Thank you for this. There has been so much smoke in the MSM negative toward Bibi Netanyahu. There’s a poll that shows the number of negative articles about then candidate now President-elect Trump. Same info about Bibi would be of interest. Why is your voice the first I’ve heard about the outcome of Biden’s AfghanGate?

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Netanyahu is far more a capable leader than biden ever dreamed of. biden was a puppet of the extreme leftist warmongers.

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One of my heroes from WWII, Admiral Bill Halsey quoted: "There aren't any great men. There are just great challenges that ordinary men like you and me are forced by circumstances to meet" Thankfully for Israel, Netanyahu is of like character and unfortunately for us Americans, Biden and his team of lemmings fell far short of!! God bless Israel, the IDF and Netanyahu.

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George Patton comes to mind as this story unfolds.

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Yes Ruby, another one of my heroes. Both my dad/stepdad and uncle fought in the war. Patton had his idiosyncrasies' but don't we all? We sure could use him now!

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Thank you , I am so proud of what Israel has accomplished yet again and we all benefit ♥️

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Roger, I just wanted to take a moment to tell you how much I enjoy reading your blog. Your ability to express yourself so incisively and eloquently is a true inspiration. In a world that seems increasingly content to dumb down journalism—especially when it comes to vocabulary—you stand as a fearless champion against the tide. I can only imagine the courage it takes to risk the opprobrium of the ubiquitous Zeitgeist mentality (see what I did there), but your dedication to maintaining a high standard reminds me that it’s worth the effort to aim higher. Thank you for continuing to raise the bar and for inspiring others, like myself, to do the same.

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If those are the best two "crimes" that they can slap on him, that's pretty weak cheese. The only pain Biden felt after abandoning Afghanistan was standing up on his creaking joints to go to the bathroom after someone else made the decision for him. Everyone else downstream of the decision, their pain, was clearly not part of that equation, but no accountability is required, apparently. If the goal is to punish the good and the strong, and let the evil and weak run free, then mission accomplished.

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A big AMEN, Roger. How right you are, the complexities of Israeli prime minister Netanyahu's achievements under Israel's fighting a seven front war are incomparable. Israel, had there been leadership comparable with our own these past 3 almost 4 years, would be nonexistent today. Imagine, the imbeciles even suggesting that cackling Kamala Harris be nominated for anything above a 3rd grade school level of achievement. Shows you how disgraceful and irrelevant Time Magazine has lowered themselves, apart from the absolute obvious Person of the Year...Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu...must have been a typo on their part.

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Where can I send a few Cuban cigars? Prime Minister Netanyahu has had to face the same “lawfare” that President Trump has been forced to endure, and he deserves so much more than a good cigar. Netanyahu is a man who is saving his country from terrorists who are determined to execute Israel’s TOTAL destruction. I support both these great leaders whose dedication to the people of their countries is unprecedented. (Also, thank you for expanding this old English teacher’s vocabulary—“risibly” is a much better descriptor than “cackler.”)

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Great column as always. Learned a new word today!

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If I knew his favorite cigar brand I would forward a box.He deserves accolades—reminds me of Kiplings “IF”.

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Thank God for Mr. Netanyahu and pray for him and all of Israel with the hope that something good will result from the oust of Assad!

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The Israeli leftists have used lawfare against Netanyahu just as US leftists have used it against Trump. They are utterly without scruples in their pursuit of power, and equally without vision in their use of it.

Netanyahu, like Churchill, with save his country's bacon, and, like Churchill, he will be cast aside once he has delivered his country victory.

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Agree-100%. Bibi is one of the greatest leaders of our time, Churchillian in stature, but as with Winston, he only tasted good when he was winning then was unceremoniously spewed out of Britain's mouth once the heat was off. Human nature-its an ugly thing as you noted. Romans 3:23 and 6:23 tells us what the ultimate solution is. God bless you Roger! I love your columns.

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Historic changes are occurring as we speak and Netanyahu is the author of much of it. If the Israelis persecute him after his stellar performance in the past fourteen months, that would indicate historical and political ignorance. Must be the vestiges of socialism that still flow in the national veins.

Churchill, after being voted out post-World War II staged another brief comeback in old age to which he was entitled. Here's hoping that Netanyahu receives a similar last hurrah of respect and admiration. His contributions throughout his lifetime have been incalculably crucial to the survival of Israel and its current success.

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God point. I think the vestiges of socialism are involved, also all-too-human envy. Both were involved in the attacks on Churchill after WWII as well.

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We must pray that the reemergence of the United States as the world’s leader and Israel as the regional leader continues. Not only for the sake of our allies, but for the populations of our enemies.

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I have followed President? Netanyahu for many many years. In my opinion, there is no one with more experience and perseverance than him.

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