I followed the vote tabulation closely from the Pacific time zone, so I had the benefit of an extra three hours to watch returns being posted. Up until about 10;00 pm Pacific time, the count was going along about as I expected. What was particularly noteworthy was that the standard bellwethers, like Ohio having gone for the successful candidate in 14 of the past 15 elections, were consistently showing Trump as the winner. (I don't remember the numbers, nor do I remember all the bellwethers, so don't hold me to any of the specifics I cite.)

At 11:00 Pacific time (2:00 am in the east) counting had slowed or stopped, and the election appeared to be in the bag for Trump. There were still enough votes to be counted, and the count was close enough, that it could swing to Biden, but I was satisfied that in a normal election Trump would be declared the victor, so I went to bed.

There were still a lot of absentee and mail-in votes to be counted, but in the past they had not swung an election in any large number of examples. And Trump had something like 14 of the 15 indices ("bellwethers") that people watched on election night, so I thought it highly unlikely Biden would pull out a victory, especially after his listless basement campaign.

But there was one thing that was different about this election. Using Covid as an excuse, a number of swing state governors had opened up mail-in and dropbox voting, most of them allowing ballots to be counted even if they were not signed or if they arrived several days late. My own governor, in Nevada, had done this, and it particularly favored the vote count in Clark County (Las Vegas), where a very large bloc of votes were coming in from hospitality workers' unions, reliably Democratic.

I wrote an op-ed for the local paper listing all the anomalies in the vote count, but they spiked it and I can no longer remember them all. As I say, it sticks in my memory that there were about 14 out of 15 that showed a Trump win, just as the count had indicated up until about 2:00 am eastern time. Two that I do remember were Ohio (where I was going to move to in a few months) and the count from Philadelphia, where voter turnout was above 100% of the registered voters in several precincts.

Then there's the infamous video of boxes of ballots being pulled out from under tables late in the count. I don't know how they came to be there, but I will give the counting offices the benefit of the doubt there. I will also not give a lot of weight to AG Barr's comment that there didn't seem to be a lot of problematic counts. At the point in time when he made that comment, it would only have stirred up trouble to raise the specter of a corrupted vote. The same thing happened when Kennedy's vote was put over the top by a bunch of votes in Illinois, and Nixon conceded. There comes a time to stand aside for the good of the nation, even though Chicago Mayor Richard Daley had promised Kennedy he would deliver the necessary votes.

Bottom line: I don't think Biden's win in 2020 reflected an accurate count of ballots cast by individual voters. But the Covid pandemic made this a unique time, and the opportunities opened up by it were seized by unscrupulous politicos. Paper ballots probably would have made that a little harder, but not impossible since ballots were still being counted days after the election, especially in Democratic precincts.

Can we prevent this in future? Perhaps, but only if we can convince politicians that an election should reflect the will of a majority of voters, and not just satisfy their hunger for power. Sorry this was so long.

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If I had received a financial statement with as many red flags on it as the election returns, I would have had auditors all over it. That audits were actively resisted told me everything I needed to know. The lawfare merely reinforces the perception.

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Your first two paragraphs could've been written by me.

I felt EXACTLY the same way when I went to bed ... and for the same reasons.

The next morning I woke up and found out that "bad things happen in the dark of night".

There is no way Biden won in 2020 ... campaigning from his basement.

What a joke.

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Biden did not get 81 million votes

Counting stopped at 1130 PM EST and resumed at 230 AM EST... they didn't try to hide their brazen cheating, it's like a ventriloquist who moves his mouth

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“Can we prevent this in future? Perhaps, but only if we can convince politicians that an election should reflect the will of a majority of voters, and not just satisfy their hunger for power.” -

Thus Spoke Flier

Sir, don’t hold your breath…

PS: We’ll constructed thoughts are never too long!

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TBGR. Ex President Trump lost in 2020. Anyone claiming to be an agnostic on that issue is a nut job.

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You have no more information than anybody else.

The fact that any attempt to audit the 2020 results was stifled quickly and anyone questioning those results immediately labeled a conspiracy theorist (despite Stacey Abrams loudly and continuously proclaiming her stolen 2018 gubernatorial election in one of the very states questioned by Trump) before even routine recounts performed doesn’t exactly lend itself to your fantasy of a free, fair and TRANSPARENT election.

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Don’t forget about Bush stealing the 2000 election…and now everyone believes he was an awful president. I still can’t believe Republicans in Congress voted Lizard Cheney into leadership in January 2021?!? WTF???

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Multiple recounts by third parties and media doing research showed that Bush did not "steal" the 2000 election - there was no scenario for counting votes where Gore won Florida in their audits. But those same audits have NOT been conducted or allowed in AZ, GA, PA, MI, WI, NV from 2020...I wonder why?

