So This Is What The DNC Participants Are Celebrating About Their Candidates.....They Just Don't Know It Yet...“Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.”
Those who bought Kamala’s utterly fake performance in the debate as successful and choose to vote for her are a serious threat to the country. Most everyone agrees that she was the most radical of leftist senators while she held that office; she is to the left of Bernie Sanders, an avowed socialist. If Harris were to become president, it’s fair to say that she would be the first democratic socialist candidate to fill the position in the 248-year history of the United States.
What is your point? Many of us have paid our taxes, social security, and Medicare for decades. Most citizens did not have a say in those laws but as citizens we dutifully followed the law. Best I can tell, the lawmakers and responsible Govt. administrators did not uphold their duty to the people by properly managing the budget. Goes back to that centuries old "Taxation without Representation" dilemma. Our money is still being misappropriated at an alarming rate of debt for political causes that do not benefit our citizens but rather for opportunistic self-serving special interests.
To be against Socialism you have to against the elements of it in our society and that would be the Social Security system. if you took a stand against Social Security you would lose because everyone wants it including those who are against Socialism. We also have a system that benefits corporations. We are more of a Corporate Welfare state than anything else. When we bail out a corporation to the tune billions a good chunk of that goes to the shareholder. It allows a corporation to be irresponsible knowing DC will bail it out.
I am against a system that is corrupt and abuses its power at the expense of its citizens. Both political parties have fallen victim to this. There was a time, our common and most important bond was being a country of proud Americans. Today, we are bombarded 24/7 by divisive hateful political games. The deception and "soap opera" drama just never ends. The reality to me is that 24/7 politics with no results is a huge money maker for some. The elephant is in the room and we are swattin' at gnats.
But the fact of the matter is we do have a Social Security program, Medicare, Medicaid, Food stamps and so much more . Economic socialism is found in every modern government system including in Capitalism, Communism and Fascism . It is the social aspect of Socialism that is not good It tends to favor the equality concepts of gender and race. which can go too far.
I think it was Keyser Soze who said "the greatest trick the devil ever pulled is convincing the world he does not exist."
And that, it appears, is Communism's greatest trick: convincing the world that Communism is just Socialism with a different accent.
I would say Democrats are not Communists. Yet. They would like to be (talk to Bernie Sanders). But they don't want to be known as Communists. Socialists, ok. But not Communists. Because the intellectual hangover we still share from the 1940's and '50's is of the Soviets gobbling up neighboring countries and murdering millions of intellectuals and Kulaks.
I remember those days, but I'm at the extreme right side of the age bell curve for the American population. But I remember them well enough NOT to use the word "Communist" to describe anyone who does not ask to be described that way. Today's Democrats would rather use the word Socialists, but when my age cohort is in the grave and memories of Stalin and Mao have grown dim, that might change.
The question I would ask is, do today's Democrats so crave power that they will use the tactics of the Soviet and Chinese Communist Party to acquire it? Not yet. But they're inching in that direction, taking over parts of the economy that should not be in the hands of the government, according to our founding fathers, or involving themselves in matters like family and marriage that were formerly reserved to the church, or making education a function of the federal government, and so on and so forth. IOW, Democrats don't want to limit themselves to being an institution created to find and support political candidates and platforms: they want to be your doctor, your preacher, your teacher, and the institution that arbitrates all aspects of your social, cultural and economic life. In short, they want power over you. All the while letting you think your vote gives you agency over your future.
Which is what us old farts remember of the 40's and 50's Soviet Communists, and so think total control is the hallmark of Communism. But the Democrats would have us believe they want what is good for us, not total control of their subjects. They want us to believe Communism does not exist.
“do today's Democrats so crave power that they will use the tactics of the Soviet and Chinese Communist Party to acquire it? Not yet. But they're inching in that direction”
You can certainly argue more than inching. Law fair against 3rd party candidates, the opposition party, January 6ers. Political prisoners, J6ers, Trump, and more. This from CNN 11 Trump associates have now been charged with crimes.
Assassinations: asserted but not proven. I asked a normal Democrat if it was okay for Obama to drone kill a U.S. citizen. Response: “If it is in the country’s best interests”. I have little doubt what will happen if the Democrats come to full power.
It’s now quite legal for an American President to kill citizens because a Republican-appointed SCOTUS abandoned Magna Carta, ‘donated’ by KingJohn and his nobles.
This is the first principle underlying all English-descended law :
=> No one is above the law, not even the King (President) <=
Will any elected Congress ever correct this SCOTUS travesty and add Magna Carta to the Constitution?
Maybe every politician would rather eliminate opponents … legally!
“they want to be your doctor, your preacher, your teacher, and the institution that arbitrates all aspects of your social, cultural and economic life.”
I don't know your age but your mind is clearly still sharp! Your comment is better written than pretty much everything I have read on the so called news sites today or any day for that matter.
Flier, great post. There’s an upcoming vote in the UN (Sept ‘24) that not many are talking about. Biden/Harris (and their oligarch puppeteers) currently support a USA ‘yes’ vote to a Pact, that if passed, paves the way to a New World Order. If Pact is approved, and there is ever a ‘global shock’ or ‘emergency’ in the future (event defined as such only by the UN), the USA cedes power to the UN to address that crisis. This meeting & vote has been in the works for some time, but picked up serious steam in the spring of 2023. Stealth communism coming our way.
