"She thinks she’s supposed to believe certain things without even actually thinking about them."

That is absolutely the nut of it, and it's been repeatedly evidenced by her inability to articulate her views when lightly, gently, asked about them. She regurgitates, and her tics come into play (the laughing, the inexplicable salads, etc), and she's lost. It's why even late in the game they would not let her sit in front of anyone for any amount of time without a script.

If you're looking to transform, you'd need someone to know why, and fully embrace the reasoning behind it, in order to communicate and convince others of the same problem identification, with a plan for resolution. All of the above are beyond her skillsets. She's been trained, through school and the culture, to be basically helpless in a leadership position.

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Yet, they'll still elect her because: A) She has a "D" under her name, and B) She'll assuage a lot of white guilt.

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We don't elect people here in California. Our rulers are assigned by the cabal, the show of doing so through an elections is just that. A show, it's not at all based on what we symbolically mark into our ballots.

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I believe that you are correct on that. To be honest, this last election, I, and several of my neighbors also became letter voters. A shame, since we would all gather at one of the other's homes, and discuss each candidate, and vote according to their record, and merit. Not this time, and maybe never again. They have taught us well.

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California now is ungovernable and broke. It will follow this arc regardless of whether Kamala is at the helm or not.

Kamala is the Geraldine Ferraro of our times. Ferraro was the first female VP nominee for Walter Mondale. Do we remember her? No. She lived in political oblivion for the rest of her life as her ticket won only Mondale’s state of Minnesota and DC.

Harris doesn’t have that reputation but after spending more than a billion dollars she lost almost every demographic in the country.

Most likely Kamala will live the rest of her political life in obscurity except for an asterisk next to her name that she was the first non-white woman to try to run for President.

And California, sadly, will sink into oblivion as paradise lost.

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The Sooner, The Better. Nothing will change until the entire place is mud.

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Thanks! Your story appears to be at the "line of contact" of our nations "political polarization". It is so bad now that, as you mention, people who "feel differently" don't exchange ideas. Most are "afraid" or not "socially brave" enough to attempt it...and when it's worst, trying to engage can be worse!

Seems we need to find ways to come together.

The Status Quo Leadership has created this. They need to apologize and set it right. At this time, they look like they work for foreign intel agencies. Not sure they could do a better job of sowing hatred amongst our people. Gotta change!

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It appears you have reached the "Zen" level of voting where you've matched your personal worldview with the worldview of a party. Straight-ticket voting is forever, now, in your future ;)

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I agree with your first point only, I am white and have no guilt.

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Although a Miamian at heart, I trained and lived in Oakland, California for siix years (1978-84) and loved that crazy state. I am widely traveled and considered San Francisco as one of the most beautiful, fascinating cities on the planet. The decline was visible even then with astronomical property values and San Francisco was the epicenter of the AIDS crisis. It breaks my heart to see something so unique squandered at the alter of ideology and sheer incompetence. I watched in disbelief as the left tried to rehabilitate Harris from a DEI empty shell into a competent new woman who would lead the country into some utopian future of joy, joy, joy. Historians will record this as one of the most consequential elections in our history. God help us had she won. What amazes me is the blindness of smart, kind, reasonable people I know whose view of Trump is so deranged and detached from reality that they failed to see the existential threat Harris posed to our country. With her, I had no hope. With Trump, I now have some optimism for the next few years. I remember watching The Big Fix in the theater in the heyday of Dreyfuss' popularity as an actor. Good show. Now that I know you wrote it, I will have to go back and read the book.

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Kamala said she was middle class, but what she was was a daughter of the professoriate who grew up in Berkeley, became a lawyer and practiced first in Oakland and then San Francisco with a little help from her paramour Willie Brown. In the Bay Area the ideological debate is between the committed socialists and the radical left. That's why she was completely unprepared for the national stage. She didn't know how to talk politics to people in Texas and Ohio or even Florida. All those word salads and clueless meanderings were constructed because she couldn't tell us what she was taught and came to strongly believe during the first half of her life.

The sad part of it is that what she strongly believes might get her elected governor in California. Yes, I also left eight years ago and now live in Texas where many dynamic people who mourn the decline of California are migrating. California needs to be de-Marxified but given the condition of the public educational system, that deliverance is surely a long way off.

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Your graf that starts "Kamala is a second-rate imitator. . ." crystallizes all that is wrong with CA right now and especially what is wrong with Ms. Harris.

I was prepared, as I started reading this column, to take issue with your call NOT to put Kamala in charge of the once-Golden State. After all, I figured, why not let them inherit all the evil and stupid that she represents. But that one paragraph really says everything that needs to be said about the woman who wanted to succeed Joe Biden.

