I don’t know what to do about the Senate except call them ALL out on social media; most of them, in both parties, are 100% establishment uni-party, even the ones who pretend to support President Trump.
Just a point of correction “…Andrew McCabe/Lisa Page intimate, and supposedly internal, emails asserting the lovers’ mutual guarantee…” It was Peter Strzok not the equally disgusting Andrew McCabe who was promising his paramour that DJT would not be allowed to be President.
My thought (expectation) is that DOGE gets rid of the fat in the Executive Branch, which reduces the slop and gravy on which so much of the rest of government fattens itself at our expense, largely in the dark, and radical DoJ/DHHS reorg and downsizing gets us on the right track. Not everyone yet realizes how important SCOTUS ridding us of Chevron deference to these unaccountable bureaucracies was, but it gives us the flensing blade for comprehensive reform.
I've long admired Grenell & his endorsement of Patel went a long way with me; then I listened to some KP podcast interviews and: Wow. It's incredibly important that Trump gets to kick off the new Administration to MAGA MAHA and really make the US America again. Full transparency to shame the corrupt, and recess Congress if necessary to make recess appointments. Honestly I believe it may be the only way we avoid the next citizens' revolt, which is hanging politicians and administrators from lampposts. I don't want that (or what comes after). LFG.
You're literally have no understanding of the situation.
DOGE may never even be part of the government and may just be an advisory commission outside the government. Even if Congress makes it a department it will have no authority to eliminate departments or cut spending. That power resides only with Congress and cannot be delegated. Congress not delegating authority to agencies is the basis of Chevron and was a long time Conservative Goal.
Y'all are hyped up on Kumquat Diarrhea Kool-Aid from Orange Nero as marketed by his new Crew of Career Scammers....Musk, Vivek, RFK Jr, Tulsi, Oz,
Bondi was interested in pursuing the Trump University case with the New York AG and then lost all interest after she got a $25,000 donation from Trump. That is disqualifying.
These appointments are insane. Trump Cult is the mirror image of the Collectivist Cult Facing the opposite direction
Refusers to criticize or hold accountable the leader(s), believes everything without question, hidea from facts, Response to those who do not agree with baseless ad hominem lies, and cannot think more than one step ahead and does not have any understanding of how and why the USA was created by the founders and why it was successful for so long.
Trump is debasing the Presidency and the Government as much as Clinton's and Obama and Biden did.
If you are okay with these appointments, then you won't be able to complain when the Democrats are back in power and Omar is Director of National Intelligence, AOC is Secretary of State, and Jasmine Crockett (Maxine Waters 2.0) is AG, Bernie Sanders is Treasury Secretary, and the Cosplay Eunuch who stole Luggage is Secretary of Defense
Trump can't run again. The Federal bureaucracy will wait him out. Just like first term he can't do much without Congress and he has a razor thin majority in the house and a thin majority In the Senate without enough to break filibusters.
This is reality.
Neither Trump or Collectivist Cults can think ahead to see the shoe on the other foot.
Why are none of you talking about the conflicts of interest with Trump:
Having two towers in Turkey where Erdogan is building a Caliphate like Saudis and Iran. Erdogan has been flooding Europe with Muslims and Africans as part of Jihad. But Trump appoints quack doctor Oz who is a Turkish citizen and friends of Erdogan?
For the second time, Trump is appointing a Soros guy as treasury secretary. Trump cult will go through bizarre 6° of separation Soros conspiracy theories but will ignore Trump's direct connection to Soros including from Soros/Mnuchin's bank for his Chicago Tower.
Saudis gave Jared $2 billion dollars to manage. If it has a typical fun structure that would generate 2% a year in mgmt fees or $40M a year. That is a huge problem that makes Hillary and the Bidens look like piss ants.
People staying at Trump properties will not a big deal to me unless they were paying at vastly inflated rates.
But this stuff is a big deal and you can't call yourself a Patriot if you don't object to it and demand Trump unwind it.