I lived in Sweden. I think of myself as a moderate liberal snd definitely a socialist. Private medicine is corrupt and attracts corruption. Same with prescription drugs. Doctors should be salaried employees of the government run healthcare system. Private hedge funds, etc. cannot buy North American exclusives on drugs developed in Europe. The inventor applies for a U.S. patent or the drug is generic. Procedure rates are set. Everyone paying into the system is covered. No one not paying into the system is covered except for a one time emergency. I want socialist retirement accounts, socialist management if River and streams, fishing snd hunting. I want big corporations regulated, Democrats are Nazi’s. That look the other way about corruption and the human cost of wars, aggressive corporate predators, etc. I am an independent, but could easily be a Republican. It’s how I usually vote.
Marx saw communìsm as a staging post to inevitable socialism. To a communist the two things are distinct. It's handy to understand something you wish to critique
Socialism is the Bait & Switch False Advertising for End Stage Collectivism which is Totalitarianism in the Form of Communism or Fascism
Marx was a Parasite Dipshit with no real world experience and was a raging anti-semite
Socialism has been consistently failing for close to 200 years
DFW is built among the ruins of a failed socialist colony of followers of Fourier (not the cage), a predecessor and influence on Marx.
The Colony was called La Reunion and existed for a few years in 1840s or 1850s
ReUnion Tower along with the Hyatt Regency ReUnion and the torn down ReUnion Arena were named for it because a Hunt family employee learned it used to be across the river im the ReUnion Complex. The employee understood it to be an artist's colony but apparently didn't know it was a Socialist Fourier one.
My wife grew up in China during the Cultural Revolution. The events of the last several years have frightened her. She said the democrat party behaves just like the communists at that time.
Consider if you will the model of the disenchanted Eric Blair dba George Orwell. Vladimir Putin the follow-on to the Man of Steel runs Eurasia. Xi Jinping heir to the Deng Xiaoping Strike Hard philosophy rules Eastasia. Oceania is at present a disparate array of Five Eyes totalitarians, EU tyrants, WEF elites, CONUS barbarians still wrestling with their brownshirts.
Your allusion to Leni Riefenstahl is apt; today's media is a combination of the unified dogma of Volkischer Beobachter and Pravda/Izvestia roping together the deep state flotilla of Mockingbird Media, the 1949 creation of CIA's Frank Wisner.
No one is communist as it isn't about ideology--it's about power. Just as everything is about sex except sex which is about control; all the shrieking fairies of advertising to the contrary notwithstanding, the competing brands are identical but separate hierarchies.
Democrats seek to destroy any residual value in life, any order in society, any ownership in property, any security in living. Chaos and scarcity with an underlying theme of class warfare, racial hatred, disdain for any spiritual tenacity or individual worth.
Aided by fentanyl and marijuana in a nod to Huxley's soma, they preside over urban nightmares on a par with London in 1984. One Party. Historical revision cracks the whip discouraging thoughtcrime and in the end everyone loves Big Brother and prays for the bullet.
Trump is Emanuel Goldstein roasted on the two-minutes hate by all, Comrade Kamala, Tampon Rambo, the Grand Mufti of Martha's Vineyard. Joseph B. is in his glass box in the mausoleum as the military streams past the parapet lined with not-yet-airbrushed Heroes of the Revolution.
July 13th will be memorialized as Power Comes out of the Barrel of a Gun Day. Please have your abortion or vasectomy card stamped on your way out.
Please put this 1971 Saul Alinsky’s 12 Rules for Radicals, into your browser, and notice all these rules have been accomplished by Hussein Obama and his puppet Biden. Cackle Harris and her Chinese Appeaser Vice President will carry on these rules for RADICALS.
Read 45 Communist Goals for America that was read into Congressional Record Jan 19 1963 by Florida Congressman
Most All have been achieved in whole or part. Note #15 in relation to Trump aka Orange Nero.
TXIconoclast posted it (with annotation) in his channel and also RealTrumpFacts both on Telegram. His Twitter was restored and suspended again by con man Musk
Was Barack Obama running for president last night? He canonized Joe Biden, whom he once fawned over. The voter drones were obvious; the lack of policies, excepting and including the Road To Serfdom, were obvious.
Hasn't Obama been running the country (behind the curtain) along with his chief moneymen, the Soros Family and their pals like Wyss, et al., for the last four years?
When Kamala started about "price controls" for certain goods, particularly groceries, I did perk up a bit - isn't this what they do in (at least) Socialist countries?!? How will that crash the economy (doubtless) and how will they lie to work around that?!? Have thought this through and conclude: Anyone, anyone at all, who votes to continue what we've had for nearly four years that only promises to get worse is a fool. I choose not to contribute to that, but hope enough others wake up to reverse this course....
