Aug 28Liked by Sheryl Longin

Little could you have known then that women's sports would some day become a refuge for untalented men who could not compete in men's sports.

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Not in my wildest dreams...

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Aug 28Liked by Sheryl Longin

Cognitive dissonance alert! Rick Santorum not only in the industry, but giving producer's notes. What was his production company, Zealots United Studios (ZEUS)?

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OMG! Rick Santorum- I thought he was dead. Talk about trying to mix oil & water. Surprised you got as far as you did. Anyway, very interesting & a trip down memory lane. 2007, seems like a century ago & 1979, prehistoric times. Given that we may be on the verge of WW3 over or because of Iran (the Middle East, et al) it would appear all the geniuses in charge were not so smart after all.

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Aug 28Liked by Sheryl Longin

You and Roger seem to have your fingers on the pulse of your readers. I look forward to reading your articles.

It seems the far left liberals have not changed in the lady 20 years. They say, actually shout, they are for women’s rights but their actions shout much louder than their words.

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Aug 28·edited Aug 28Liked by Sheryl Longin

And YET, this Iranian journalist has been writing for decades, speaking out and even begging for the chance to not only explain more but to bring more Iranians who can elucidate the horrors we've endured at the hands of the Khomeinist regime and their "plans" for the West...but no one had time to stay focused on this extremely crucial issue! It certainly wasn't for a lack of us trying! Roger definitely gave me a chance but then people like him were and STILL are far and few between! Very unfortunate indeed.

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Pleased to have given you a chance, Banafsheh. We could do it again here.

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Aug 28·edited Aug 28Liked by Sheryl Longin

Anything for you Roger and it would be my pleasure. I literally launched my Substack account a couple of weeks ago. And I'm working on a few things that might interest you as well.

BTW, my mom's book is marvelous. Have a look: https://www.allianceofiranianwomen.org/the-ladies-secret-society-history-of-the-courageous-women-of-iran/

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Aug 28Liked by Sheryl Longin

Sheryl, I understand your frustration with the US's misunderstanding of radical Islam. The suppression of women's rights, especially under the strict Shia leadership in Iran, is sickening. I was also sickened by US negotiations that led up to the reprehensible Iranian Nuclear Deal of 2015. I was so sickened that I invested two years into writing a historical fiction novel on the matter, "A Band of Traitors."

(Delete the following if you like) Throughout this novel (the 4th novel in my Brice Miller and Annie Youngblood series, copyright 2021), I routinely added footnotes to highlight and substantiate my comments. By the end of my novel, three women in Washington—the Black vice president, her chief of staff, plus the Secretary of State—are managing all US affairs in the Middle East. My Black vice president is the total opposite of Kamala.

Excerpt from the last pages of this book:

Lena had never met the attorney before, though his reputation at Justice preceded him. The word on him was that he was an exceptionally brilliant attorney who possessed the memory and personality of a supercomputer.

"Out of curiosity,” she began tentatively, “and you don’t have to answer this if you don’t want to. Are you a Democrat or a Republican?”


“Do you know my party’s affiliation?”

“Yes, you’re a raging Republican!”

“Wrong, I’m a raging Democrat!” She’d never seen a face blush so quickly. It took an extra measure of willpower to keep herself from laughing aloud as it did the others. After collecting herself, she looked at Susanna and said, “OK, bring in our quarry.”

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Never try to talk some people out of things they know little or nothing about. (It’s like an object that accelerates towards the speed of light. The closer it gets, the more impossible its goal.)

“[Santorum] expressed displeasure (and I would argue a profound misreading of the story) at what he thought was our vilification of devout believers and making the culturally reformed Muslims the heroes.”

I wonder if these people know the difference between Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Ilhan Omar or Asra Nomani and Rashida Tlaib? (I wonder darkly and probably fairly, if these people have Candice Owens Syndrome.)

Prior to 1979 one could fly into Tehran as a tourist. Then came Jimmy Carter: 500,000 or more dead. At least 100,000 civilians.

“Democrats and liberals, which considering the regime’s vicious treatment of women, should have [illicited] a wakeup call for the rest of us that willful blindness was the greatest threat to our Republic.” The threat to our way of life trumps their treatment of women. Remember their Gregorian chant: Hey, hey, ho, ho Western Culture’s got to go!!!

Gosh, I love the cool stuff Western Culture’s done with electromagnetism.

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I wonder about that Candace Owens syndrome too...

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I recently read a piece (which I’m agnostic about) that the likes of Ben Shapiro and David Horowitz, inter alia, were smitten by a well-spoken woman (of color, of course) and decided to welcome her to their club.

Being of less than average intelligence, albeit well-spoken, she took this opportunity afforded her, being a member of the club, and used it as a cudgel against the very people who should’ve known better, i.e., there is no black or white, only good or bad.

To repeat, I’m agnostic and do not fall on either side of the fence.

Shavua Tov - Have a good week

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Aug 28·edited Aug 28Liked by Sheryl Longin

Am I the only one who finds it equally disturbing that the Basiji were able to find other woman who were willing to mistreat other woman in this manner? Where does this kind sadism germinate?

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It was class warfare used by the Mullahs. Those female Basiji were usually recruited from rural areas. As we know all too well, ideology tramples human rights. And when you combine ideology, religion and economics, you've got a lethal trifecta.

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Aug 29Liked by Sheryl Longin

I would liked to have been privy to the conversation (argument!) between you, Roger and the Senator. Too bad. If known beforehand, it could have been advertised as a Smackdown - Two on One; a sellout for sure. Aren’t all Smackdowns a sellout?

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Aug 28Liked by Sheryl Longin

I think Rob Dreher exposed Santorum as a true Swamp Critter. He noted the plus $2 million home in Virginia and the empty residential address in his constituency that gave him the right to represent the district from which he was virtually absent most of his career.

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What, exactly, were Santorum's arguments against the script? I'm curious to know what he was thinking.

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As is often the case, the arguments were vague and inconsistent. Because the bottom line was he didn't like it. As to what he was thinking, we can only guess, but I alluded to my interpretation in the post. It seemed to be his position, that if people were true believers and following the dictates of their religious leaders, even if those dictates involved horrific acts of violence, they were less responsible for their actions and not to be judged or condemned in the same way he would condemn non-believers or those members of the religion who simply questioned the integrity or authority of the institution. He had a preference bias in favor of religious fundamentalism and against anything that seemed reformist. He clearly and wrongly viewed us as secular Hollywood people and projected his bias against secularism onto the screenplay. I could go deeper and darker, but I think you get the drift.

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Aug 28Liked by Sheryl Longin

"wrongly viewed us as secular Hollywood people"

... not that there's anything wrong with that

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Aug 28Liked by Sheryl Longin

Thank you!

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Aug 28·edited Aug 28

It's really a shame to hear this about him. He was my preferred candidate for president in 2008, though he never ran.

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For some reason, I never could bring myself to like, trust or support Senator Santorum. I remember I put him in the “slick willy” category. This gives me a clearer picture of why I felt as I did. I think he just wanted to hang out with Hollywood types. What a shallow (and stupid) guy he was and still is. Surely, there is someone with the right connections who can get this script on film?

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