Chevron. We need more oversight on the "rule making" process...if we can suspend politics. This rule-making was delegated by Congress, who has oversight DUTIES and authority. They need to address this post-haste. If our government has become too large, this a rule-making process, maybe we should consider whether "size reduction" might also be helpful.
Is it turnaround Tuesday? Much of what you claim he hasn't; he has. To naysayers, everyone, EVERYONE, has them. To charisma and personality-driven leadership...really? Name one leader (not Resident by installation) who Wasn't charismatic.
Trump only lasting Major Achievement first term was Federal Judges. Even this was mitigated by Federal Judges that quit retiring because he so polarizing. McConnell handed him 200 open seats. He should have been able to appoint and confirm 350+ with that but only did 234.
See our t.me/RealTrumpFacts and fix your ignorance for documentation of some of his bigger Betrayals Lies Fails and Do Nothings
I have had my own travails with our nation's FBI. I never broke any laws. In fact, as a man who has developed and managed advanced tech over my career and as a CEO, I was very serious about export controls. (Of need, I became an expert on the topic, even serving in a Dept of Commerce, BIS consulting role.) However, it seems I had an adversary, unbeknowst to me, who somehow convinced a corrupt FBI to harass me for years...and another 3 letter agency was involved...as I put the company's product into many nations - legally. It is only recently, after a ridiculous call (spanning the weekend of Trump's shooting - I poop you not), that FBI Surveillance Van #8 stopped showing-up on my Wi-Fi. This has gone on since Obama's tenure, including blocking my Security Clearance until Trump was elected the first time. I never broke any laws and am a hard-over American, who believes in our way of life and Constitution. (It appears that I accidentally kicked the sleezers' "export controls bypass sleeze-off" and paid a long and steep price - major harassment. Great stories - unless you're my family!!!)
Hopefully, we can restore some semblance of LAW AND ORDER to our FBI...leadership modeling matters. (Hello Flier, if you are reading :-) This needs to be stopped.)
I believe the delineation between "RINO old guards" and the remainder of the Republicans (I'm an Independent, Liberal American), relates directly to where they get their money. Not joking. Please check me as I have been calling this part of "government-corporatism" for years now. The "RINO old guards" get money for their states and districts from Federal Taxes. So, as Mark Twain's little slave boy character said, when asked by the slave owner's son; "where do you suppose a man gets his ideals?"; "I suppose it's from whoever gives him his corn pone" (En espanol; Quien paga, manda.) Have a look at each of these states and the appropriations that get from the Federal tax money. No judgement of whether that's good or bad, but the incentives need consideration!
What a great and exacting write about our current politics and the people who helped make it that way. The Democrats of our time and their lame policies of DEI and their fake woke ideology made Trump as popular as he is. Couple that with the illegal law-fare and the FBI’s persecution of conservatives and anyone who supported Trump and you had a formula for MAGA conversions.
Is Diane Feinstein ruling from the grave now? Didn't she have Murkowski pinned to the wall in a photo op? Slimy creatures inhabit the Washington swamp, and she and Collins are two of the worst! They truly are the definition of a RINO. Both need to be booted from the Republican Party, and exposed for their voting practice, of really being a democrap! Maine and Alaska can do better!
Great piece Roger but there is nothing cool about the practice of homosexuality which the Jewish religion regards as sin because it is condemned in the Bible by God as it is in the Christian Bible as well. It's been proven to not be genetic so there is a choice in the matter and to willfully disregard God's law is a recipe for disaster. Perhaps he has renounced his preference and is actively struggling against his propensity just as many struggle against their propensity toward fornication, adultery or greed or...you name it. So no, I can't support this cabinet choice by Trump for Treasury Secretary and hope the senate rejects him unless he is now repentant and no longer practices homosexualtiy. And no I'm not a homophobe if the meaning implies I hate homosexuals. I believe the Bible instructs us to love the sinner but lament the sin and in that spirit I offer my remarks.