Roger, On a recent visit to Seattle, I was aghast to see a full size statue of Lenin that had been imported from Eastern Europe after it was toppled there. I kid you not. Truthfully, it was bought by a restaurant owner who thought of it as a cute gimmick, but it still stands in a little corner street park in Fremont, ironically near all the tech company buildings.... Ugh. I also noticed some leaflets in Seattle near the university exhorting people to join the comunist party... Made me glad we left the West Coast and moved to SC... -Amy
I've never considered the Democrats to be Communists or heading toward Communism since that particular leftist manifestation is so inextricably linked to class struggle. Except for a few mal-raised, superficial intellectuals who were seen scurrying along the streets of downtown New York with their red flags and timidly shouting Communist propaganda a few weeks ago, the Left has moved on to race as the rallying point for political revolution.
As a student of the works of A. James Gregor, I would like to add that as the Marxists began realizing command economies were causing economic havoc, they "fell back" to economic Fascism - defined as an economic system allowing some free market activity but heavily regulated by the central state. This is what China did and where, I think, the Democrats are trying to take this country. What's happening in California, New York, and other blue states with their population losses is the natural result of attempting to implement Fascistic economies and the reaction of free people to it.
All true, Stephen. But the marxists began to divorce themself from "class struggle" a while back when the Frankfurt School arrived and the march through the institutions began. Thanks to them and Deng it has never been the same. The workers are no longer interesting to marxists.
Cultural Marxism peacefully coexists with economic fascism, and each obscures the other. The truly powerful Cultural Marxists aren't scurrying around coffeehouses, though; they are training future kindergarden teachers and have been for decades.
The takeover of the teacher-training departments began in the late Sixties and was accelerated and more deeply radicalized when the iconic domestic terrorists of the Sixties and Seventies emerged from hiding and immediately rose to top positions of power in the teacher training establishment. Their second, successful revolution was the bloodless takeover of K-12.
Of all the data points I find chilling, the most chilling one to me is the vast swing in political climate in academic departments of teacher training. In 1963, surveys showed these departments to be the most socially conservative on campuses: by 1973 they were the most left-leaning, and that was before they really fell off the cliff.
I took a tutoring job in South Atlanta several years back in an after-school center in a neighborhood so utterly dysfunctional that the center had 16 foot fences topped with barbed wire surrounding it. The 12-year old child I was assigned couldn't read, write, or do basic mathematics at anywhere near his grade level (like the majority of his peers). But the lesson plan they wanted me to teach him was literally about how Pinochet was like the contemporary Republican Party. There was no nuance in the messaging, much like the speeches at the DNC this week.
I'm not surprised VP Candidate Walz was a social studies teacher.
Isn't this more akin to fascism per Mussolini and Hitler who coopted and rewarded the large industrial firms with large state grants to further their fascist takeover of Italy and Germany. There is an historic novel by a French author, Eric Vuillard, "L'Ordre du Jour" (there is an English translation as "Order of the Day") and in one chapter Goebbels holds a meeting with the leading German industrialists, Siemens, Krupp, Opel, et al., and he berates and terrorizes them and orders them to adhere to Hitler and the Nazi's plans for Germany's economy. This seems to me what has happened in the USA with Wall Street, Silicon Valley, and Hollywood's obsequious adherence to the Dems' industrial policies in exchange for lucrative government grants and other largesse, e.g., Solyndra, Green New Deal, etc.
Note many wealthy and powerful backed.the Russian Social Democrats. After the Revolutions they renamed as Communists and murdered those same benefactors
GOP would be wise to publicize this but GOP is: ----
-Trump Cult Orange RINOs
-Traditional RINOs
-Ex Dems
-Opportunistic Coattailers
-Chamberlain Diseased (Roy, Paul, Massie)
The Abbott, Cruz, TXIconoclast GOP faction of Wise Constitutional Conservative Fighters is tiny
There are many ways to get us to a class struggle. Race antagonism leads to distrust, which leads to fighting each other and bringing all of us down until we are one big peasant class, with no private property except for the rulers and bureaucrats. Look around at what is going on in housing, with those running the financial markets inflating and then crashing the financial system, followed by "investors" swooping in to buy up the homes of the middle and lower classes. These homes are often turned into rentals, and there are entire suburbs being built as rentals. The first one I heard about gave me a WTF! The family home is the primary way for the middle class to pass something to heirs, but if there are only rentals or overinflated home prices, this goes downhill. One can save $ in various accounts, which can be turned to a green mist by the reindeer games in the financial markets. Think of the fundamentals: food, water and shelter. Small farms and homes are being absorbed from above, and most don't have any input into their potable water access unless in an area where residential well drilling is legal.
Well-put. When we rented a very modest house in a nearly rural subdivision until we could sell our other home during a job transfer, I learned that the local real estate company was merely supervising the rentals for the owners -- in China -- a shell corporation buying up houses all over the region.
The political party in the U.S., still known and labeled as the "Democrat" party received a 100% endorsement of it's platform of policies, FROM THE COMMUNIST PARTY U.S.A., at the "Democrat" National Convention in 2012.
Bottom line? THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A "DEMOCRAT" (in the historical sense of that name), in the U.S. anymore. When you examine closely the policies favored by "Democrat" politicians/ political operatives, you discover their agenda of ever creeping, ever advance MARXIST/COMMUNIST "SOCIALIST" POLICIES.
Pretty much EVERY political operative in the U.S. today, claiming to be a "Democrat" is, in truth A TREACHEROUS, TREASONOUS, MARXIST/COMMUNIST LIAR, masquerading as a "Democrat".
