The fascinating thing you pointed out is that Trump has surrounded himself with real world intellectuals - Musk, RFK and Gabbard, among others.

The Left always talks about “critical thinking” but that intellectual feature have been missing from them for 40 years. They only cling to “beliefs,” often not supported by real world observations.

Those surrounding conservative advocates have used critical thinking in their analysis of what’s happening in our real world - rising crime, the flood of illegal immigrants, schools that don’t teach, hatred towards Jews and religious Evangelicals, inflation and an out of control federal debt.

Who are the real world intellectuals?

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People who make and build, who may become celebrities for success in making and building, have demonstrated some capability to balance costs & risks, take decisions, and give it a go. People who read lines, sing, dance, etc., who are made celebrities through their industry (fully geared around profits via performative unreality) celebrating them, have demonstrated capability to distract people, to shift attention from making/building/doing toward mere spectating.

It's not hypocrisy to see these categories as substantively distinct. They are not the same.

And if Elon wanted to lecture us all on great art, I'd be the first to point and laugh. Maybe he knows a lot about art or maybe he knows nothing (I have no idea). I have the same lack of compunction about ridiculing celebrities who lecture us about mathematical models and their predictions, or novel social experiments and their economic and moral ramifications.

Whether or not they are depraved amoral perverts, there is no evidence "stars" and their masters have (or frankly are aware of the value of) well-trained analytical brains, so I'm with Ricky Gervais: "So if you do win an award tonight, don’t use it as a platform to make a political speech. You’re in no position to lecture the public about anything. You know nothing about the real world. Most of you spent less time in school than Greta Thunberg. So if you win, come up, accept your little award, thank your agent and your God and [f*] off, OK?"

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Thanks for reminding us of that terrific Gervais moment.

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The political party that embraces 'celebrities" is the same group that let a vegetable hide in the basement while campaigning for president. They also hid his diminished cognitive skills for almost four years. They discarded this useful idiot in favor of a person who they wanted to get rid of but couldn't because of their DEI policy. Now they want us to rally behind a women when they cannot even define what a women is. Somewhere George Orwell is smiling saying "I tried to warn you!"

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Wow! Well said! 👏👏👏

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My wallet is voting for me this election. Inflation is eroding any savings that many have accrued through the years. Our property taxes more than doubled from one year to the next! I suffer sticker shock from week to week with rising grocery prices. Every other day, seems this communist country is aligning with that communist country! Not a good sign for world peace. I lean to my faith to carry us all into what our country used to be, but I also vote.

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The regime sent a SWAT team to keep Peanut the Squirrel from upstaging Comrade Kamala. The unforeseen consequence is we now see the squirrel had the higher IQ and the candidate had the rabies.

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I probably would have distinguished between Hollywood and some real celebrities. But not all Hollywood are Harris supporters, in fact, the ones with a brain are not. And the celebrities Trump is surrounding himself with, maybe not Hulk (except he draws crowds), are all noteworthy citizens hell bent on saving our country from the communist wannabes. I don't even want to attempt at a reason that President Trump switched from democrat to Republican, while all those other celebrities that loved him so much failed to see the light. Maybe because he got to see the rest of the world through his own eyes as he built his empire and saw that we are actually the normal ones. He loves us for some reason, perhaps Melania is a good influence.

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Here's where I see this...having never cared one whit for so-called celebrities.

Celebrities and performers in general are trained in convincing folks of something--a script, an idea, etc. Lack of authenticity is not a problem for celebs. Seems as well that when one receives all information via video (and to a lesser extent, audio) are more easily manipulated.

We cut the cord, "process" most news via READING and do seek out other points of view. All of this allows us to make up our own minds and be less easily swayed.

Doesn't hurt that we've always been a bit unconventional.

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Yes, definitely you should have said “entertainment celebrities” and maybe non-relevant politicians like michelle. I remember years ago when Winfrey had Trump on her afternoon tv show, and just gushed all over him and asked him if he’d ever agree to run for president. His answer was spot on. He said if his country needed him he would. But he didn’t think that would happen. It did, and he’s done it and is about to be our President again to clean up the mess the democrat regime has spawned. TRUMP IN 2024.

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The real tragedy for Trump is 'Peanut the Squirrel' was slated to join Trumps supporters and the left was scared to death that this would tip the election in Donalds favor, so they orchestrated a plot to take Peanut and ultimately euthanized him (or her as I don't believe anyone checked this!) Peanut is the real celebrity in this election fiasco. God bless America, our military and Veterans. It's not too late to pray for divine intervention my friends.

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Well put. I have written about celebrity endorsements previously, and you capture the kernel of truth. Celebrities have a talent, but, except for Victor Davis Hansen, it usually isn't thinking. Why should the fact that they can repeat other people's words or make noise that is pleasing be a recommendation for their views (when they are actually their views and not another paid acting job) to affect my viewpoint or cause me to vote for an empty pantsuit? I maintain that wait staff and trash collectors are exposed to more diverse views and have the opportunity to evolve fact-based opinions. Ask your waiter and forget J-Lo!

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It is pretty simple - one candidate has to draw people to her events with entertainment, whereas her opponent is the entertainment.

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Celebrities get paid to endorse things don't they?

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'Entertainment celebs'?

I think you could classify Obama as a celeb. His, uh, partner? The Cheney's? Newsom?

I think though, as others have posted, a person that has accomplished something material - Musk, Gabbard, RFKjr, Trump himself, is an entirely different species than the empty shirts I listed in my first sentence.

Pretty clear to me which 'celebs' I'm supporting.

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I am trying to be empathetic to the libs in a microscopic sense realizing they have been infected with an incurable prionic mental disease.

Perhaps Elon's Neuralink will have the ability to give them some time in the real world.

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Eh, generally agree, celebs, Opera, et al, absolutely not worth the listen nor worth listening to those that do.

Mixed feelings on showmen though. I'd far rather watch the Hulk tear his shirt (But didn't watch) and get a laugh out of it that see Pelosi tear up the State Of The Union while restraining myself from throwing something.

The showmen though, Kid Rock for example, I suspect brought in a lot of folks that may not have been exposed to President Trump otherwise.

& shucky darn, they do provide a lot of good, maybe not quite clean, fun!

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And if, instead of tearing up the SOTU text, Pelosi had torn up her shirt. Eh. What then?

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What we just learned today, and what you did not include in this post (which was written before this news came out), is that the Harris campaign paid Oprah $1 million for the endorsement and the celebrity show. $1 million for an endorsement! That has to be a new low in American politics. And it feels like an anti-endorsement: if Oprah really supported Kamala, she should put on a show for free. Oh, and I presume whatever factotum of the Harris did the booking received 20% of that fee. $200 grand for getting Oprah to put on a one hour endorsement party. The Harris campaign started with a $1 billion war chest. They finished several million (I have seen reports of $20 million) in debt. That's a super sad commentary.

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