I understand your viewpoint. You're entitled to your opinion. I agree with some of it. I am a regular "straight" married American. We're all G-d's children. Homosexuality as been among humans and animals for a very long time. Homosexuality has, unfortunately, been politicized and promoted by OUR GOVERNMENT - but not in a supportive way, but rather towards division and idolatry. To me, this is the main issue. (Is it a lawful use of taxpayer funds - to advocate to us in this manner?) I see this as the main issue.
sorry you're offended. I didn't intend that. I agreed in large part with you, then stated my perspective. I'm American - people are free to pursue their happiness and freedom provided they do not infringe the rights of others.
My name is spelled Dozor. Two "o"s and zero "h"s. If you knew me, it's unlikely you'd ask that question. I'm a straight man, a hardcore engineer, and a successful leader of teams that perform. Part of that is supporting people and staying in my lane.
In any regard, I am grateful for your comment. Cheers.
My choice between Kid Rock and Meathead? There’s only one choice, and it’s the Kid. We the People reminds me of that famous line from a great movie, my mom’s favorite, Network: “We’re mad as hell and we’re not going to take it anymore!” The language choices by Kid Rock in his anthem reflect the built up anger in all us “cool” Trump supporters. Our anger is all out there now, and it’s showing how willing we are to fight in any and all ways to support our freedoms, our very Constitution. Never thought-at 80, I’d be one of the “cool” ones!!
Reading your vibrant article on the train in to work this morning - and then listening to a bit of the irrepressible Kid Rock - I’m reminded and cheered by the great, enthusiastic energy of our extraordinary country. Sophisticates educated in the spiritual tradition of the aristocratic European court generally have little respect for the culture they think of as “ugly American,” but their blinders are thick. We are and have been the dream destination of so many people throughout the world because - better than we ourselves - they can see and love that uniquely American enthusiasm. What an amazing place this is! I admit to forgetting sometimes. Thank you for this great reminder.
If Andrew Weissman is objecting, then it is certain that we are metaphorically "over the target".
Patel's "Government Gangsters" is worth the watch. He earned his stripes working with Devin Nunes to uncover the multi-layered scandalous Russiagate conspiracy. (For which, btw, there has been little to no recompense. All the malefactors are scot free---and a bunch retain their doggone security clearances.)
Yes to the tenth, and add that the Clintons rode in on Fleetwood Mac's Don't Stop Thinking about Tomorrow. Tomorrow is their hangover slowly realizing they embodied the fascism they deplored. Obama, too, was the next big thing. Planet of the Mediapes presented Aviator Joe as the cat's pajamas. But What Is Hip? Is it raking in cash from crimes you self-pardon under cover of wall-to-wall presstitution? Americans can't walk their streets or shop their stores--We went to our windows and shouted, "We're mad as hell and not going to take it any more!" Make America Real Again. Sound check, check. Get this party started.
I don’t know what to do about the Senate except call them ALL out on social media; most of them, in both parties, are 100% establishment uni-party, even the ones who pretend to support President Trump.
John Cornyn is a good example. We Texans will take care of him in 2026...
Yes sir!
Every single day, create a post of the their voting records! Past on X, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, etc.
You can try govtrack.us (https://www.govtrack.us/how-to-use) to see who votes and how that person votes, and how often the person votes.
Totally false. There is no uniparty
Conservative Review Liberty scores for Democrats are 0-20%
For GOP are 30-100%
True enough, but the low end should give concern. Let's end it.
Just a point of correction “…Andrew McCabe/Lisa Page intimate, and supposedly internal, emails asserting the lovers’ mutual guarantee…” It was Peter Strzok not the equally disgusting Andrew McCabe who was promising his paramour that DJT would not be allowed to be President.
Correct. Fixed. Thanks.
I have never seen an Indian "racist" so this will be an interesting confirmation process for sure.
You know he's the right pick when every MSM talking head and existing member of the current administration is freaking out. Well done.
My thought (expectation) is that DOGE gets rid of the fat in the Executive Branch, which reduces the slop and gravy on which so much of the rest of government fattens itself at our expense, largely in the dark, and radical DoJ/DHHS reorg and downsizing gets us on the right track. Not everyone yet realizes how important SCOTUS ridding us of Chevron deference to these unaccountable bureaucracies was, but it gives us the flensing blade for comprehensive reform.