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Nope, Gore won the constitutional recounts. You apparently enjoyed that Dick Cheney up your b hole!! 😂

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Yes, that "Gore Presidency" sure was grand! You're obviously not informed and some sort of troll. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/media-jan-june01-recount_04-03

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President Bush didn’t steal the election in 2000. It is likely that had the Supreme Court not intervened, Vice President Gore may have prevailed.

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2024 could easily be close enough to have FL-2000 like disputes in multiple states instead of just one. There could be electoral votes that remain uncertified all the way into January.

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Just know the voting machines margin of error is waaaaaaay down from 2000.

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It ain't about the machines. it is about procedures and ballot handling. Let's say Trump leads Harris by 100 votes (or less) in GA. Do you really think Fulton County will be able to produce a consistent recount? It all depends on how many ballots get counted twice, which ones are counted, etc... Recounts in GA are done by the county, not the state. The same corrupt clowns that did the first count will do the recount. If it is that close, I doubt that GA will be able to certify a winner. VA, in contrast, has a consistent state run procedure for recounts. All the ballots will be transported to Richmond and the recount is overseen by judges.

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Dodo, audits and recount were done in Georgia, Aaron, Arizona, Nevada, the major counties of Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania.

Guess what? Even with Republican attorney generals, President Biden prevailed each time!

Ex President Trump lost 60 legal cases in Pennsylvania alone, including from the United States Supreme Court.

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Define audit, please.

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Kamala agrees with your reasoning and echoes your sentiments with some of her own:

"It's time for us to do what we have been doing and that time is every day. "

Also, "I do believe that we have rightly believed but we certainly believed that certain issues are just settled. Certain issues are just settled...and that's why I do believe that we are living in real unsettled times".

"I think that there can be no higher priority than what we have been clear is our highest priority."

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Explain how it is that in all the states that closed voting in the dark of night, not one had Biden in the lead and saw Trump winning. Just a coincidence, pal?

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Since I haven't heard "TBGR" before this, I am left to decipher it. I came up with "Totally Brilliant! Great Read!"

I thank you for your assessment but have to disagree with the second part of your reply.

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I find it more than ironic that we are criticizing the Venezuelan election.

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It's a form of arrogance and hubris which drives the inanities of our current crop pf leaders. These are the people who graduate from the Ivy League indoctrination camps, who believe they are "The chosen" in our society whose belief set is the standard by which we all should follow.

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All part of the ruse

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It’s never about the topic. It’s always about the objective/the revolution.

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There is a great deal of cognitive dissonance in America at present... I fear what is coming, no matter the electoral outcome, as we collectively (and protectively) distance ourselves from reality.

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Despite the constant refrain of those who

'methinks protest too much ' the almost universal claim that the election was stolen - ( especially overseas ) everyone on both sides knows intuitively if not with full factual knowledge that the election was blatantly stolen and in effect having been caught and knowing that they have been caught they have been doing their worst which is our human natural response to being caught ie lashing out - and that's what these folks like Jack Smith have been doing - lashing out !

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Ian. You are nuts.

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And you Norman, are blind.

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Did you do an independent analysis of all the information or are you just credulously following the media that brought us years of Russian Collusion lies?

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You can say that again. Just to drive ‘em crazy, um, nuts.🤪

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What’s even more important to understand is that from early 2017 to the present each and every action taken by the apparatus has been about concealing the crimes committed in 2016 - the spying by an incumbent administration on the political campaign of the opponent. Thus there is crime on top of crime all committed to prevent it all from coming to full light. Doubt this? Fine. To me it’s plain as day.

Ivan Raiklin is all over this, and before the spotlight was on his labors, dozens of citizen investigators and citizen journalists beat Durham to the punch (the Kevin Clinesmith ‘speaking indictment’ followed by the Sussman indictment).

As quoted from The Conservative Treehouse: there are trillions at stake.

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In 2020, Joe Biden didn't campaign because he knew the fix was in. Now Kamala Harris is doing the same thing. These crooks will "count ballots" until Kamala "wins". I'm a 78-year woman in Colorado. Colorado was one of the first states with mail-in voting several years ago. That's when we were red, red, red. Now blue Colorado and New Mexico stick out like sore thumbs in the middle of the country on a red-blue map. Cheating Joe Biden was the worst, but cheating, Communist Kamala Harris will be the straw...

The "Never-trumpers" Mitt Romney, et al, have already endorsed Kamala. It's shocking that they are Parr of the Deep State. Romney (insanely jealous of Trump) must have thrown that election. How can we keep this from happening again?

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Am in Virginia, very close to your age, have despaired as my beautiful state (as is yours) has turned from RED to purple, almost blue. Now I wonder IF I should have just filled out and sent in all of those unsolicited mail-in ballots for Mr. Trump anyway....! As it is, will keep stepping up to the polling place and vote in person - only way I (kind of) know my vote will count!