Barack HUSSEIN Obama was the most open "COMMUNIST SYMPATHIZING" U.S. President ever seen.
The communist tyrants that are the so-called democrat party have worked in earnest for many years. They have controlled the 3-legged stool of media, education and government to advance their tyrannical efforts. They play the long game. It really took hold during the Clinton administration and has mushroomed since. How can you NOT call Hillary Clinton a tyrant? We have had coup taking place for almost a decade now. The deep (communist) state has been trying to get rid of Trump in any way possible. Prayerfully, it will bloodless, but the corrupt judiciary is trying to jail him while he's running for President, and they have been lawless in their efforts without any accountability. The democrats walk like, talk like and act like communist tyrants. There is no longer any mystery about who they are.
Ever notice how many never Trumpers there are among the Republicans? How chummy Obama, Biden, Clinton and Bush are? Let's not forget The Patriot Act authored by Bush. I still hold out hope since the republican base stood rock solid in 2016 against a party establishment that always tells us what candidates we can choose from. We are walking an inflection point in history. May the inflection go in a positive direction for humanity.
But Trump was encouraged to run by Bill Clinton (remember, met before declared) to split anti GOPe vote so Jeb or other Lame GOP got in (Brother lied to USA Islam means Peace when means Submission to Allah and did not push for Ban Islam COTUS Amendment after 9-11)
Many things Trump did and did not do are inexplicable unless he bought or extorted which TXIconoclast puts at 50/50.
Rubiot who swore to do everything to stop Trump gave nomination to Trump by refusing to drop after total failure. This split anti Trump majority giving Trump many winner take all primary states
Fox pimped Trump not Cruz because Fox is not conservative
Fox is a business and are rating whores and Trump better for ratings than Cruz
Thank you for your insight. I had never considered such extreme similarities. Pelosi, Biden, Clintons, McConnel immediately came to mind. I simply do not understand how so many Americans refuse to see what is happening to our country.
The most damning thing you can say about millions of Americans is that they don't know what they don't know. If they had even a smidgeon of knowledge about history and economics Harris would be dead in the water. That they don't is a testament to the enormous success of teachers' unions.
Identification of Enemies as a Unifying Cause (the rich are evil, companies are greedy and evil)
disdain for individual rights (you only have individual rights that agree with theirs)
Control over energy (absolutely)
Controlled Mass Media ( Yup, check)
Control over Communications ( yup )
School Indoctrination ( working on that)
Attacks on free speech (yup)
Warrantless Spying ( yup)
Doomsday Fear-Mongering ( their entire campaign is based on this)
So. Yeah, pretty accurate that are. They continue to call Trump the Fascist but he has done nothing to support the claim, believes in personal freedom and wants to return the Republic back to the way it was designed, giving the power back to the states where it belongs.
What an unbelievably dumb article. I lost braincells reading this shit. Words actually mean something, you can't just apply the word "communism" to capitalist liberals and pretend like you're engaging in serious analysis. Anyone who espouses this kind of cringeworthy braindead "up is down and black is white" type stupidity should be considered permanently discredited as an infantile unserious political analyst.
I lived for 35 years under comunismo in Estern Germany. You have no idea what you are taking about. Maybe you studied history, but if so, the communism part of it not quote good enough
So This Is What The DNC Participants Are Celebrating About Their Candidates.....They Just Don't Know It Yet...“Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.”
Winston Churchill
Those who bought Kamala’s utterly fake performance in the debate as successful and choose to vote for her are a serious threat to the country. Most everyone agrees that she was the most radical of leftist senators while she held that office; she is to the left of Bernie Sanders, an avowed socialist. If Harris were to become president, it’s fair to say that she would be the first democratic socialist candidate to fill the position in the 248-year history of the United States.
You should give up social security benefits and Medicare.
What is your point? Many of us have paid our taxes, social security, and Medicare for decades. Most citizens did not have a say in those laws but as citizens we dutifully followed the law. Best I can tell, the lawmakers and responsible Govt. administrators did not uphold their duty to the people by properly managing the budget. Goes back to that centuries old "Taxation without Representation" dilemma. Our money is still being misappropriated at an alarming rate of debt for political causes that do not benefit our citizens but rather for opportunistic self-serving special interests.
To be against Socialism you have to against the elements of it in our society and that would be the Social Security system. if you took a stand against Social Security you would lose because everyone wants it including those who are against Socialism. We also have a system that benefits corporations. We are more of a Corporate Welfare state than anything else. When we bail out a corporation to the tune billions a good chunk of that goes to the shareholder. It allows a corporation to be irresponsible knowing DC will bail it out.
I am against a system that is corrupt and abuses its power at the expense of its citizens. Both political parties have fallen victim to this. There was a time, our common and most important bond was being a country of proud Americans. Today, we are bombarded 24/7 by divisive hateful political games. The deception and "soap opera" drama just never ends. The reality to me is that 24/7 politics with no results is a huge money maker for some. The elephant is in the room and we are swattin' at gnats.
I would love to. Just give me back all the money that the government confiscated from me while I worked my ass off for 40 plus years.
Two of the biggest Ponzi scheme frauds ever perpetrated.
