We currently have the government we deserve. We have stood by as criminality, deception, lying corruption, and insanity have run rampantly through our civilization-----or what is left of it......all because our comfortable lifestyles and materialism have not been supremely interrupted ......YET! We may be fairly secure TODAY, but this election WILL be the most significant event in the history of this Republic----because its very life is hanging by a thread. EVIL has broached the gates and has infiltrated into our institutions that are supposed to keep those gates secure. I must give the communists and anarchists an A+ because they have been smart, wily, persistent, and forceful in implementing the action predicted by Kruschev so many decades ago. As a people, we have demonstrated Stupidity SUPREMO and an unfounded trust in those who really have demonstrated a lust for power and greed. The cost to us will be irretrievable.....the loss of freedom.....And if we relinquish that we will then REALLY get the government that we deserve.....seems to me. Pray that God will deliver us, inspite of the fact that this paganized Nation has abandoned Him.

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Well said, Kenneth! And thank you, Roger and Sheryl, for your perceptive reporting. Indeed, may God have mercy on our troubled nation, and may we REPENT and once again elect Him to government our souls!

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Yes but what about a woman’s right to choose?! (sarcasm intended) That will be what most suburban white women will be voting for!

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Women have not had that right removed. Women have all the rights every other citizen has. Taking the life of another human being is not included in anyone's rights.

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They should be careful what they ask for.

If the right to live is an unalienable right, the boundaries of that life must be immutable, not subject to arbitrary human whim.

Conception and brain death - the great discontinuities in the otherwise-continuous human life cycle - are such immutable boundaries.

Selecting any other set of boundaries is arbitrary, and can later be redefined by others ...

... even such that one might find themselves on the wrong side of the new boundaries, at a vulnerable moment when one is "inconvenient" to family or society.

Such is the utilitarian precedent set by abortion-on-demand.


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I propose that every citizen of the Republic have sovereign rights over what they do with their bodies. As a citizen exists as soon as GOD imparts his spark in their life, we must respect that citizen's right until they have reached the age of complete emotional maturity. For women, that's around 30. For men, it varies from 35-60.

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Well said! "... the government we deserve..." Hopefully we deserve better than where this is going.

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PREACH, BROTHER! See my solution.

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Interesting that I do not know a single person who trusts the FBI or other alphabet agencies. And the biggest mistrust lies with my friends who are former police officers - they will tell you the mistrust is well earned and has been prevalent for many years. We can only hope that Trump when elected will indeed completely reorganize these agencies whose corruption runs deep and got much deeper after the bipartisan push for the Patriots Act which was really an act to stop any real Patriots from expressing concerns with what the suits are doing in Washington.

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After being misled by CIA re its Bay of Pigs op, JFK confided he would shatter it into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds. As it was to be, a "lone gunman" inflicted three headshots [Mantik/Corsi, Final Analysis] despite Allen Dulles and Edgar Hoover's attempt to convince the nation "the assassin" acted "alone and had no confederates". Harry Truman editorialized one month later (December 22, 1963) that CIA should be "limited to intelligence." Sixty years on it still will not give up its files. So it is with Christopher Wray the Mickey the Dope du Jour who may not have a report in our lifetime. Let us not make Melania a widow. Clean the Augean Stables. For those unfamiliar with the myth, it's a Herculean task--and a river runs through it.

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Thank you Roger! Great stuff!

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"should her husband win" . . . Let's hope/pray that this is not as dubious at it sounds. They, the Democrat-Communists have perfected election manipulation for years/decades, and control most state and local governments - even in very conservative areas. So, even "should her husband win" there will be a big job undoing this deep state. We should all get involved locally, not allowing "new," outside-of-area candidates and money to control our local communities. But what can we do about your favorite group, The Media? Their influence, to turn conservative Americans into Communist-looking "Reds," while making the real enemy look true-blue, cannot be over stated. This is how they work, of course, lie, cheat, steal, and murder, just read Vladimir Lenin. They are following his plan exactly, and it's working. Unfortunately, there is no reason to believe they won't be successful - again! And if they are, articles like yours, or comments like mine, will no longer be acceptable!