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In 2020 it wouldn't have mattered. Biden won by 10 pts. Extra ballots could matter this year, though.

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Not in Maricopa county Arizona...

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If you are in Maricopa, with multi-precinct voting centers that print up ballots on demand, it is best to vote early in person. Don't wait till election day, or else some IT guy will repeat what was done in 2022.

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And what will they do if that fails, and Kamala loses anyway? They will stop Trump from taking office. If the Democrats control Congress when it convenes, they can do a disqualification under 14A.3. But what if both Houses have a slim Republican majority? Then they must stop enough of those Republicans from taking office to keep Congress Democratic on Jan 3. They can do this by creating vacancies (Mitch McConnell could croak at any time anyway), or by stopping travel of members to DC under Martial Law, which can be done if there is massive civil unrest or a new pandemic - or both.

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You have to have attended our Republican Town Meeting last month. Two postal workers from the City of New Bedford spoke about the thousands of ballots they delivered before the election. For example, if Jose Jimenez lived alone, they would delver 25-26 ballots to his address...in one day!. This went on all over the city. So, please don't tell us in MA that the 2020 election was Not rigged. it WAS!

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why would they have to rig Mass of all places?

a rotting log could win a presidential election in Mass if it had a (D) next to its name.

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For local races. MA holds local and state elections in the same years as Federal elections. In Virginia and 4 other states, all state and most local contests are in odd numbered years.

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Shhhh…he’s on a roll. 😉

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You and the clown known as "Norman" have absolutely nothing of substance to say. You just airily discount anything anyone says that you don't like but never debate it.

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Having served as TN Chairman for True the Vote for several years (pre-2020), I understand many of the ways election fraud is carried out. As a result of that, --plus the overwhelming evidence accrued during and post 2020 election, I have no doubt the election was stolen.

The totality of the left's unpreparedness for the results of the 2016 election should tell you what you need to know; ---that they had set up what they thought was enough fraud to ensure the election for Hillary. They got caught flat-footed.

They weren't going to let that happen again and let all of Obama's work go for naught, so in 2020 they arranged for even more prepared mail-in ballots, drop boxes, mules for stuffing, etc. But, Oops!!, they misjudged once again. So in came the trucks in the wee morning hours in PA. Out came the roller bags in Atlanta after everyone else had been sent home. In some districts there were more votes than registered voters.

From The 2020 Election Evidence Project (electionevidence.com) :

"Ballot counting was delayed in 6 states, all around the same time, on election night for the first time in United States history without any explanation.

Five states wanted to decertify and requested more time for audits whose governors wouldn’t call the special sessions to allow them to do so.

Hundreds of thousands of votes were adjudicated without proper observance which is against FEC law. (See county by county in the sheet below).

Maricopa County defied court ordered and state legislature ordered subpoenas to run a forensic audit and fought tooth and nail against the audit. If you were accused of a crime, wouldn’t you want to clear your name?

Fulton County (Atlanta) defied a unanimous legislative mandate demanding a full forensic audit.

The state of Michigan’s AG blocked the release of the Antrim county audit. Never allowed for a full audit of the state to be done.

Maricopa county (Phoenix) and Fulton county (Atlanta) deleted voter records and adjudication records which is against the 22 month minimum set by FEC law (which also provides forensic audits are legal.) These counties were the largest counties in their states and effectively determined the winner of their elections almost single handedly. As the audits continue, it appears that this was systemic as it’s been observed across multiple states across multiple counties. The FEC law specifically exist so that records in a contested election such as the one in 2020 can be audited. If those records are deleted, it’s assumed that fraud occurred. (See links below and Antrim county Audit under resources page)

Tens of thousands of votes in PA that were sent by mail were illegally and mysteriously backdated.

There were illegal levels of adjudication rates across multiple states and counties; some were as high as 93%. This is significant because it’s the easiest way to commit election fraud. FEC law allows for less than 1%.

Fulton County (Atlanta) workers kicked out poll watchers and media while scanning and rescanning ballots multiple times over ON VIDEO. An estimated 18,000-32,000 ballots were scanned and assigned to fake names on voter rolls.

There was a coordinated effort across multiple swing states to kick out libertarian and republican poll watchers and lawyers during the election on November 3rd. (See county by county in the sheet below).

All of this is verified and fact-checked and doesn’t even scratch the surface of what’s on this site. Feel free to dig through the links below and come to your own conclusions."

These examples are but a few of the methods used to steal the 2020 election. Don't forget the administration's and MSM's lies about Russian interferance and Hunter's laptop.

I am convinced that there are no limits to what they will do to stay in power. What might we have in store for us between now and November? ---These are NOT Americans!