But the fact of the matter is we do have a Social Security program, Medicare, Medicaid, Food stamps and so much more . Economic socialism is found in every modern government system including in Capitalism, Communism and Fascism . It is the social aspect of Socialism that is not good It tends to favor the equality concepts of gender and race. which can go too far.
I think it was Keyser Soze who said "the greatest trick the devil ever pulled is convincing the world he does not exist."
And that, it appears, is Communism's greatest trick: convincing the world that Communism is just Socialism with a different accent.
I would say Democrats are not Communists. Yet. They would like to be (talk to Bernie Sanders). But they don't want to be known as Communists. Socialists, ok. But not Communists. Because the intellectual hangover we still share from the 1940's and '50's is of the Soviets gobbling up neighboring countries and murdering millions of intellectuals and Kulaks.
I remember those days, but I'm at the extreme right side of the age bell curve for the American population. But I remember them well enough NOT to use the word "Communist" to describe anyone who does not ask to be described that way. Today's Democrats would rather use the word Socialists, but when my age cohort is in the grave and memories of Stalin and Mao have grown dim, that might change.
The question I would ask is, do today's Democrats so crave power that they will use the tactics of the Soviet and Chinese Communist Party to acquire it? Not yet. But they're inching in that direction, taking over parts of the economy that should not be in the hands of the government, according to our founding fathers, or involving themselves in matters like family and marriage that were formerly reserved to the church, or making education a function of the federal government, and so on and so forth. IOW, Democrats don't want to limit themselves to being an institution created to find and support political candidates and platforms: they want to be your doctor, your preacher, your teacher, and the institution that arbitrates all aspects of your social, cultural and economic life. In short, they want power over you. All the while letting you think your vote gives you agency over your future.
Which is what us old farts remember of the 40's and 50's Soviet Communists, and so think total control is the hallmark of Communism. But the Democrats would have us believe they want what is good for us, not total control of their subjects. They want us to believe Communism does not exist.
“do today's Democrats so crave power that they will use the tactics of the Soviet and Chinese Communist Party to acquire it? Not yet. But they're inching in that direction”
You can certainly argue more than inching. Law fair against 3rd party candidates, the opposition party, January 6ers. Political prisoners, J6ers, Trump, and more. This from CNN 11 Trump associates have now been charged with crimes.
Assassinations: asserted but not proven. I asked a normal Democrat if it was okay for Obama to drone kill a U.S. citizen. Response: “If it is in the country’s best interests”. I have little doubt what will happen if the Democrats come to full power.
LOL i.e.
If for the "Common Good"
All Flavors of Collectivism are Evil
Reason Together :
It’s now quite legal for an American President to kill citizens because a Republican-appointed SCOTUS abandoned Magna Carta, ‘donated’ by KingJohn and his nobles.
This is the first principle underlying all English-descended law :
=> No one is above the law, not even the King (President) <=
Will any elected Congress ever correct this SCOTUS travesty and add Magna Carta to the Constitution?
Maybe every politician would rather eliminate opponents … legally!
“they want to be your doctor, your preacher, your teacher, and the institution that arbitrates all aspects of your social, cultural and economic life.”
I don't know your age but your mind is clearly still sharp! Your comment is better written than pretty much everything I have read on the so called news sites today or any day for that matter.
Flier, great post. There’s an upcoming vote in the UN (Sept ‘24) that not many are talking about. Biden/Harris (and their oligarch puppeteers) currently support a USA ‘yes’ vote to a Pact, that if passed, paves the way to a New World Order. If Pact is approved, and there is ever a ‘global shock’ or ‘emergency’ in the future (event defined as such only by the UN), the USA cedes power to the UN to address that crisis. This meeting & vote has been in the works for some time, but picked up serious steam in the spring of 2023. Stealth communism coming our way.
OMG, we gotta get out of the UN and get the UN out of the U.S.
I lived in Sweden. I think of myself as a moderate liberal snd definitely a socialist. Private medicine is corrupt and attracts corruption. Same with prescription drugs. Doctors should be salaried employees of the government run healthcare system. Private hedge funds, etc. cannot buy North American exclusives on drugs developed in Europe. The inventor applies for a U.S. patent or the drug is generic. Procedure rates are set. Everyone paying into the system is covered. No one not paying into the system is covered except for a one time emergency. I want socialist retirement accounts, socialist management if River and streams, fishing snd hunting. I want big corporations regulated, Democrats are Nazi’s. That look the other way about corruption and the human cost of wars, aggressive corporate predators, etc. I am an independent, but could easily be a Republican. It’s how I usually vote.
Marx saw communìsm as a staging post to inevitable socialism. To a communist the two things are distinct. It's handy to understand something you wish to critique
Lenin Said The Goal of Socialism is Communism
Socialism is the Bait & Switch False Advertising for End Stage Collectivism which is Totalitarianism in the Form of Communism or Fascism
Marx was a Parasite Dipshit with no real world experience and was a raging anti-semite
Socialism has been consistently failing for close to 200 years
DFW is built among the ruins of a failed socialist colony of followers of Fourier (not the cage), a predecessor and influence on Marx.
The Colony was called La Reunion and existed for a few years in 1840s or 1850s
ReUnion Tower along with the Hyatt Regency ReUnion and the torn down ReUnion Arena were named for it because a Hunt family employee learned it used to be across the river im the ReUnion Complex. The employee understood it to be an artist's colony but apparently didn't know it was a Socialist Fourier one.