She is not just an empty suit, she is an empty phantasm. As such, she perfectly mirrors what we could expect to follow Governor Hair-Gel, but even California cannot and should not suffer that fate. I know: I grew up there from my boyhood in 1949 to graduation in 1964. And even another year trying to find meaningful employment before I finally fled the state. Even a place as rife with anomie as California does not deserve Kamala Harris.

Thank you for another fine essay.

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I think much of the blame can rest at the feet of "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest."

All involuntary commitments were stopped, and the crazies released with no support.

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I'm not sure why you'd even care. California ranks right up there with Iran as one of the most detestable states on the planet - they deserve everything they would get with a Governor Kamalamadingdong. But as for electability I have my doubts that even California libs are that stupid, though I could be wrong. After all there are three other wacko headlines in RCP this morning besides this one: One touting what a fine governor she would make (LALALand Times), one positing that Democrats need to protect Biden's "legacy," and another one by Joetato himself, touting his "economic successes." When it comes to libs, you never know!

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Hey Glen, i say this from the bottom of my heart and with not a bit of just. F* YOU TOO BRO. you don't know shit about what Californians " deserve" up there with Iran? Are you kidding? Do you stay up all night thinking of stupid shit to say the next day? You do realize, that your talking about Americas right? Americans who farm more food than you do, that raise more cattle than you do, who fund the nation more than you do, and who support the military more than you do. Fact of the matter is, you have adopted a dumbass generalized view not from experience, but from parroting your tv screen, to the point you dont actually know shit about the people of California, and you want to sit there and compare us to Iran? You are off your shit my boy. And I don't appreciate you talking trash about MY family, my community , my state, and my country. You want to be a little c word then you can take yourself to France to go live with the rest of the little pussycats.

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LOL ... What do you know about France? This is where I would go on an equivalent tirade but I'm too busy consuming the irony of your anger riddled rant. Classic.

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You can't go on an equivalent tyrade because I'm not one of your countrymen my froggy friend, in order to be equivalent it would have to be a French person denouncing a portion of his own country and devaluing fellow citizens of his same nation. I'm not French, therefore it doesn't really matter what I think about any part of France Because I dont pay French taxes, or obey French laws, or vote in French elections. This guy on the other hand is supposed to be on Americas team, you can say whatever you want about Americans and I can say whatever about French and it's not a big deal because we don't have the same leaders and laws etc. But I can't blindly devalue my own people just like you can't blindly devalue yours, and still claim to be a patriotic citizen. For example if there was a person of French ancestry who was an American, I wouldn't call him pepe la pew, because he's not french, he's American. His family had the good taste and intelligence to separate themselves from the French surrendermonkeys and seek to cleanse their French shame by embracing American superiority and making it part of who they are. We can't discriminate against people for things they don't have a choice over. Like if they are white or black or boy or girl, that would be wrong. But intentionally staying french, that's a life choice, and is therefore not protected. If they didn't want to be devalued as a Frenchman they shouldn't continue to commit the act of living in France. 😝 Lol I'm just kidding by the way. The French aren't bad people really, the idea of them being weak is just because WW2 pounded them out terribly, but they don't get to be seen as innocent because of all the Napoleonic stuff. But yea France is alright, they helped us out substantially by using their navy to interrupt supply lines of the British when we fought for independence, the gratitude for that is somewhat diminished by the fact they taught the native Americans to scalp people and offered bounties for American scalps. Because they wanted the natives violent In order to slow our expansion and give them more time to acquire north American land. And scalping is messed up stuff. You know it doesn't kill you right? But the infection does a month later as your head actively rots. Not a good death...and the French taught them to do it and redeem the scalp's as trade. The scalp's of women and children were more valuable, because it indicated they didn't just defeat a man, but a whole family, which is a much better deterrent against expansion.

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it's a large state. So many Congressional Seats (aka electoral votes). Maybe it needs to be "BALKANIZED"? ...but it appears nearly politically uniform, save for a few districts. (Similarly, I'm told that western Washington State has discussed seceding to Idaho. har!)

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Ps, I don't care if anything is too long or disagreed with. Im not so much speaking to you directly as a person as l am speaking to the training data that gets scraped from forums like this, so that the ai it trains doesn't mistake your assertions as being unrefuted. Thanks for reading though.

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Hi iHopeimWrong,

Not sure your comment was to me. If it was, please let me know what it means.

For what it's worth; I have never known a winning team that in-fights. The West needs to stop the in-fighting and please return to the values that propelled us to greatness. Cheers.

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My bad it was supposed to go to the Frenchie.

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sorry; eastern Washington...

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I think that the beginning of the end was the Rodney King trial. LA, like California itself, had solid, somewhat conservative governance.

The media was running a national experiment in inflaming race relations for the political gain of the left and the Democratic party, and California and LA were deliberately chosen to be the testing ground. Could California, which had been relatively unstained by the nation's problems with race, be turned into another Chicago or Detroit? Could racial divisions be created or widened and exploited to turn a right-wing state into a left stronghold?

