I am certain that nearly all our Congress are on the take. Why else would those that authorize the funding not make sure it’s being spent responsibly.

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RE: "on the take"

Not necessarily since all Congressmen and Senators are/remain sinners whether they're God fearing, Born Again or just secular duplicitous characters.

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Another great article Roger. Please keep it up. I always look forward to them. It was a long four years, and really built up to this point, but the light is dispelling the darkness!!!!

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Thank you for this! I especially liked your last lines about our freedoms needing our constant attention-always. We were in danger of imploding, and I’m really surprised with all they have uncovered that we had not defaulted already. I’m praying that “this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” It’s going to take courage.

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The bane of the USA is the Federal Reserve private bank. Both Jefferson and Jackson hated the previous central banks, and Wilson regretted approving the current one. Regardless, central banks enable pols to deficit-spend that's used to buy votes. Indeed, Trump has the courage and the fortitude to repeal the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and to return its financial power to the US Treasury and taxpayers.

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I have never in my 73 years on earth seen the democrats act as unhinged and outright crazy! I think we may be seeing the implosion of the Democrat party finally. They look so completely lost, and unable to defend stopping Elon Musk from exposing the outright fleecing of us all for many decades now. I have one word that sums up my feelings, and that is YAY!!!

Keep up your critical good work😁👍🇺🇸

Mark Clark Omaha, Nebr

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Trump and Musk turned on the light and the cockroaches--instead of scuttling under the baseboards--grabbed their cronies in black robes and emitted glass-shattering screeches. Elizabeth Warren her voice cracking with fauxmotion waved her tomahawk while AOC put down her shaker long enough to call Musk "dumb". Americans are surging to their windows, throwing up the sash to shout, "We're mad as hell and we're not going to take it any more!" Soon we'll be waving at the barge transporting Soros to Gitmo as the Deep State gasps its last hurrah, flops on its side melting in a pool of Snope-a-Dope denial.

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We can only hope!!! However, I am NOT optimistic that there will be "consequences" even when it is very obvious that there has been a LOT of illegal wrong doing going on. And if there are no consequences, then that behavior will continue!!

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Elon is doing an outstanding job! I can’t wait for the DOD audit!

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Wait until DOGE gets to HHS with its more than $1 trillion annual budget and overseen in recent years by a bunch of leftists in charge of lucrative targets like the CDC/NIH/NIAID.

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Once again your hammer has hit the nail squarely on the head. We have met the enemy and it is us. (apologies to Pogo if this not directly quoted.) As the world continues to evolve the true and final solution will remain for G-D to deal with. In the meantime, as humans, corrections along with mistakes will continue. Life, you gotta love it. Godspeed DOGE!

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Watching the BBC with a critical eye of skepticism reminds me that there is a leftist agenda that seeks to discredit or destroy the West.

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The BBC is still seeing the destruction of the Royal Family. Word has it that an infiltrated MI-6 department told the strong arm people in MI-5 to destroy the Royal Family as the family expenditures were too high and were destroying Britain over the years. Whether that was true or not, just remember that a supposedly retired MI-6 agent wrote the Russian Hoax papers that Trump was colluding with Russia against our USA. Fake info that our U.S. Justice people tried to claim as being true. Finally the whole Russian hoax was disproved after all the damage was done.

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Hi Roger, and thanks for another great and accurate article. I am giddy to watch what DOGE is uncovering next, but I know deep down it's going to be good. And then, sometimes when I let my mind really off the leash, I am thinking of Tax Refunds and the Repealing of Fed. Income Tax. I must be going a bit nuts. Forgive me!

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At some point, there needs to be a reckoning of the GOP as well. Surely, this could not have occured without a significant portion of the GOP elite knowing it was happening and benefiting from it. Yes, this most politically damaging to Democrats now. Yes, they clearly in terms of policy advancement and enrichment, benefited more in these schemes. But either the GOP is the stupidiest group of people every assembled in an organizational body or we have some crooks within our midst as well. I want them exposed as well.

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In the final analysis of Republican vs Democrat, I have observed that NO-ONE get into Congress unless they can be pressured, blackmailed some how, some way. The newbies think ...Everyone is living big, and "I want to get some of the gravy too", rationalizing say to get college paid for their kids, at a prestigious college, like Harvard, Princeton, Trinity etc.etc.etc. BUT and here is the big BUTTE, ...the newbie has to vote as "they" tell him to. The Republican swamp people are the RINO's that everyone knows, but we the Patriots have no control. The Democrats are the all in Swamp people. This is why voting is so close ,...too many Rino's and all in Democrats. Then everyone is happy about getting re elected living the lifestyle they rationalize they deserve and getting all the gravy. Both sides of Congress are ALL in. Nothing gets done for the tax payers because there is no one in Congress that cannot be compromised unless they vote as they are told to vote. President Trump has seen this and it is a very difficult problem to resolve in four years.

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Exactly. And one thing is sure, good or bad, the Democrats do stick together. You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours.

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Thank you, Roger. You have a superior understanding of this issue. I hope you keep an eye on it as it develops and update your readers in the future. I suspect this will be a long, drawn-out battle. The para-socialists have always been in it for the money which nourishes their power. When you attempt to take their money away, or even reduce it, you see the result: hysteria.

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Thank you again Roger for the wonderful enlightening article. Keep up the great work and God bless.

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You can follow the amount of money that DOGE has been saving at https://www.usdebtclock.org/index.html# - as of now it is about $80 billion, but that clock cannot keep up with Elon and his team. LOL. The DOGE website is still a single page with no data as yet https://doge.gov/ and Congress cannot keep up with the preparation of the legislation that stems from the cyclone of EOs (congress.gov)

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We all need to take to heart your observation that the corruption being uncovered could as well pertain to Republicans if they are given the opportunity. It's a good warning.

As for payments having been made without notation regarding the category and reason, I would think if some supervisor signed off on the payment, that person has opened him- or herself to legal charges of fraud. Is it too much to hope they will be charged? Seems to me as if that would be a good first step.

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It is worth it to check out Musk's post on X regarding lack of category notation or other comments justifying requests sent to Treasury for payment. Absolutely contrary to any private company financial process.

Check out this 3 min piece from Tech bros that explains how there is no reconcilable data--and that this has been the case since 1973--in gov't payments.


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