I think you confused Fourier with Farraday.
Partially Correct. I meant Fourier but should have said Box (Fourier) not Cage (Faraday).
My wife grew up in China during the Cultural Revolution. The events of the last several years have frightened her. She said the democrat party behaves just like the communists at that time.
If The Dims win we will have Communism in the USA. Wake up and smell the coffee.
Same principles, same behavior.
Consider if you will the model of the disenchanted Eric Blair dba George Orwell. Vladimir Putin the follow-on to the Man of Steel runs Eurasia. Xi Jinping heir to the Deng Xiaoping Strike Hard philosophy rules Eastasia. Oceania is at present a disparate array of Five Eyes totalitarians, EU tyrants, WEF elites, CONUS barbarians still wrestling with their brownshirts.
Your allusion to Leni Riefenstahl is apt; today's media is a combination of the unified dogma of Volkischer Beobachter and Pravda/Izvestia roping together the deep state flotilla of Mockingbird Media, the 1949 creation of CIA's Frank Wisner.
No one is communist as it isn't about ideology--it's about power. Just as everything is about sex except sex which is about control; all the shrieking fairies of advertising to the contrary notwithstanding, the competing brands are identical but separate hierarchies.
Democrats seek to destroy any residual value in life, any order in society, any ownership in property, any security in living. Chaos and scarcity with an underlying theme of class warfare, racial hatred, disdain for any spiritual tenacity or individual worth.
Aided by fentanyl and marijuana in a nod to Huxley's soma, they preside over urban nightmares on a par with London in 1984. One Party. Historical revision cracks the whip discouraging thoughtcrime and in the end everyone loves Big Brother and prays for the bullet.
Trump is Emanuel Goldstein roasted on the two-minutes hate by all, Comrade Kamala, Tampon Rambo, the Grand Mufti of Martha's Vineyard. Joseph B. is in his glass box in the mausoleum as the military streams past the parapet lined with not-yet-airbrushed Heroes of the Revolution.
July 13th will be memorialized as Power Comes out of the Barrel of a Gun Day. Please have your abortion or vasectomy card stamped on your way out.
Holy crap! Brilliant, Buddy!
Please put this 1971 Saul Alinsky’s 12 Rules for Radicals, into your browser, and notice all these rules have been accomplished by Hussein Obama and his puppet Biden. Cackle Harris and her Chinese Appeaser Vice President will carry on these rules for RADICALS.
Read 45 Communist Goals for America that was read into Congressional Record Jan 19 1963 by Florida Congressman
Most All have been achieved in whole or part. Note #15 in relation to Trump aka Orange Nero.
TXIconoclast posted it (with annotation) in his channel and also RealTrumpFacts both on Telegram. His Twitter was restored and suspended again by con man Musk
Was Barack Obama running for president last night? He canonized Joe Biden, whom he once fawned over. The voter drones were obvious; the lack of policies, excepting and including the Road To Serfdom, were obvious.
Hasn't Obama been running the country (behind the curtain) along with his chief moneymen, the Soros Family and their pals like Wyss, et al., for the last four years?
When Kamala started about "price controls" for certain goods, particularly groceries, I did perk up a bit - isn't this what they do in (at least) Socialist countries?!? How will that crash the economy (doubtless) and how will they lie to work around that?!? Have thought this through and conclude: Anyone, anyone at all, who votes to continue what we've had for nearly four years that only promises to get worse is a fool. I choose not to contribute to that, but hope enough others wake up to reverse this course....
Lame GOP should reflexively object to most Collectivist Party ideas as unconstitutional
Fed Gov has NO power to regulate Prices or Wages in intrastate commerce.
Likely does not in interstate either.
Roger, On a recent visit to Seattle, I was aghast to see a full size statue of Lenin that had been imported from Eastern Europe after it was toppled there. I kid you not. Truthfully, it was bought by a restaurant owner who thought of it as a cute gimmick, but it still stands in a little corner street park in Fremont, ironically near all the tech company buildings.... Ugh. I also noticed some leaflets in Seattle near the university exhorting people to join the comunist party... Made me glad we left the West Coast and moved to SC... -Amy
What you fail to note is that the statue is a "democratic" Lenin statue. You know... the good kind of despotism.
Same was done by Goff Hamburgers in Very Conservative Park Cities in DFW
But DFW built among the Ruins of a Fourier Socialist Colony. He a predecessor and influence on parasite ivory tower anti Semite Marx
I've never considered the Democrats to be Communists or heading toward Communism since that particular leftist manifestation is so inextricably linked to class struggle. Except for a few mal-raised, superficial intellectuals who were seen scurrying along the streets of downtown New York with their red flags and timidly shouting Communist propaganda a few weeks ago, the Left has moved on to race as the rallying point for political revolution.
As a student of the works of A. James Gregor, I would like to add that as the Marxists began realizing command economies were causing economic havoc, they "fell back" to economic Fascism - defined as an economic system allowing some free market activity but heavily regulated by the central state. This is what China did and where, I think, the Democrats are trying to take this country. What's happening in California, New York, and other blue states with their population losses is the natural result of attempting to implement Fascistic economies and the reaction of free people to it.
