I call them paracommies. Americans despise communism so these people misappropriate the "Progressive" label for themselves and then perform like communists of old in their daily lives.

California went far left when Phil Burton gerrymandered the state in the 70s and 80s. That and the influx of people who were contemptuous of life in small towns and cities in the heart of the country have created a system that is inefficient, corrupt, and serves only the various bureaucracies and politicians that oversee the machinery of the state, counties and local government.

In the year 2000, my wife and I bought an undeveloped four-acre property in a mountainous region in north San Diego County. Six months later, before we had built on it, the property burned in the Pechanga Fire. If anything, it made it easier to build on the property four years later, so I didn't mind. But living there for 12 years with spectacular views of the three main mountain ranges in southern California was an unsettling experience, especially when the Santa Ana winds blew. I must have witnessed 15 fires in the ten years of living there. And yes, when we were getting ready to move in 2016, State Farm, with whom we had had insurance for 25 years, was threatening to cancel our property insurance.

We left eight years ago. I now live in Texas.

Fire is a serious business in California and paracommies are too busy imposing their rote racialist, climate-hoax agenda to do anything about it.

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Texas was a good place to land!

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Yes, it is -- unless the Californios bring CA ways with them. We don't want CA ways in Texas.

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If we judge people by outcomes, then yes, she's still a raging commie. The neglect of the fire department and the failure to clear brush are direct contributors to the deaths and billions in property damage.

The reason we have city governments is to provide those essential services. They're not doing it as some benevolent favor. We *require* them to perform these services. If she were a contractor, doing outsourced work for a corporation, she'd already have been fired.

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What is unfortunate is that the majority Los Angeles voters were sympathetic to her communist platform and philosophy. We can thus infer that the majority Los Angeles voters in the last ten years have also gone anti-Christ, anti-American, anti-liberty, anti-freedom, pro-liberal, pro-woke, and pro-communist. A perverse, abnormal, profligate, and morally-corrupt people they've become.

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Who cares whether Bass is a communist at this point?? The important thing to understand is that she’s an incompetent buffoon. Unfortunately for the people of LA, they voted overwhelmingly for this buffoon, along with the Prince of Pathetic, Gavin Newsome. Now they have to rid themselves of DumBass and the mindless Newsome. Get woke, go broke.

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I take you point, NBN, but the reason I wrote this is precisely because "woke" itself, that you blame, is the most recent avatar of communism. which continually reinvents and disguises itself, although the point is always power for the leaders and not the welfare of the people. That is why Bass is more interested in appointing the first lesbian as fire chief than she is doing the actual job. It's communism in new clothes.

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Wow just what Hillary would say — the “at this point” argument.

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They never go away. They never change their stripes. More than a million examples. Like a virus, or a fungus, they cannot be killed.

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Most of California is ruled by globalists and communism is a globalist ideology* where, as usual, they use different terms to mislead, confuse and conquer.

*since the objective is to take over the total world control of the means of production

They will blame this on (the fake) global warming, their celeb boot lickers will give concerts and blame/demonize anyone who is against total political, economic and financial control to "solve" global warming. Hopefully, November 5th came just in time.

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Lots of celebs lost their homes. That's gonna leave a mark as they say.

Cheating in elections is an art form in California. Don't assume enough people actually voted for Bass. It's damn near impossible to beat the cheat there.

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It certainly should leave a mark, but what mark will that be?

I have heard about the cheat, but I still wonder if the numbers demand cheating. I look at sites like this: https://www.laalmanac.com/election/el01.php and wonder why the left even needs to cheat in LA. Then I think about the dumbing down of young people over the years and wonder the same. Add in dummies-on-the-street interviews and I see no signs that Republicans can win anything in LA County except in a small pocket or two. Over the years a lot of people wearing R have left taking their money with them, I listen to the interviews and news on californiainsider.com and feel that there seems to be an underlying fear of saying anything bad about the Democrats and Newscum. Hopefully we are seeing the beginning of change for the better, but I don't see it happening yet in LA county.

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With AI and Quantum computers we are all being identified and "marked for retribution". 'The bought and paid for' press is actually taking away our truths. How long will we be able to comment??

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Until the globalists find ways to kill all of us, which they are trying to do by starvation (no farmers, no food), wars, diseases and fake cures for those diseases which are more deadly than the diseases themselves.

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Thank You, Al johnson, WELL STATED. Hopefully, many California citizens will read and learn.... it may be too late... not a bright light of intelligence among the Voting public.... a shame.