Now, of course, the theological point, which I know you don't like. But we, America, deserve the Democrat-Communists. We have murdered God's children wholesale - now up to even partial birth. We have embraced Sodom and Gomorrah, making homosexuality "acceptable," while trying to turn our girls into boys (who can't have babies). And we have embraced every false god imaginable - to name a few of our national sins. As you read Jeremiah, and the other prophets, these are the type of things that brought ancient Israel down. They refused to follow YHWH's Laws (Ten Commandments) given for their good, while also refusing His gracious forgiveness and guidance. What makes us think that America doesn't deserve the same sentence?

Of course, this is how it all ends, with Christ's True Church tiny and under persecution from the whole world - like the true saints of ancient Israel when YHWH, finally provoked to the max, allowed Babylon to overrun Jerusalem. But we should not acquiesce to this, rather struggle against it, as we try to prevent as much of the overwhelming suffering that will accompany it as possible. If/when America falls, who will pick up the torch?

Thank you for doing your part. The Lord be with you.

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Verse one of the Buffalo Springfield song 'For what it's worth' sums it up in my opinion.

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Oh, Jim, we all know exactly what is happening here and it's VERY clear. Battle lines are still being drawn, and nobody's right unless they're a progressive, liberal Marxist.

And the man with the gun over there telling you to beware is probably from one of your local militias. Our truly one remaining line of defense against the invading foreign hordes.

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I'm with you my friend!

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Spot on! Thanks for another timely article.

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The FBI and CIA have demonstrated repeatedly how unserious they are, and how biased toward comservatives. If they are disbanded, our geopolitical enemies will be delighted, and any reconstitution of them will before long turn into the same liberal mafia. It is the nature of the beast if you work for the federal government, and especially if your headquarters are in Washington D.C.

So let's establish an external intelligence agency with headquarters in Nebraska, and an internal super-police (mostly dedicated to forensic laboratories and records of things like past FBI investigations and fingerprints. No field offices -- have the US Marshall service or some other (existing) law enforcement agency take on that responsibility -- with headquarters in Oklahoma. As for the NSA, we need to tighten restrictions on the gathering of intelligence on American citizens.

No veterans of the FBI or CIA need apply for these two agencies. Sure, we'll lose a lot of institutional memory, but we will also lose people like Strzok.

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Obama made two huge mistakes—keeping the Bush Republican Gates as SecDef and appointing Bush Republican Comey to FBI. Trump then made a lot of mistakes involving Bush Republicans and high level positions! 😉

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Could not have said it better.

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Let’s not forget Port Arthur, Texas as another interesting locale.

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The only way to stop this corruption and fraud within our Government is term limits. Because people like Pelosi, Biden and others have enriched themselves with decades as civil servants while bankrupting the American people. It needs to stop and the ONLY way forward is to elect politicians who will enact term limits.

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It is about more than money to them. They also believe their own press … that “they are the ones we have been waiting for”; the Smart People and Nice People who will lead our society to The Best of All Possible Worlds.

And our society, from our very first day in school, conditions us to submit to their "leadership".

Communism is perhaps not the most accurate term to describe this way of life ... perhaps the more accurate term is "theocracy" - which inevitably ends up as the high priests acting in accordance with the god they see in their mirror. The growth media for "cancel culture", which in earlier days expressed itself in witch trials and the Inquisition.

Term limits, while necessary, are not sufficient. We must unite again around the only sustainable social contract available - it starts with the phrase "we hold these truths to be self-evident" - and focus our government operatives upon its fulfillment while we, as individuals and neighbors, make the decisions about everything else, outside of government and its coercive force.

