfriend who was born and raised in Israel. He attends both the reform synagogue (where he often leads services) and her Orthodox synagogue. His daughter attends with him. However; he is a democrat. I'm watching his transformation from ultra-liberal to centrist as he witnesses college students hold LGB-whatever signs in support of Palestine. He wonders how so-called educated people don't do their homework. He knows that people who live in Islamic countries and choose the same sex for intimate relationships are thrown off buildings and killed by the same people LGB-whatever is supporting. He is a professor who immediately contacted the school's president and asked to have posters removed that were anti-Jewish. He succeeded in making his campus safer for Jewish students and faculty.

That gives me hope.

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I used to think the democrats were just incompetent with regard to the Middle East. I no longer believe this. Even a monkey making random choices couldn't be this incompetent. I think that enriching Iran, and criticizing Israel for fighting back, is by design. They want Iran to rise and Israel to fall.

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Dem actions and rhetoric support your theory. I read yesterday that Sec of State Antony Blinken actually sat in on some cabinet/war council meetings in Israel and directed (or tried to...unclear which) where IDF missiles could be targeted.

If Harris wins such interference and insistence on a "two state solution" will surely intensify.

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I have long lamented why so many of my fellow Jews remained supporters of a political party that has ignored our wishes and our basic human needs for decades. Truman’s acceptance of Israel as a legal state (entitled by law to exist where Jews live in the Middle East) was one of the last significant and necessary decisions to which many democrats gave their support. Antisemitism has been prevalent in our country for many decades—probably since Jews first landed here—and deserves our tireless efforts to rid this kind of racism (and hatred of an entire culture) from our country. As long as too many Jews refuse to see the truths about a candidate for the presidency who has proven his honest and obvious support of Jewish existence, Jews will continue to suffer antisemitism. Those of us who know that it is more important to support the person and not the party, especially when we make a decision to support a candidate because of the candidate’s actions, will continue to support Trump and speak out (and share Roger Simon’s articles like this one) to all who might listen/read the truths.

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Any culture that produces a large proportion of educated and successful people is going to be targeted by the resentful underachievers. They will try and drag the high achievers down to the mud pit, and they've also attacked Asian-American college admissions. The racism is just a cover for their laziness and resentment.

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Congratulations and welcome to the Land of the Awakened. More and more voters of all persuasions are taking the red pill and for the first time seeing things, in Plato's phrase, as they really are.

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Wow, spot-on, as usual.

"Does that sound too simple, even stupid? That’s because it is. Simple, that is, not stupid. I have discussed this with my Jewish friends several times. Since the Democrat Party is branding themselves America's Socialists - that is "national socialists" - they seem to be doing the same thing that their 1930's and 1940's German cousins did. So no Jew should ever vote for any Democrat - maybe you can get that word out to Jewish leaders, who can get it to the people before the election. If every Jew voted for President Trump, perhaps he would be a shoe-in. I will also continue to pray in the name God has told us to pray - Jesus, YHshua.

"What’s not simple is why our administration actually gave the Iranians the money to do this." Actually, that also is simple. People have been trained/conditioned to believe there is no Creator-God (don't talk about religion and politics) so there is also no evil personality, historically named the devil. As we, and most "advanced secular societies" have denied his existence, he has been free to operate in the open. Even without Biblical support, how else does one explain the continuation of wars, hatred, murder of babies, and a political party one of who's main platforms is abortion and homosexuality. Specifically turning our girls into boys so they can't reproduce God's human race?

Trump hatred can almost always be traced to your friend and mine the MSM who never has a good thing to say about him. They are fed their propaganda line by the Democrat-communist party, using cherry-picked words and events twisted to make him look hateful and stupid. Every person I have talked to about this, who has subsequently examined the facts about the man, has become a Trump supporter. He is one of the one few standing up to their evil, and can't be bought. So hate him and slander him (thank you Vladimir Lenin).

Interesting observation that only 20% Exodus of God's people left Egypt in the Exodus. Estimates, I have read have numbered them at 3 million plus. Scripture, of course, would have us believe that they all left. Maybe that is - all who were faithful Jews, and were saved . . .

You don't have to be a confessing Christian to read the Book of Revelation, where all of these end time prophecies, foretold in the Old Testament, are gathered together in symbolic form. That Apocalyptic Literature is being played out pretty exactly on God's time schedule, which no one knows. But it seems to be accelerating. If you want a good, Biblical exposition of this try Louis Brighton, Concordia Commentary on Revelation, which is void of the usual Protestant "rapture" and "millennium" theory junk.

Have a blessed day,

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While so many have drifted away from their religious roots, there are some of us who are more recently finding them.

It's hard to believe that human beings are doing what they are doing to other human beings: all manner of crime, blatant mendacity, poisonous food, legal and illegal pharma addiction, censorship, sex slavery, maleducation, etc., and not look to Satan as the protagonist. That contemplation brings me around to God and Christianity as an antidote. It is an easy move. ---too easy; we need to do much more, like sharing revelations of wisdom from brilliant minds that explain things much more eloquently than I can, ---and never give in, never give up.

Thank you Roger and Sheryl.

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So many are in so much need to have the insight to recognize the truth as you do! So, once again thank you for not only having it, but sharing it with all who will read and recognize it!

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I am often asked by my non-Jewish friends why Jews always vote Democrat, even in the face of the overwhelmingly scary antisemitism that has flourished especially since Obama took the White House. I have no answer: stupidity, naïveté, habit, tradition, self-hate...what? Why? Why don't they see truth in what is happening in our country? Would they be the ones to lead the rest into the ovens this time or do they think "it can't happen here?" as so many German Jews did until it as too late for them. It is more than frustrating; it is infuriating. I want to scream and shake them into consciousness. Recently I sent a Brandeis friend an article about Trump and Jews and she emailed me back: Please don't send me these things. you know I a a Democrat." That says it all.

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Many women are also in lockstep with the democrats, in spite of the democrats Big Trans attack on girls and women. The misogyny of the democratic party, like the antisemitism, is a black miasma that is destroying as it spreads.

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Your list is not inconsequential: "the Abraham Accords, moving the embassy to Jerusalem, recognizing the Golan Heights and, most of all, imposing sanctions on Iran while pulling out of the senseless nuclear deal."

You are too merciful toward Obama and Biden/Harris--sending pallets of cash to the new crop of madmen, greenlighting their bomb, opening megavalves of petrodollars while choking Israel's resupply and leading a hostile world to counsel restraint in the face of the most recent tidal wave of annihilation is malicious rather than naive.

Trump is a defender of Israel; Obama and Biden/Harris are enemies.

As for nominal Jews supporting the Obama and Biden/Harris attack on them--look at Patty Hearst. And Caroline Kennedy--casting shade on Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., while showering Ford and Bush with awards. The renunciation of integrity to throw in with the tide--it's the Golden Calf, it's In with the In Crowd, and it was Room 101 for Winston Smith.

You are quite correct regarding the fifth who participated in the Exodus. Only a part of the colonists opposed King George (including my line). If Freedom Is Slavery, perhaps the easy way out is full-strength mindless submission, criticizing those who shame you by standing up for truth.

Yes Israel has nukes. But there are rings of treachery and there are heartworms spawned at every quarter. If the fight is not taken up now when the cost is relatively bearable, it will have to be met later when the odds are worse and the prospects dimmed.

Trump is an ally of Israel. Obama-Biden-Harris are enemies--make no mistake.

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