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Many Californians, among others, especially young people, have been frightened into believing that there is no real future for them. It is a shame, but what else can be expected when kids are brainwashed from birth to believe and obey authority regardless. The prophets of doom have been predicting the end of the world probably since the beginning of speech, and somehow it never happens. The difference this time is that the enemies of mankind now have a chance to develop tools like AI. If everyone in the world set up alerts for such things as food shortages, major fires, food chain disruptions, new wars, etc., they would find out that these events are happening frequently. The earth is still a very big place, and the media does not tell us everything we need to know. We are sort of like frogs getting boiled to death little by little, but if enough people are alerted, and decide to organize at the local level they might be able to refuse to obey, but time is running out, and if a single world programmable digital currency is implemented that links to digital IDs for every individual, it will be game over. Humans will automatically become slaves or or exterminated. No single controller of the world will want to contend with 8-9 billion people and their problems. The World Bank has been developing such a currency for some time and are just waiting for the time to implement it. But before that the effort will be digital IDs and behavioral scoring systems for individuals linked to national programmable digital currencies, little by little, nation by nation.

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Will it leave a mark? Let's assume you are a celeb in the Palisades. Is everything rented or do you have a lot of cash? If you have a lot of cash, yes, loss of a home and the stuff inside it hurt but it doesn't hurt as bad as when you are poor-like North Carolina flood victims. In addition, if you are an A list celeb, you can find a project to make a few million on and solve your problem

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Better yet, if you're a celeb, you can declare an over-sized tax loss and make money off the "disaster.". In the end houses along the PCH are too noisy. Lake Como is better.

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Thank you, Jake.... I hope I wrongly assumed that the citizens VOTED for these communist punishers, since nothing seems to change over the years....

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california has become a state of morons.... and most of them seem to be fine with that.... including the mayor, newsome, voters, etc... those high salaries must be paid.... by.... morons.

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It’s really a shame that Joe McCarthy wound up vilified for the way he chose to hunt down and punish communists in our country in the 1950’s. At least that’s how his methods were reported by the media. As a teen living in South Florida in the 1960’s, we students knew what was happening in Cuba was not a good thing. Cuban families who were able to flee Cuba settled in our area, and their kids attended our schools. These kids eventually felt free to speak of the horrors Castro brought to the people of Cuba. And I was fortunate to have a high school “Geography” teacher who dodged a “subversive” label and taught us the truth about communism, and specifically pointed out the facts about governing choices in Cuba, Russia, and China. At age 16 I understood the gross dangers communism poses. Karen Bass and the equally incompetent Police Chief (whose salary for this job is one of the highest for cities this size) ought to be ousted immediately for gross incompetence.

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Bless you Kathy.

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...drag her out by her hair, throw her into a prison cell, then begin a 10 year investigation of alll of her egriegious crimes against California citizens.... if this can be done to a former President of the USA, then Karen Bass is FAIR GAME. GET HER OUT OF YOUR LIVES, IF YOU PLAN ON A FUTURE LIFE. TO BEGIN, CUT OFF HER MASSIVE PAYMENTS. DUH, MORONS - PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT YOU ARE DOING WHEN YOU DO NOTHING!

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Roger, if you think Havana was dilapidated in ‘79, you should see it now. I spent a week in Havana a year ago. It’s really sad. Like Las Vegas, it was better when the mob ran it.

I lived in Echo Park, nicknamed The Red Hills, for decades. When I served on the neighborhood council in the early 2000s, that vibe was still going strong. I was the only free market, no regulations, voice there. Once I realized that the neighborhood councils are only rhetorical societies with no ability to influence city hall, I gave it up.

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Actually, as I was pointing out, graduates of The Red Hills were in city hall running the show, some of them drawing down absurd salaries via a patronage system--as long as you spoke "woke." Did you see the woman running the De;partment of Water and Power, of all things, was making $750,000 per annum for screwing things up unconscionably. Leftism pays.

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It's scandalous that the hydrants were running dry. It's scandalous that the fire department's budget was cut by nearly $18M. It's scandalous that in 2014 Californians voted $7.5B in bond indebtedness for water infrastructure improvements to capture water (which is needed now!) from wet winters -- reservoirs, aqueducts, etc. To date, NOTHING has been built and no one seems to know where the money is. Meanwhile, all the water from the intervening wet winters has run into the ocean.

Note also that the city of L.A. secured close to $1B in federal funds to "green" the port of L.A. and the I-710 corridor (Long Beach Freeway). So no diesel in the port, and trucks transporting to and from Long Beach are going to have to be electric (which will drive all the independents out of business and vastly increase costs of goods). How many year's worth of diesel emissions would it take to equal the massive pollution from these fires? A couple of centuries, perhaps? Could that money have been better spent?

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Do a deep dive on Pelosi and you will find she visited Cuba and Castro many times. One Secret Service memo extracted by a patriotic American reporter discovered she had spent two thousand dollars of our tax money one night while visiting Fidel, supposedly on CANDY. Was that for a Cabana boy? She was exposed by DR. Jerome Corsi an investigative reporter as belonging to the original Democratic Socialists of America when 70 Congressional people were also members. When exposed she removed her name from the list and said she was never a member. The Senator from Vermont Bernie Sanders honeymooned in Moscow, and was a DSA member and lied about his name on the list. This original version of the DSA morphed into a name change. "The Progressive Congressional Caucus of Congress". The old DSA now is a white washed version that is installed throughout our country. The original version had a Nazi flag on one side of a podium and an American flag on the other side, and revolutionary songs were sung with the words changed, such as "when the Red Red Robin Comes BOB BOB BOBBIN Along". When that information was exposed with a photo it caused many reporters to be "let go". Note: Castro's brother was his Intelligence Czar and was a true Communist believer, and when Fidel died he became head of Cuba. We had a spy in our Agency informing Fidel and his brother for 40 years.