This will be perceived as requiring ordinary people to make more effort and take more risk, personally. And that is a correct perception. But it beats surrendering our ability to chart a better course to a little intellectual elite in a far-distant capital, thinking that they can plan our lives for us - in their myopic human frailty - better than we can plan them ourselves.


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I hear what you are saying and while I agree with much of it, change has to start somewhere. I think term limits is but a start. It would help to curtail much of the power and even fraud within our Government. As for my opinion of communism, I still believe that is exactly what many Democrats in DC are pushing for with their attacks on the 1st and 2nd amendments. They are not calling for the abolishment of our 1st but for a Government sanctioned bureaucrats to decide what is and what is not misinformation.

Some of the most evil acts in our WORLD's history have been done so under the guise of God's work. Then the Godless use those examples to justify their hate of God and his followers or to justify their atheist or agnostic beliefs. There has NEVER been more hate and violence against God's people than today.

I and many others like myself have given much effort and sacrificed much for the good of the country. I spent 32 years of my life in the Army, served in multiple combat zones for years at a time. I survived my life long dedicated service to my country only to retire, come home and once again having to fight for the rights I fought for my whole life. I am now labeled as a domestic terrorist, a racist, and even a fascist because of who I voted for..Trump. He is what this country needs and because I exercised my constitutional rights I am now the enemy. Thank you for the conversation my friend.

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Eloquently put.

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All term limits will do is strengthen the hand of the political parties who will have dupes lined up to assume their new positions. On their way out they will vote for the smelliest of turds knowing that they are invinceable.

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Yeah, the problem is Pelosi and Biden and not Bush and Cheney…you’ve got it all figured out! 😂

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I never liked any of the Bush's or Cheney's. I only addressed the multi millionaires who are still in office reaping the rewards of being criminals pretending to be civic leaders. There are very few exceptions in my opinion whether they be republicans or democrats. So don't be so cynical and don't make assumptions about my opinions you can't reconcile.

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Your seriousness laced with pointed humor (some on the snarky side) is a wonderful way to get across important and needed truths. I, too, am looking forward to reading Melania Trump’s book. But I am more interested in getting Trump back in our White House. I expect when he arrives to serve again, he’ll reveal some truths that may just cause those alphabet agencies to be dismantled and replaced by agencies that will be run by unbiased, true leaders.

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D’Accord. My cousin worked for the FBI before and during WWII-they had a different sense of duty and integrity according to what I learned from him.

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I am not an expert on how to disassemble our intel agencies, and reconstitute them (they are needed) but it does need to be done. They are more bureaucrat than intelligent

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The FBI, at least, had several noble leaders before hate crime laws were pushed on the states and federalized through grants, oversight, and the extraordinarily politicized statistics-gathering DOJ/FBI initiatives overseen by Eric Holder and Clinton counsel Elena Kagan in 1997.

Since that time, to rise in authority within the FBI meant you did hate crime law, and did it politically and without equality before the law.

Good and hard.

This is what pushed the FBI over the cliff. It all began with Bill Clinton, Abe Foxman, Eric Holder, and Elena Kagan in 1997. Foxman additionally sold his soul to the Islamists in order to consolidate his power, thus besmearing the ADL. Even men who sexually tortured and killed 3, 25, 50, or 100 random women weren't counted as hate offenders because, as Foxman wrote in 1996, doing so would "overwhelm" and "distract from" the statistics they were seeking.

So if you wonder how the FBI got so far off course, consider that their highest assignment has been mostly schoolyard graffiti (against some, excluding real females) for decades now.

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We are about to witness the biggest election fraud of our countrys' history. When Harris becomes president the country will eventually collapse.

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You're welcome. Small world -- Roger writes superbly like Gore did.

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I also believe the FBI needs to be terminated, renamed and repurposed with severe penalties for violation of civil rights. Imagine the FBI going through your underwear and being so mistrustful that you had to launder what they touched.

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