I've long admired Grenell & his endorsement of Patel went a long way with me; then I listened to some KP podcast interviews and: Wow. It's incredibly important that Trump gets to kick off the new Administration to MAGA MAHA and really make the US America again. Full transparency to shame the corrupt, and recess Congress if necessary to make recess appointments. Honestly I believe it may be the only way we avoid the next citizens' revolt, which is hanging politicians and administrators from lampposts. I don't want that (or what comes after). LFG.
You're literally have no understanding of the situation.
DOGE may never even be part of the government and may just be an advisory commission outside the government. Even if Congress makes it a department it will have no authority to eliminate departments or cut spending. That power resides only with Congress and cannot be delegated. Congress not delegating authority to agencies is the basis of Chevron and was a long time Conservative Goal.
Y'all are hyped up on Kumquat Diarrhea Kool-Aid from Orange Nero as marketed by his new Crew of Career Scammers....Musk, Vivek, RFK Jr, Tulsi, Oz,
Bondi was interested in pursuing the Trump University case with the New York AG and then lost all interest after she got a $25,000 donation from Trump. That is disqualifying.
These appointments are insane. Trump Cult is the mirror image of the Collectivist Cult Facing the opposite direction
Refusers to criticize or hold accountable the leader(s), believes everything without question, hidea from facts, Response to those who do not agree with baseless ad hominem lies, and cannot think more than one step ahead and does not have any understanding of how and why the USA was created by the founders and why it was successful for so long.
Trump is debasing the Presidency and the Government as much as Clinton's and Obama and Biden did.
If you are okay with these appointments, then you won't be able to complain when the Democrats are back in power and Omar is Director of National Intelligence, AOC is Secretary of State, and Jasmine Crockett (Maxine Waters 2.0) is AG, Bernie Sanders is Treasury Secretary, and the Cosplay Eunuch who stole Luggage is Secretary of Defense
Trump can't run again. The Federal bureaucracy will wait him out. Just like first term he can't do much without Congress and he has a razor thin majority in the house and a thin majority In the Senate without enough to break filibusters.
This is reality.
Neither Trump or Collectivist Cults can think ahead to see the shoe on the other foot.
Why are none of you talking about the conflicts of interest with Trump:
Having two towers in Turkey where Erdogan is building a Caliphate like Saudis and Iran. Erdogan has been flooding Europe with Muslims and Africans as part of Jihad. But Trump appoints quack doctor Oz who is a Turkish citizen and friends of Erdogan?
For the second time, Trump is appointing a Soros guy as treasury secretary. Trump cult will go through bizarre 6° of separation Soros conspiracy theories but will ignore Trump's direct connection to Soros including from Soros/Mnuchin's bank for his Chicago Tower.
Saudis gave Jared $2 billion dollars to manage. If it has a typical fun structure that would generate 2% a year in mgmt fees or $40M a year. That is a huge problem that makes Hillary and the Bidens look like piss ants.
People staying at Trump properties will not a big deal to me unless they were paying at vastly inflated rates.
But this stuff is a big deal and you can't call yourself a Patriot if you don't object to it and demand Trump unwind it.
So just curious, who do you think should be appointed?
For Which Positions?
Whichever you have opinions on.
Chevron. We need more oversight on the "rule making" process...if we can suspend politics. This rule-making was delegated by Congress, who has oversight DUTIES and authority. They need to address this post-haste. If our government has become too large, this a rule-making process, maybe we should consider whether "size reduction" might also be helpful.
I’m into cool . . . far out man. Can you dig it?
Geeze the outstanding critics of Trump come from the coldest, darkest states. Guess they need a trip to Florida to see how good government works.
The last time DC was invaded by country hicks was the Carter administration. We can hope the Trump invasion is more successful.
There's method to our Alaskan madness, we institutionalize our craziest in D.C, well away from here.