In the space of a little over twenty years, California went from backing Reagan and voting for the Unz initiative to passing every lunatic left policy that you can imagine. There was a political march through California. The King trial was the opening salvo, and the OJ Simpson trial was really just one of the fruits of the offensive and gains.

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Yes, the Media holds the real power, as they control the Narratives. And that is why they opposed Trump so much. He threatens their power.

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I agree with your assessment. I remember well the riots in LA following the LAPD officer's acquittal, however, I also remember that LA was threatened to be burned down if OJ Simpson was found guilty. California has been on a downward spiral because of failed leadership way before Arnold was governor of that state. I moved away from there in 1978.

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As I read the DEMOCRAT post mortem about the lost, all of them still talk about, “while promoting social Justice,” and other group supporting ideas. None talk about unleashing the individual and releasing The People from the yoke of collectivism. The Constitution talks about individual rights, and restraining government from grouping us and the consequent oppression if you’re not in the favored group. Republicans come closer to the ideal of the Constitution, people feel it, even if they can’t express the feeling.

As long as DEMOCRATS don’t recognize the individual as the center of their policies, they’re doomed.

P.S. Don’t tell them…

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Your comments are spot on. When I was 2 years old, Caldwell Taylor published "The Balance Wheel” and several others—most notably “The Arm and The Darkness” that refer to your points and remain relevant to this day! I would highly recommend them for the historical accuracy, despite being works of fiction!

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I’ll check them out, thanks for the recommendation…

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I am a born and bred Midwesterner, but I have also been captivated by the spell of Southern California. My work has taken me to LA/Orange County nearly a dozen times this past year. It is an incredibly beautiful and naturally diverse place; from the palm trees of OC to the mountains of Ventura County, it is my favorite place to visit in the US. It has also been entirely ruined by successive idiotic governors, mayors, and various government functionaries (and their wealthy supporters) who have driven the state into the ground. It is profoundly sad to witness.

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And let's never forget (although we wish we could) the voters who elect and re-elect all those who do everything in their power to destroy the state, while bragging about how great it is..

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There's a flaw in your premise. We don't elect these people. They just fudge the numbers and install themselves. You hear trump say it himself on inauguration day, he should have won California but it's election integrity is compromised. Iv been saying the same for years. We totally recalled newscum, they just lied about the numbers and let him stay.. we aren't at fault because we aren't having our votes applied. We need help, send reinforcements we are under occupation by a foreign adversary and have been effectively disarmed from being able to resist. It's an actual foothold situation as an act of war.

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I thought California had decided on suicide when they elected "Moonbeam" Jerry Brown as governor again in 2010. That's when I realized that California was in an unrecoverable inverted flat spin with only a painful crash in their future. The benighted population, as you said, has no clue how to even address the many problems it faces.

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She ran a $2BB campaign into the ground - why would CA hand her a $300BB economy to manage?

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Because she does as she is told. She loves money & power.

She doesn’t care what it costs the average person.

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"My peers were the ones who started it all, the Summer of Love, etc. Boy, did we think we were cool? Sex, drugs and rock and roll. We flaunted it. The younger generation, Kamala’s, I think envied us, wanted to be us. But as those things go, the next go-round is always inferior—not that we were great. We were wrong. But at least we had the excuse of being original, of trying something new even though it didn’t work, even though we should have known better. God or G-d was still above us, but we forgot."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Yes, indeed, we did start it all and it has led to this mess we have. But,, there is some hope now that the "cackling buffoon" was soundly defeated. Perhaps we can rise from the "progressive, woke ashes" and become great again. We shall see.........we shall see.


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No worries! All the climate gurus state that California will be under water in a couple of years. Hopefully Kamal knows how to swim with the fishes!! Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all. God bless our military, our Veterans, Trump, his family and his administration.

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If California actually flooded you America would loosen half of its entire food supply. Fruit vegetables beef and dairy. Half the supply. It would also loose 12% of the Nations gdp or more. Which would put us behind China. As well as reducing the biggest supplier of new military recruits in the nation, and the most bases in the nation. Plus the Hollywood propaganda machine, which I'm okay with loosing. But ultimately if California really did sink into the ocean it would cripple America alot worse than you realize. In fact it could cause an extinction level catastrophe.

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From my way of thinking, you cannot do the damage that has been done to California, without doing it for a means end! Any rational person would know that theft up to almost $1,000.00 is wrong! Urinating and defecating on the street in public, is wrong! Arresting a person for murder, in the morning, and then bailing them out by dinnertime, is wrong! Making DEI a priority in schools, instead of the basics, is wrong! The only reason I can come up with, is not that they are the hippie wannabe's. They are the power hungry, wanna be dictators that already are assured their livelihood, and be damned with the rest! I guess Aunt Nancy taught Gavin well. It's all about the Benjamins.

