Aug 27Liked by Sheryl Longin

I read "Keys to Paradise" when you attached it to the last post. I thought it was good, but I don't know much about how the printed word translates onto the silver screen, so I'm not a good critic. I do know it moved me.

Ric Santorum, OTOH, does not show me much. I met him once and didn't like the feeling I got from him. I will way I've met a few other Congrescritters, and I didn't have a very good feeling for them either. I was once translating for a Representative talking to an African dignitary, and when I momentarily got behind and kind of lost over something the dignitry was saying, the Representative just ignored it -- he was just mouthing words anyway. They really didn't meant anything to him. I felt like standing up and walking out.

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Have you explored Crowd Funding?

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Thanks for the rec. Unfortunately, the financing of a movie of this historical scope far exceeds what one could hope to get via crowd funding. As an example the budget for "Oppenheimer" was $100 million. Not sure what it would take to make "Keys to Paradise," but a lot.

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"And if you want to produce it, God bless you."

2 words The....Chosen

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Were I a person of means or if my few connections with producer/directors were still viable, I would shout my praise for “Keys to Paradise” to them so that the masses could learn what I did from this realistic, fabulous script! It was a very intense experience to read of the horrors experienced by a family living under mullah rule in Iran. I hope one day to see it performed on the silver screen.

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Add me to the list: Jerks I have Met. Years ago, (I am a bonafide old fart) the Senator stopped by a school in PA where I taught. Albeit after a brief conversation, I joined the list. A ‘plastic’ version of a person, he did not impress me as a person and certainly not as a national representative in the Senate.

Kudos on the Keys script. I hope that someday soon it will be on the big screen. Thanks for your (husband and wife) teamwork. Blessings

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There has to be a way for this wonderful and absoutely factual play can be made into a movie! The book, NOT WITHOUT MY CHILD, had long ago convinced me of how much the Iranian so-called leader needed to be exposed!

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Fumble fingers - I meant to say that the glimpses behind the curtain from the writers world are gems

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You mention the terrible disfigurements to peoples faces, and they were released. This is an old trick done by some terrible human beings to let those released to show what awaits any who dare go against the these brutal regimes. Sometimes they have been left on benches barely alive as poster people for the same reasons. Senator Santorum and people like him are Trojan Horses getting inside people, like move makers, who want to expose their Communist/Marxist/Nazi/Islamist benefactors, that are supplying their Senate offshore accounts. China has been doing that.

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This is one of those stories that needs to be out "there". I've read several true accounts of the treacheries against women and children in the middle east and witnessed it in my visits to the middle east in the U.S. military. Unfortunately it's a story like the holocaust which is no longer taught to anyone and shoved into the back of our minds as if it never really happens. And Americans haven't experienced it and would prefer not to even discuss it. I'm pretty sure there are people out there that would be happy to produce it, Sorbo, Wahlberg, Caviezel, etc.

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Those interested in how post Shah Iran came to be would probably find Marjane Satrapi's graphic novels Persepolis and Persepolis 2 riveting though very sad. An illustrator today Satrapi was in grade school when the Shah fell and the books give a child's eye view of events she only understood after her parents, fearing for her life, sent her to Europe as the new regime became steadily more brutal. One of the chapters in the fist book is called "The Key". Apparently at least one film (unseen) was adapted from the books but this reader cannot envision a film covering more than sliver of the books' content. More likely the content was cherry picked to create a theme supporting one side but some reader who has seen the film might add an opinion.

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