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ROBERT, THANK YOU FOR THIS IMPORTANT REMINDER OF WHO NANZI PELOSI AND HER NEPHEW NEWSOME, REALLY ARE. How many California morons will read this with understanding? Great post, very well stated. Gigantic Changes in California Government must happen soon. I hope President Trump helps in this process of massive cleanup of Mafia Control.

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Ah yes -- la lucha continua. The struggle continues. Usually spoken by people who have food, electricity and water, good education for their children, and can move around their country and the world with no restraint. That struggle is a good one if you are on the right side.

I was going to comment, like NothingButNet below, that I don't care what her political persuasion is. I am only concerned that she is not competent for the job.

And we're definitely moving in that direction as a nation. Kamala Harris and Joe Biden are both good examples of people who are not competent in the job they're elected to. If the USA were a corporation, neither one of them would be any more than a mid-level functionary. They might not even be that. But in politics, if you can get the right people to fund you, you can rise to the top. Bass is at the top, and as a consequence thousands of Angelenos are on the streets. It's the California dream, baby! The life of freedom on the streets! Sex! Drugs! Music!

The struggle continues.

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Do I hear Bob Marley singing in the background? They got him at age 36, what a shame, but he dared to start speaking of politics. A sad mistake, we may all pay for. At least we go down in truth. Look what "they" tried to do,.... to EX and future President Trump. Scary when you can get a friend of "JILL" moved to become Director of the Secret Service,....(now removed), but how could that happen in an honest and free country?

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Exactly correct.... eliminating EDUCATION leaves a mass of ignorant VOTERS who know nothing, own nothing, but are very happy playing their video games and pretending that they are close to movie stars, .... who has time for politics?

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This may sound a bit harsh, especially for the people who do not support the Democrats in California, but you had it coming. Sooner or later something bad would happen with the embrace of DEI (another version of Marxism). Sorry, I am a political refugee from Cuba from the 60s when people left because they were persecuted and their property was confiscated, not the recent ones who come because they are hungry. DEI is no different than the political appointments of the Soviet Union, based on something other than merit. Can you say Chernobyl? When will they learn.

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No matter what it calls itself ("progressivism," for instance) or what we call it (socialism, leftism, democratic socialism, liberalism, woke, feminism, etc.) it is COMMUNISM, and communism is the enemy of America, of freedom and, in fact, of humanity.

I read comments that call it "benevolent." Bull. Socialism in its various disguises always fails; when that happens, it becomes one type of fascism or another: communism is merely a label for the desire for total control by megalomaniacs and other monsters of everyone and everything, with a small elite mob at the top and the rest of us as mindless worker ants.

Bass is a communist. Her denials are worthless and transparent.

Bass is an enemy of America.

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It seems that with every passing day, every natural disaster, every national tragedy, and every other screwup that comes, we find out one thing. The “I” in DEI stands for incompetence and the synonym for “woke “ is ignorance.

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"Woke" has another synonym. Communism.

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Communism has many synonyms, or is a synonym for many evils; totalitarianism, dictatorships, Dante's Inferno....

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Give Karen Bass and the California Democrats fiddles so they can watch their state burn and only care about producing excuses not solutions. Shame on the "woke" democrats and the shame on the people that continue to vote them into office. Kamala Harris received 67 million votes, they are still out there hiding in the weeds waiting for an opportunity to pounce.

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I, too, thought of the Nero analogy. Just put the treacherous and incompetent Newscum, Bass and their minions in togas and history repeats itself as the Empire falls.

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The old saying that a real tiger seldom changes its's spots, should be applied here. To me, that ideology becomes so cemented in one's character, and way of thinking, that it would be very difficult to abandon. The stunning thing also, is just how many are imbedded in our government to this day. Smiling, handshaking, and lying throughout their teeth about what they truly are. I watched a documentary a few months ago, that named names of some of the ones that indeed are communists, and are "serving" this country to this very day! To say I was shocked, was a big understatement. Very prominent politicians on that list. Very prominent!

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What part of “Burn baby, burn” don’t white liberals understand?

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IMO,the environmentalist who declined to clear some brush or cut swaths of trees in preparation of Santa Ann winds have some culpability in this disaster. Now they must prepare for the rainy season and subsequent mudslides. But will they? It is not like they had no warning or History to educate them,as this has been reenacted hundreds of times in the past.Could this have happened as a plan? Is is similar to Hawaii or Western Carolina? In my mind ,very suspicious. Just asking.

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