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Jackie, thanks for that thorough review of what we all have had to face in the last few years. Superbly done. I am linking Substack notes so others will read. Apropos, Alan Dershowitz, on his Substack and elsewhere, has asserted that Biden one based, but has not shown us any evidence. This despite his other assertion that the legal war against Trump is illegal. He should be. questioned on the former.

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Thank you, Roger. I was very discouraged looking for the Election Evidence website. I went through at least ten pages of results on multiple browsers and came up with only left-leaning results; mostly Brennan Center based and all headlining "the myth of voter fraud.

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"What might we have in store for us between now and November?" Well, they tried to destroy Trump's reputation by having a woman accuse him of rape with absolutely no evidence, but that didn't work. they indicted him on outrageous, unbelievable counts, even got a conviction, that didn't work, then they decided in unison after the debate that Biden had to go of which he defied them at first, so they tried to kill him and that didn't work (praise God), finally got rid of Biden and brought in Kamala, which isn't working. So, who knows? In 2020 they had Covid and mail-in ballots and drop boxes, so it will be interesting. I pray God's protection from these communists.

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@Jackie Archer I was so excited to check out the election evidence website, and then found that most of the links I clicked (about 7-8) were either dead or I got an “oops” page ☹️ They’re hiding so much. I’m trying to stay positive for this election, but when we KNOW there was so much fraud last time, it’s harder and harder to believe the good guys can prevail. Truly evil that we’re fighting.

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People are generally moved to action by their positive enthusiasm ( for instance getting out of bed in the morning and going to vote ) - this is just human nature - there was none evident ( that I could see ) in favour of Joseph R Biden leading up to November 8, 2020 - hence my solid belief since November 9, 2020 that 80 million votes was a contrived myth

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Yes. You are nutz.

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No. This is an argument that has been mentioned before - how in h-e-double-hockeysticks did the old man who "campaigned" from his basement get that many actual votes? Because he didn't is most likely answer....

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By running against a clownish psycho that over half the country hates. The half where all the people are.

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Yeah, the people from Boston, NYC, Philly, Pittsburgh, DC, Atlanta, Chicago, St. Louis, Detroit, LA, SF, Dearbornastan, Mexico, Guatemala, Gaza, the moon and the planet Mars.

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You wouldn’t be here if you were confident in the 2020 results.

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Blind, you are… as a bat, Norman.

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Thanks for allowing comments, sir. I have followed your work for over 20 years and appreciate you very much. As a VFW I consider you an invaluable American.

Your instincts are in line with the majority of Americans; the whole of 2020 was suspect at best.

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I am enjoying the new refugee format as it is perfect to express our collective disillusionment . It sets the stage for any article that follows with the proper wordless scenery. Thank you for your thoughtful and highly relatable thoughts on Mr. Smith and your conclusions.

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There was lots of cheating and this whole administration is made up of liars and cheaters who, if we let them, will destroy this nation. They have been trying to do that for many, many years! So, when we hear someone say this is the most important election ever, we had better listen! Rena Cobb

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Another brilliant assessment! My husband and I are trying to pen an "elevator speech" for our voting age grandkids why this election is so important and for them to do their due diligence before pulling the lever. Would love your insights.

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Allowing NGOs to register real and imaginary persons to vote, and then adding ballots for them, was probably a larger factor than direct manipulation of the machines.

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Fishy? Seems more like we are drowning in a school of sardines. The attack by the CCP/neocommunist/holier than thou libtards knows no rules or restraints and thrives among the distracted. Somebody said something about having a republic- if you can keep it…

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Roger L. Simon wrote, “… our election system is a national disgrace that our officials, local and national, have allowed, even here in supposedly conservative Tennessee.”

Why do the Republicans (most of them) allow this to continue? Is the whole damn system this corrupt?

I feel like the Blazing Saddle character sheriff Bart being told by Rev Johnson, “Son, you’re on your own.”

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Biden got 16 million more votes in 2020 than Obama in 2012 and Clinton in 2016, which election already involved perhaps millions of fraudulent ballots in big Democrat run cities in swing states. Whence came all those even more extra pandemic-boosted ballots in 2020?

Note that Trump also received a lot more votes than in 2016, making Biden’s huge gains even fishier.

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In one of the Karate Kid movies, I think III, a bad boy is promised money, endorsements, and other incentives to not just defeat Daniel-San but to publically humiliate him while physically destroying him. Anyone who has seen this erstwhile film understands triumph over evil. Smith looks as evil as the bad boy and Trump, well, he's no Larusso but we'll still cheer for him when he wins over the bully. Unless SCOTUS finds Smith feckless and ill-appointed, which most of us already know.

In other news, Texas removes over 1M from voter rolls. 457k dead, 463k with no address, and 134k moved out of state. How did this happen!?

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Sweep the leg.

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And… is every other state also like Texas?

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