Wrong. Trump has critics far and wide from the Collectivist Cult as well as RINOs, Constitutional Conservatives, Libertarians and Real Christians
Trump is a Transervative TransChristian. He just self identifies.
Inability or refusal to criticize and hold accountable leader(s) is it defining characteristic of a cult not something to be proud of.
A Patriots duty is to hold leaders accountable and criticize them.
Loyalty is to the USA, Constitution and Truth; Not ANY Man (least of all one like Trump) as the Founders Intended.
Is it turnaround Tuesday? Much of what you claim he hasn't; he has. To naysayers, everyone, EVERYONE, has them. To charisma and personality-driven leadership...really? Name one leader (not Resident by installation) who Wasn't charismatic.
Trump isn't DeSantis or Abbott whomare both very successful Governors.
Trump first term was Worst GOP Presidency in History
Examples, please. For every "bad" decision he made, I'll cite three excellent ones. You're baseless criticism wears thin.
Trump only lasting Major Achievement first term was Federal Judges. Even this was mitigated by Federal Judges that quit retiring because he so polarizing. McConnell handed him 200 open seats. He should have been able to appoint and confirm 350+ with that but only did 234.
See our t.me/RealTrumpFacts and fix your ignorance for documentation of some of his bigger Betrayals Lies Fails and Do Nothings
You are a Trump Cultist not a Patriot.
appropriations. Cold and Dark means: please send us money...often for good use...oversight? Incentives?
Thank you! As always, fun to read!
I have had my own travails with our nation's FBI. I never broke any laws. In fact, as a man who has developed and managed advanced tech over my career and as a CEO, I was very serious about export controls. (Of need, I became an expert on the topic, even serving in a Dept of Commerce, BIS consulting role.) However, it seems I had an adversary, unbeknowst to me, who somehow convinced a corrupt FBI to harass me for years...and another 3 letter agency was involved...as I put the company's product into many nations - legally. It is only recently, after a ridiculous call (spanning the weekend of Trump's shooting - I poop you not), that FBI Surveillance Van #8 stopped showing-up on my Wi-Fi. This has gone on since Obama's tenure, including blocking my Security Clearance until Trump was elected the first time. I never broke any laws and am a hard-over American, who believes in our way of life and Constitution. (It appears that I accidentally kicked the sleezers' "export controls bypass sleeze-off" and paid a long and steep price - major harassment. Great stories - unless you're my family!!!)
Hopefully, we can restore some semblance of LAW AND ORDER to our FBI...leadership modeling matters. (Hello Flier, if you are reading :-) This needs to be stopped.)
I believe the delineation between "RINO old guards" and the remainder of the Republicans (I'm an Independent, Liberal American), relates directly to where they get their money. Not joking. Please check me as I have been calling this part of "government-corporatism" for years now. The "RINO old guards" get money for their states and districts from Federal Taxes. So, as Mark Twain's little slave boy character said, when asked by the slave owner's son; "where do you suppose a man gets his ideals?"; "I suppose it's from whoever gives him his corn pone" (En espanol; Quien paga, manda.) Have a look at each of these states and the appropriations that get from the Federal tax money. No judgement of whether that's good or bad, but the incentives need consideration!
What a great and exacting write about our current politics and the people who helped make it that way. The Democrats of our time and their lame policies of DEI and their fake woke ideology made Trump as popular as he is. Couple that with the illegal law-fare and the FBI’s persecution of conservatives and anyone who supported Trump and you had a formula for MAGA conversions.
Is Diane Feinstein ruling from the grave now? Didn't she have Murkowski pinned to the wall in a photo op? Slimy creatures inhabit the Washington swamp, and she and Collins are two of the worst! They truly are the definition of a RINO. Both need to be booted from the Republican Party, and exposed for their voting practice, of really being a democrap! Maine and Alaska can do better!