All true, Stephen. But the marxists began to divorce themself from "class struggle" a while back when the Frankfurt School arrived and the march through the institutions began. Thanks to them and Deng it has never been the same. The workers are no longer interesting to marxists.
Cultural Marxism peacefully coexists with economic fascism, and each obscures the other. The truly powerful Cultural Marxists aren't scurrying around coffeehouses, though; they are training future kindergarden teachers and have been for decades.
The takeover of the teacher-training departments began in the late Sixties and was accelerated and more deeply radicalized when the iconic domestic terrorists of the Sixties and Seventies emerged from hiding and immediately rose to top positions of power in the teacher training establishment. Their second, successful revolution was the bloodless takeover of K-12.
Of all the data points I find chilling, the most chilling one to me is the vast swing in political climate in academic departments of teacher training. In 1963, surveys showed these departments to be the most socially conservative on campuses: by 1973 they were the most left-leaning, and that was before they really fell off the cliff.
I took a tutoring job in South Atlanta several years back in an after-school center in a neighborhood so utterly dysfunctional that the center had 16 foot fences topped with barbed wire surrounding it. The 12-year old child I was assigned couldn't read, write, or do basic mathematics at anywhere near his grade level (like the majority of his peers). But the lesson plan they wanted me to teach him was literally about how Pinochet was like the contemporary Republican Party. There was no nuance in the messaging, much like the speeches at the DNC this week.
I'm not surprised VP Candidate Walz was a social studies teacher.
AGREE totally
Isn't this more akin to fascism per Mussolini and Hitler who coopted and rewarded the large industrial firms with large state grants to further their fascist takeover of Italy and Germany. There is an historic novel by a French author, Eric Vuillard, "L'Ordre du Jour" (there is an English translation as "Order of the Day") and in one chapter Goebbels holds a meeting with the leading German industrialists, Siemens, Krupp, Opel, et al., and he berates and terrorizes them and orders them to adhere to Hitler and the Nazi's plans for Germany's economy. This seems to me what has happened in the USA with Wall Street, Silicon Valley, and Hollywood's obsequious adherence to the Dems' industrial policies in exchange for lucrative government grants and other largesse, e.g., Solyndra, Green New Deal, etc.
Yes. We have said for a long time the NOW WORLD ORDER is:
Xi China (bc Clintons)
Putin Russia (Clinton's didn't stop)
Mainstream DEMs
North Korea
Progressive DEMs
Saudi Arabia
too many more to mention
The Most Successful Fascist Oligarch in the History of Earth is….
Elon Musk
Why we refer to the Left as Collectivists. We do not debate sub flavors of Socialism. All flavors and sub flavors of Collectivism are inherently evil
Y’all News to Read 45 Communist Goals for America Read into the Congressional Record Jan 10, 1963 by a FL Congressman
Most All have been achieved in whole or in part
Note #15 in Context of Trump
I will post here under my account or if on Telegram:
Note many wealthy and powerful backed.the Russian Social Democrats. After the Revolutions they renamed as Communists and murdered those same benefactors
GOP would be wise to publicize this but GOP is: ----
-Trump Cult Orange RINOs
-Traditional RINOs
-Ex Dems
-Opportunistic Coattailers
-Chamberlain Diseased (Roy, Paul, Massie)
The Abbott, Cruz, TXIconoclast GOP faction of Wise Constitutional Conservative Fighters is tiny
There are many ways to get us to a class struggle. Race antagonism leads to distrust, which leads to fighting each other and bringing all of us down until we are one big peasant class, with no private property except for the rulers and bureaucrats. Look around at what is going on in housing, with those running the financial markets inflating and then crashing the financial system, followed by "investors" swooping in to buy up the homes of the middle and lower classes. These homes are often turned into rentals, and there are entire suburbs being built as rentals. The first one I heard about gave me a WTF! The family home is the primary way for the middle class to pass something to heirs, but if there are only rentals or overinflated home prices, this goes downhill. One can save $ in various accounts, which can be turned to a green mist by the reindeer games in the financial markets. Think of the fundamentals: food, water and shelter. Small farms and homes are being absorbed from above, and most don't have any input into their potable water access unless in an area where residential well drilling is legal.
Well-put. When we rented a very modest house in a nearly rural subdivision until we could sell our other home during a job transfer, I learned that the local real estate company was merely supervising the rentals for the owners -- in China -- a shell corporation buying up houses all over the region.
Collectivist Tactics
#1 Lying
#2 Division
Why Diversity? Because Diversity is Divisive.
Islam & Collectivism are Both
Violent Supremacist Totalitarian Cult Ideologies
Mainstream DEMs are Fascist
Progressive DEMs are Communist
UN EU WEF are all Fascist
Communista became Fascists after consistent failure of Communism and relative success of Fascist China and Russia under Xi and Putin
All Govt Collectivism is Evil
The political party in the U.S., still known and labeled as the "Democrat" party received a 100% endorsement of it's platform of policies, FROM THE COMMUNIST PARTY U.S.A., at the "Democrat" National Convention in 2012.
Bottom line? THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A "DEMOCRAT" (in the historical sense of that name), in the U.S. anymore. When you examine closely the policies favored by "Democrat" politicians/ political operatives, you discover their agenda of ever creeping, ever advance MARXIST/COMMUNIST "SOCIALIST" POLICIES.
