Aug 19Liked by Sheryl Longin

Scary story. But realistic! I developed a great fear some years ago, after the bombing of the American embassies in Tanzania and Kenya (both of which I had worked in years prior) that some terrorist group would get the idea of releasing smallpox in the USA as an alternative to bombs and airplane hijackings. Smallpox carried by a dozen border jumpers, recently infected and riding subways in New York and Washington DC, would kill thousands of unvaccinated Americans, while many tourists in those cities would be infected and carry the disease home with them. Very scary, and quite possible. It still is. I hesitate even to write this. Pray no one acts on this.

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We'll have more to say about this, but rereading the script was an unusual experience for both of us. In many parts, it was like we were reading it for the first time and had no memory of writing it. I guess that's a protective mechanism of our unconscious, because the story does portray a very realistic scenario (thank you, unfortunately, for confirming that). But it's not productive to live with that level of anxiety and fear. Time for me to dig out my old Oliver Sacks books and see what he wrote about selective memory.

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Aug 21Liked by Sheryl Longin

I could not read this in one sitting. It is such a gripping and intense and very realistic script. I was so moved by the characters’ desire for and willingness to work for freedom for their country, despite their personal sacrifices against a relentless regime. This puts a spotlight, too, on the tearing apart of families over political and philosophical differences—much like we are seeing today in our own country—the USA. Were I still a teacher of high school students, this would be a script read in my English World Lit. class and also acted out in my drama classes. My opinion is that this is not only excellently written but an absolutely relevant literary piece.

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Thank you so much, Cathy. We'd be in a much better world if teachers like you were instructing our students.

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Aug 19Liked by Sheryl Longin

Intense story! I enjoyed it thoroughly.

Thank you.

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Aug 19Liked by Sheryl Longin

A tenuous thread to Rogers piece on junk mail…Unable to control myself I’ve given $ to some politicians, now I live with the daily reminder of my foolishness receiving 70-100+ iMessages daily. Proving once again that no good deed goes unpunished.

Is there a remedy? I’ve tried numerous apps, unsuccessfully. Why is iMessage immune from junk control? Or am I missing the holy grail of apps? With only 80 some days until Election Day some relief is in sight. But my question remains- is iMessage immune?

Best wishes- enjoying your new home

Sent from Alan

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Outstanding read, and this would definitely make a great movie.

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In Remembrance to Nitsana, Lahdan, Darya and Sami: kudos to Keys to Paradise.

Tom Clancy and Frederick Forsyth would be proud…

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