Great piece Roger but there is nothing cool about the practice of homosexuality which the Jewish religion regards as sin because it is condemned in the Bible by God as it is in the Christian Bible as well. It's been proven to not be genetic so there is a choice in the matter and to willfully disregard God's law is a recipe for disaster. Perhaps he has renounced his preference and is actively struggling against his propensity just as many struggle against their propensity toward fornication, adultery or greed or...you name it. So no, I can't support this cabinet choice by Trump for Treasury Secretary and hope the senate rejects him unless he is now repentant and no longer practices homosexualtiy. And no I'm not a homophobe if the meaning implies I hate homosexuals. I believe the Bible instructs us to love the sinner but lament the sin and in that spirit I offer my remarks.
Bessent is also a Soros Guy
First term treasury Secretary Munchin was a Soros Partner.
Trump caught obsessors about many degrees separation conspiracy theories with Soros and ignores Trump direct connection.
I understand your viewpoint. You're entitled to your opinion. I agree with some of it. I am a regular "straight" married American. We're all G-d's children. Homosexuality as been among humans and animals for a very long time. Homosexuality has, unfortunately, been politicized and promoted by OUR GOVERNMENT - but not in a supportive way, but rather towards division and idolatry. To me, this is the main issue. (Is it a lawful use of taxpayer funds - to advocate to us in this manner?) I see this as the main issue.
Sorry that is not a defense of it.
Especially animals. Cherry picking animal behavior to make a point is a fake argument.
Animals also will eat their spouse after mating.
Some will eat their kids or their mates kids If the father is different.
Is your name correctly spelled DOHzer?
sorry you're offended. I didn't intend that. I agreed in large part with you, then stated my perspective. I'm American - people are free to pursue their happiness and freedom provided they do not infringe the rights of others.
My name is spelled Dozor. Two "o"s and zero "h"s. If you knew me, it's unlikely you'd ask that question. I'm a straight man, a hardcore engineer, and a successful leader of teams that perform. Part of that is supporting people and staying in my lane.
In any regard, I am grateful for your comment. Cheers.
Do you practice being obnoxious or does it come naturally?
The first time I heard "cool" in the current usage was at Berkeley High School, 1952.
My choice between Kid Rock and Meathead? There’s only one choice, and it’s the Kid. We the People reminds me of that famous line from a great movie, my mom’s favorite, Network: “We’re mad as hell and we’re not going to take it anymore!” The language choices by Kid Rock in his anthem reflect the built up anger in all us “cool” Trump supporters. Our anger is all out there now, and it’s showing how willing we are to fight in any and all ways to support our freedoms, our very Constitution. Never thought-at 80, I’d be one of the “cool” ones!!
So, do you enjoy Manhattan Transfer?
Reading your vibrant article on the train in to work this morning - and then listening to a bit of the irrepressible Kid Rock - I’m reminded and cheered by the great, enthusiastic energy of our extraordinary country. Sophisticates educated in the spiritual tradition of the aristocratic European court generally have little respect for the culture they think of as “ugly American,” but their blinders are thick. We are and have been the dream destination of so many people throughout the world because - better than we ourselves - they can see and love that uniquely American enthusiasm. What an amazing place this is! I admit to forgetting sometimes. Thank you for this great reminder.
If Andrew Weissman is objecting, then it is certain that we are metaphorically "over the target".
Patel's "Government Gangsters" is worth the watch. He earned his stripes working with Devin Nunes to uncover the multi-layered scandalous Russiagate conspiracy. (For which, btw, there has been little to no recompense. All the malefactors are scot free---and a bunch retain their doggone security clearances.)
Yes to the tenth, and add that the Clintons rode in on Fleetwood Mac's Don't Stop Thinking about Tomorrow. Tomorrow is their hangover slowly realizing they embodied the fascism they deplored. Obama, too, was the next big thing. Planet of the Mediapes presented Aviator Joe as the cat's pajamas. But What Is Hip? Is it raking in cash from crimes you self-pardon under cover of wall-to-wall presstitution? Americans can't walk their streets or shop their stores--We went to our windows and shouted, "We're mad as hell and not going to take it any more!" Make America Real Again. Sound check, check. Get this party started.