Pretty much EVERY political operative in the U.S. today, claiming to be a "Democrat" is, in truth A TREACHEROUS, TREASONOUS, MARXIST/COMMUNIST LIAR, masquerading as a "Democrat".
Barack HUSSEIN Obama was the most open "COMMUNIST SYMPATHIZING" U.S. President ever seen.
Mainstream DEMs are Fascist
Progressive DEMs are Communist
They wish to emulate Xi China and Putin RF
There is no private property or billionaires
You conflate Totalitarian Fascism with Totalitarian Communism
Not sure you capitalised enough random words for emphasis.
The communist tyrants that are the so-called democrat party have worked in earnest for many years. They have controlled the 3-legged stool of media, education and government to advance their tyrannical efforts. They play the long game. It really took hold during the Clinton administration and has mushroomed since. How can you NOT call Hillary Clinton a tyrant? We have had coup taking place for almost a decade now. The deep (communist) state has been trying to get rid of Trump in any way possible. Prayerfully, it will bloodless, but the corrupt judiciary is trying to jail him while he's running for President, and they have been lawless in their efforts without any accountability. The democrats walk like, talk like and act like communist tyrants. There is no longer any mystery about who they are.
Ever notice how many never Trumpers there are among the Republicans? How chummy Obama, Biden, Clinton and Bush are? Let's not forget The Patriot Act authored by Bush. I still hold out hope since the republican base stood rock solid in 2016 against a party establishment that always tells us what candidates we can choose from. We are walking an inflection point in history. May the inflection go in a positive direction for humanity.
2016 2/3 of GOP was anti GOPe
Cruz was poised to run away with nomination
But Trump was encouraged to run by Bill Clinton (remember, met before declared) to split anti GOPe vote so Jeb or other Lame GOP got in (Brother lied to USA Islam means Peace when means Submission to Allah and did not push for Ban Islam COTUS Amendment after 9-11)
Many things Trump did and did not do are inexplicable unless he bought or extorted which TXIconoclast puts at 50/50.
Rubiot who swore to do everything to stop Trump gave nomination to Trump by refusing to drop after total failure. This split anti Trump majority giving Trump many winner take all primary states
Fox pimped Trump not Cruz because Fox is not conservative
Fox is a business and are rating whores and Trump better for ratings than Cruz
We definitely had a coup…and it was orchestrated by Bush Republicans like Comey and McCabe and Rosenstein and Mueller and McGahn.
Mainstream DEMs are Fascist
Progressive DEMs are Communist
They wish to emulate Xi China and Putin RF
There is no private property or billionaires
You conflate Totalitarian Fascism with Totalitarian Communism
Thank you for your insight. I had never considered such extreme similarities. Pelosi, Biden, Clintons, McConnel immediately came to mind. I simply do not understand how so many Americans refuse to see what is happening to our country.
Most of GOP only slightly less blind and ignorant than DEMs
Why we stuck with Orange Nero & BumbleFuck Biden not Cruz 2017-2024
and Orange Nero or Cackles the HoTard 2025-? Not Abbott (with Cruz as AG)
It's because they're using Facebook and TikTok as news sources.
As opposed to reading history, learning how to think critically, and actually seeking out the truth. You are spot on.
The most damning thing you can say about millions of Americans is that they don't know what they don't know. If they had even a smidgeon of knowledge about history and economics Harris would be dead in the water. That they don't is a testament to the enormous success of teachers' unions.
Early warning signs of Fascism-
Destruction of Religion (Maybe)
Gun Confiscation (They are trying)
Identification of Enemies as a Unifying Cause (the rich are evil, companies are greedy and evil)
disdain for individual rights (you only have individual rights that agree with theirs)
Control over energy (absolutely)
Controlled Mass Media ( Yup, check)
Control over Communications ( yup )
School Indoctrination ( working on that)
Attacks on free speech (yup)
Warrantless Spying ( yup)
Doomsday Fear-Mongering ( their entire campaign is based on this)
So. Yeah, pretty accurate that are. They continue to call Trump the Fascist but he has done nothing to support the claim, believes in personal freedom and wants to return the Republic back to the way it was designed, giving the power back to the states where it belongs.
Utopia requires conformity, and conformity requires surveillance.
What an unbelievably dumb article. I lost braincells reading this shit. Words actually mean something, you can't just apply the word "communism" to capitalist liberals and pretend like you're engaging in serious analysis. Anyone who espouses this kind of cringeworthy braindead "up is down and black is white" type stupidity should be considered permanently discredited as an infantile unserious political analyst.
Fascists are Authoritarian but So are Communists
Xi China
Putin RF
Mainstream Dems are All Fascist
Fascism is Collectivist just as Communism and Socialism are
Learn what Fascism Is
Your Collectivist Party uses Fascism as if it Synonymous with Authoritarian
Mainstream DEMs are Fascist
Progressive DEMs are Communist
They wish to emulate Xi China and Putin RF
There is no private property or billionaires in communism
I lived for 35 years under comunismo in Estern Germany. You have no idea what you are taking about. Maybe you studied history, but if so, the communism part of it not quote good enough