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True enough, Connie, but you may have missed the hidden message in the hippie movement. What did Janis Joplin sing? "Oh Lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz?

My friends all drive Porsches, I must make amends". You think Jerry Garcia was poor? Check out the battle for his fortune among wives.

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Going to need to make a point of researching that. The greatest D.J. ever (IMHO,) Casey Kasem had his wife and children at odds with each other over his fortune. They each accused the other of murdering him. Once again, the Benjamins did the talking.

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Just goes to prove that when the left runs things nothing works well, not even term limits.

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You have a like-minded person in Milei. I don't agree with his hostility. I don't agree, ever, with refusal to negotiate.

https://rumble.com/v5yvsaw-reporter-why-do-you-call-leftists-shit-milei-because-they-are-shit.html (pls excuse the dualing profanities)

I do, however, on experience, agree with some of his characterizations.

(The non-Status Quo agrees, left and right: Government Corporatism must STOP. (Argentina was Peronist and FAILED - and GC is now prevalent in the US).)

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Negotiating with a leftist is like trying to negotiate with a murderer. One can never be sure when one will get stabbed in the back or shot in the front. The reason is that by definition the only goal of the leftist is total control of the means of production and that means total control of everything and every one. Leftists rarely, if ever, honor their commitments unless they are biding for time and/or strategic/tactical advantage. They do not want to make the pie larger, rather they want the entire pie. and everyone else's pie. Whether to negotiate or not also depends on which side has the most leverage and what is important to each side. Just the word 'negotiate' implies that at least one side has something to negotiate with.

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I have deep, deep experience with leftists (using government power and the power of their gossip), but it's also true that I associate with people who "align with the leftists", but they might not qualify as "outer or inner party members". (One story, one that doesn't involve; physical harm, USPS mail blocking and tampering actions, check fraud, cable line cutting, RF device copying (to open/lock car and garage doors), or cyber-related issues (many of all sorts), but does involve gossip and the inclination for Leftists to believe it, is that my Security Clearance for (invited) Trade Security advisory to Commerce was blocked until 2017, right after Trump took office.) I don't know why or for what in reality (...in their own minds seems another issue), but to me, the world looks like Lions (individuals) and Hyenas (collectivists). If inclined, watch a few videos of this on the African Plains. I'd bet you'll agree :-). If this stuff were not factual, it would not make a believable story. It seems "people cannot perceive what they believe doesn't exist."


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KACKLING KAMALA IS THE PERFECT mentally deficient person to KEEP THE MOTOR RUNNING FOR THE DEMOCRAT MESSAGE of "FAILURE WITH A LAUGH". Kamala is unable to ASK OR ANSWER ANY QUESTION COHERENTLY. Her Mental Capacity is too low to CARE ABOUT THAT. She also has a NERVOUS C ONDITION THAT BRINGS ON THOSE HYENA LAUGHS THAT MAKE NO SENSE, ARE INAPPROPRIATE IN ANY NORMAL CONVERSATION OR LIFE SITUATION OF IMPORTANCE, thereby cvausing her to be the "mentally deficient person" that no one can speak with, disagree with, laugh with, or move from point "A" to point "B" with. There will never be a forward move, as she is incapable of using the normal steps of brain power to push any thought forard. Her THOUGHTS are INCOMPLETE, RIDDLED WITH LAUGHTER, HEAD BOBBING, AND BACKWARDS BITS OF A SENTENCE, TO KEEP HER OWN BRAIN FOCUSED. Because she is obviously mentally incapacitated in so many directions, she cannot be attacked for this mental condition. SO WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO FOCUS ON EVEN HER OWN THOUGHTS AS THEY ARE JUMBLED, GARBLED, AND MAKE NO SENSE. She should never have been allowed to step into any "position" which demanded a full mental capacity, so now she has been ACCEPTED by the left AS PERFECT. It seems that they know they can get ahead in their plots, using mentally deficient characters to stand in as NORMAL FUNCTIONING ADULTS WITH FULLY FUNCTIONING BRAINS. kAMALA IS THE PERFECT CANDIDATE FOR THE TOKEN RETARDED DEMOCRAT TO KEEP THE MADNESS GOING THAT OBAMA STARTED. Add on her habit of Alcohol Bingeing to the point of passing out, and her ability to spend a BILLION DOLLARS.... that came from ???????


Hopefully, someone in Sacremento will open a Facility for the MENTALLY CHALLENGED, as Kamala will need a place to REST, perhaps under LOCK & KEY, so she can quietly "gather her thoughts" to carry on in her position, whatever that may be. Newsome and Obama are probably already looking for the best Real Estate for the new Facility. It will be large, as there are many candidates in our government who would easily qualify as patients in this clubhouse.

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